Job Commitment Project Topics for Final Year Students
The primary purpose of this online platform is to provide students with a quick and easy way to access important resources and project materials. This library is a valuable resource for researchers looking to delve into topics focused on Job Commitment. Presented below is a carefully selected list of relevant Job Commitment topics suitable for project research.
List of Related Project Topics on Job Commitment
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Can the material for “Secondary School Students Failure in English Language” be used as a guide for English Education Project?
Yes it can be used — The study was carried out to examine the Secondary School Students Failure in English Language. In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were laid out to examine students factors militating against the teaching and learning of the English language and attitude and interest of students towards the nature of English language contribute deeply to their mass failure in JSSCE especially in English language. Investigation revealed that teachers’ inability to prepare to enable them interpret the curriculum accurately and implement it effectively has put a serious challenge in teaching and learning of English Language. This poor performance may imply that the students have not grasped the basic language skills. The research design used in this report is descriptive design, utilizing …
Can the material for “Effective Material Management in Building Construction Site” be used as a guide for Building Technology Education Project?
Yes it can be used — This research work traces the impact of effective material management in building construction site and a case study of Imo State of Nigeria as it obtainable in other developed parts of the country. This is very crucial, more so when materials gulp about 60% of the estimated cost of any given project. The introduction part to the research estimated basic definitions for management of materials and effective projects delivery respectively to put them into proper perspectives. On the other hand, the literature review discussed the following sub-heads of the term of reference: Sourcing of materials and requisition, Transportation and handling, Receiving and storage of materials on site, Issuing of materials for use and Quality inspection and control. Also of structural …
Can the material for “Globalization Strategies Employed by Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) for the Growth and Sustainability” be used as a guide for Entrepreneurship Project?
Yes it can be used — The study was carried out to investigate the Globalization Strategies Employed by Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) for the Growth and Sustainability using Star paper mill limited Aba, Abia State as a case study. Investigation revealed that the problem facing small and medium scale business as a result of the economic downfall, there are a number of bottlenecks, including services under capitalization with difficulty in gaining access to bank credits and other financial markets. The research design used in this report is descriptive design, utilizing questionnaire method to obtain information from the respondents for this project. A total of 150 (one hundred and fifty) respondents were selected for this study to represent the entire population of the study. For null …
Is the topic “Development of an Enhanced Check Pointing Technique in Grid Computing Using Programmer Level Controls” recommended for Computer Science (CS) Project?
Yes it is highly recommended — Grid computing is a collection of computer resources from multiple locations assembled to provide computational services, storage, data or application services. Grid computing users gain access to computing resources with little or no knowledge of where those resources are located or what the underlying technologies, hardware, operating system, and so on are. Reliability and performance are among the key challenges to deal with in grid computing environments. Accordingly, grid scheduling algorithms have been proposed to reduce the likelihood of resource failure and to reduce the overhead of recovering from resource failure. Checkpointing is one of the faulttolerance techniques when resources fail. This technique reduces the work lost due to resource faults but can introduce significant runtime overhead. This research provided …
Can the material for “The Impact of Capital Formation on Economic Growth in Nigeria” be used as a guide for Economics Project?
Yes it can be used — Capital formation is one of the major determinants of economic growth. Literature is replete with the extent to which capital formation can engineer the growth of nations. There is a conventional perception that the most pertinent obstacle to economic growth is shortage of capital. This work analyses capital formation and its impact on the Nigerian economy. The work studies the extent to which capital formation effects economic growth in Nigeria. Making use of the classical linear regression model (CLRM) through the ordinary least square (OLS) method, the impact of capital formation on the Nigeria’s economic growth was examined. The result showed that capital formation has a significant impact on economic growth. The work goes further to analyse the determinants of capital …
Can the material for “Feminist Perspectives in Ama Ata Aidoo’s Changes and Ifeoma Okoye’s Behind the Clouds” be used as a guide for English Language Project?
Yes it can be used — There are different perspectives to gender issues, but this work has limited its review to the womanist perspective in Aidoo’s CHANGES and Okoye’s BEHIND THE CLOUDS. In establishing the perspective, a study of both writers looking critically into their literary and their ideology on womanism is carried out. The writers standpoint on the womanist approach under feminist theory in the analysis of the selected works, exposes us to the fact that gender issues in relation to feminism is an attempt to describe and interpret women experiences as portrayed by their female characters. The writers having used womanist theory seeks to avert the thrust in which women have the same inalienability rights to their male counterparts deserve to be treated equally. …
Can the material for “Effects of Pidgin English in Standard English Usage Among Students in Selected Secondary Schools” be used as a guide for English Language Project?
Yes it can be used — The use of Pidgin English in the Nigerian context has gone beyond verbal communication to become more of a mode of behaviour as its expression has moved from informal conversation to formal situations. This above scenario necessitated this study which investigates the effects of Pidgin English on Standard English usage among selected secondary schools in Eha-Amufu in Isi-Uzo L. G. A. Using the descriptive research design and the questionnaire as the research instruments, data were collected from a sample of 200 students and 35 teachers from four selected secondary schools in Eha-Amufu. Also, copies of the written essays of the selected students were analysed to complement results from the questionnaire. Findings reveal that the use of Pidgin English is traceable …
Is the topic “A Comparative Assessment of the Use of “ict” in Teaching Biology” recommended for Education Project?
Yes it is highly recommended — This study examines the relationship between information and communication technology and academic performance of students in Biology. It investigates the use, importance and significance of ICT in teaching Biology in secondary schools in Ile-Ife, Osun State. The data were the WAEC results of four schools for three consecutive years (2010, 2011 and 2012). Analyses were done using simple percentage method and recommendations were based on the research findings. …
Is the topic “An Evaluation of the Effects of Relationships Marketing in Achieving Competitive Advantage in Commercial Banks” recommended for Public Administration (PA) Project?
Yes it is highly recommended — This research question has been to examine the influence of relationship marketing in achieving competitive advantage in commercial banks. United bank for Africa (UBA) is the case study. The common view of the researcher is to prove that relationship marketing is necessary for any bank to be able to compete and survive in today’s market place. The objective of the research work is to find out if the banking industry is adopting relationship marketing, to ascertain the impact of relationship marketing in the practices of the banking industry and to find out its profitability in the banking industry after which the topic will be narrowed to the effect of relationship marketing in united bank for Africa (UBA) the researcher adapted …
Can the material for “Cash Budgeting as a Basis for Making a Decision” be used as a guide for Banking and Finance (BF) Project?
Yes it can be used — The research project was on cash budgeting as a basis for making a decision. The whole work has been divided into five chapter. Chapter one: Introduction of the project. Chapter two talks on literature review, Chapter three, takes eared of the methodology, Chapter four is about findings and chapter five is about conclusion and recommendation. In carrying out this project, the research based only on the secondary sources of data collection. In case of secondary approach she (researcher) utilized library research (text books) journals and unpublished lectures. The researcher found out that some projects were stated and abandoned half way while some other establishments adhere strictly to their cash budgets. In her conclusion, the researcher said that cash budgeting was an impact management toll …