1.1 Background Of The Study
According to Muthuveloo and Rose (2005), organizational commitment refers to the ability of employees to be loyal and identify with the organization in relations to the duties and responsibilities being held. In organizational commitment, the employees identify themselves with the goals and values of the organization they work for to enable it achieve increased performance ( Herscovitch & Meyer,2002).They argued that commitment can be informs of Affective, Normative and Continuance. Commitment comes with job related behaviors such as reduced absenteeism and this leads to effective quality service. Affective commitment is related to emotional attachment to the organization based on positive feelings of the job characteristics. This type of commitment is associated with job age and organizational tenure (Rowden, 2003).Continuance commitment emerges when the employee perceives the cost of leaving being high and decides to remain with the organization. And then normative commitment refers to an employee's obligation to stay working with the organization due to clear understanding of organizational goals and values (Meyer & Allen 1991; & Allen 1997). It is best therefore to select the right strategy for increasing organizational commitment based on your workplace culture and current objectives.
Byars and Rue (2006) define job performance as the extent to which an employee accomplishes the task that make up his/her job. It can be defined as the record of outcomes produced during a specific job over a specific time (Williams 1998).Performance is a measureof
how well an employee meets the standards that are required on a specific job. Job performance refers to the quality and quantity necessary to meet work goals that are agreed upon by employees and their Managers .Therefore job performance can be evaluated as good or bad if the standards of the performance have been agreed upon by the employee and management. According to porter and Lawler (sited in Luneburg &Ornstein),”perceived equitable rewards are a major input in to employee satisfaction” The output of one's job are all the things the employee receives as a result of performing the job like salary, promotion, fringe benefits, job security, working conditions and so forth (Lunenburg&Ornstein,2004,128).The inputs include such aspects as educational qualification, work experience, professional training, personal ability, personality characteristics among others which bring with them to institution (Lunenburg, Ornstein 2004).In addition, workers are expecting to see justice and fairness in terms of work they do and fruits of their work. In short theory claims workers assess whether there is fairness in what they get doing job. They do so by using what the author refers to as “the process of social comparison” (Lunenburg, Ornstein 2004 128) this implies that if the employees are fairly rewarded, they become happy or contented with their job and the opposite is true. According to Grusky rewards are among the most important factors which influence the strength of a person's attachment to an organization. He says that if a 29 person discovers that he cannot obtain the rewards he original desired, he either leaves the organization or joins another, or if it's not possible, he accepts those rewards which he can obtain and at the same time feels less committed to the organization. On the other hand, obtaining rewards sought operate to further his felt obligation to the organization and thus commitment is strengthened.
Shanks (2007) notes that extrinsic (external) rewards are „a host of external things that managers can provide that may serve as incentives for employees to increase productivity‟ (2007). These include money, benefits, bonuses, promotions, flexible schedules etc. According to Shanks, intrinsic (internal) rewards are internal to the individual and are in many ways less tangible. In fact, they are highly subjective, in that they represent how the individual perceives and feels about work and its value‟ (2007:30). Malhotra et al (2007:2098) argue that „intrinsic rewards are inherent in the content of the job itself‟ and include „motivational characteristics such as skill variety, autonomy and feedback‟ as well as employee participation
For the purpose of this study, job performance will be defined as the output required for employees, measured against specific set standards, which contribute toward attainment of organizational goals.
Employee job satisfaction literally means how contented an individual is with his/her job or the pleasurable emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one's job, an affective reaction and attitude to one's own job. As an element in organizational management, employee job satisfaction has also been defined differently by different scholars. For example, according to Locke (1976), job satisfaction is an emotional reaction that results from the perception that one's job fulfills or allows the fulfillment of one's important job values, providing and to the degree that those values are congruent with one's needs. Sowmya and Panchanatham (2011) also defined job satisfaction as the feelings that an individual has about his/her job while Professor Kim, Yunki (2001) defined it as the emotional reaction to an employee's work situation.
For uniform understanding however, in this study, job satisfaction will be understood as the emotional reaction, feelings and preferences that employees have towards their job
Bateganya (2010) reported, that results clearly show that severer workload challenge faced by nursing in Uganda are impacting patient care and health outcome which if remain unaddressed will lead to dissatisfaction, low commitment and additional exodus of nurses from the profession within our country and the continued erosion of Uganda's health system. Only 12% of nurses in Uganda say that they are satisfied with nursing as a career, making Uganda among the lowest of the countries surveyed.
1.2 Problem statement
In Uganda, the health sector particularly in public hospitals employees witness low levels of job satisfaction, job performance leading to low levels of organizational commitment. This is based on a study carried out by Nabirye (V.C) 2010 in her study of occupational stress, job satisfaction and job performance among nurses in Kampala. Her findings demonstrated that, there were significant differences in the levels of job satisfaction and job performance between the public and private hospitals. Nurses in public hospitals reported low levels of job satisfaction and low levels of job performance negatively affecting organizational commitment. Therefore if such issues are not addressed, low levels of organizational commitment, job performance and job satisfaction will bewitnessed.
1.3 Purpose of the Study.
To find out the relationship between organizational commitment, job performance and job satisfaction among employees of Concern for the Girl Child in Kampala district.
1.4 Objectives of the Study
- To find out whether organizational commitment and job performance are related.
- To find out whether job performance and job satisfaction are related.
- To find out whether organizational commitment and job satisfaction ar related.
1.5 Scope of the Study
This research was limited to organizational commitment, job performance and job satisfaction. It was carried out at Concern for the Girl Child at Ntinda head office in Kampala and it took period of 2 month in which the researcher was able to collect the relevant data required
1.6 Significance of the Study
The study is a contribution to those in the human resource department enabling them to understand and implement the different steps used to keep employees committed in theirjobs.
The study is also a contribution to the body of knowledge relating to organizational commitment, job satisfaction and job performance.
2.0 Literature Review
2.1 Introduction
The review of relevant literature is the main topic of this chapter. A literature review covers theoretical and methodological contributions to a certain issue in addition to the state of knowledge at the time of writing. It provides information about the state of the art in relation to the subject you are writing about. It examines the body of work on the chosen subject. The literature evaluation in this study comprises the …
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- Title page
- Approval page
- Dedication
- Acknowledgement
- Table of Contents
- Abstract
- 1.1 Background …
- ⋮
- 2.1 Introduction
- 2.2 Conceptual Review
- 2.3 Theoretical Framework
- ⋮
- 2.4 Empirical Studies
- 3.1 Introduction
- 3.2 Research Design
- 3.3 Population of Study
- 3.4 Sampling and Sampling Technique
- 3.5 Validation of Research Instrument
- 3.6 Method of Data Collection
- 3.7 Method of Data Analysis
- 3.8 Questionnaire Administration
- 3.9 Ethical Consideration
- 3.10 Statistical Analysis
- 4.1 Introduction
- 4.2 Presentation and Analysis of Data
- 4.3 Re-statement of Research Questions
- 4.4 Test of Hypotheses
- 4.5 Discussion of Findings
- 5.1 Introduction
- 5.2 Summary of Findings
- 5.3 Conclusion
- 5.4 Recommendation
- 5.5 Suggestion for Further Study
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The displayed research work titled "Relationship Between Organizational Commitment, Job Performance and Job Satisfaction Among Employees" is stated as a research guideline towards accomplishing your assigned project / seminar research work. All the research materials on this website are ONLY for research purposes and should be used as a guideline in developing your research work. For no reason should you copy word for word as will not be liable for any who copied the material. By ordering the complete research guideline, it signifies that you've accepted our terms of service.
- Title page
- Approval page
- Dedication
- Acknowledgement
- Table of Contents
- Abstract
- 1.1 Background …
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- 2.1 Introduction
- 2.2 Conceptual Review
- 2.3 Theoretical Framework
- ⋮
- 2.4 Empirical Studies
- 3.1 Introduction
- 3.2 Research Design
- 3.3 Population of Study
- 3.4 Sampling and Sampling Technique
- 3.5 Validation of Research Instrument
- 3.6 Method of Data Collection
- 3.7 Method of Data Analysis
- 3.8 Questionnaire Administration
- 3.9 Ethical Consideration
- 3.10 Statistical Analysis
- 4.1 Introduction
- 4.2 Presentation and Analysis of Data
- 4.3 Re-statement of Research Questions
- 4.4 Test of Hypotheses
- 4.5 Discussion of Findings
- 5.1 Introduction
- 5.2 Summary of Findings
- 5.3 Conclusion
- 5.4 Recommendation
- 5.5 Suggestion for Further Study
Disclaimer for Complete Material Utilization
The displayed research work titled "Relationship Between Organizational Commitment, Job Performance and Job Satisfaction Among Employees" is stated as a research guideline towards accomplishing your assigned project / seminar research work. All the research materials on this website are ONLY for research purposes and should be used as a guideline in developing your research work. For no reason should you copy word for word as will not be liable for any who copied the material. By ordering the complete research guideline, it signifies that you've accepted our terms of service.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Can this topic “Banking Failure and Future Development” be used for Banking and Finance (BF) Project?
Yes it can be utilized for research — For some years back in Nigeria, some banks have not been living up to expectations. During the free banking era, a lot of banks failed and this did not augur well for the economy. The researcher noted that bank failures had adverse effect on the economy. The study focused attention the general operations of the bank, its operational problems, consequences of bank failures on the business of manufactures and control measure, necessary in checking the incidence for the future development of banks in Nigeria. Bank failure is the inability of a bank to meet up with its set goals. In the past, banks that failed, did so because of some reasons like inability to honour depositors fund on request, improper accounting records, …
Can this topic “Procedures Involved in Dealing with Malware That Affect Software of the Computer System” be used for Computer Science Education Project?
Yes it can be utilized for research — Malware continues to be a signification problem facing computer use in today's world, historically anti-virus software re has employed the use of static signatures to detect instances of known malware signature based detection has fallen out of favor to many, and detection technique based on identifying malicious program behavior are now part of the anti-virus tool kit, however, static approaches to malware detection have been heavily researched and can employ modern finer prints that significially improve on the simple string signatures used in the past, instance based learning can allow the detection of an entire family of malware variants based on a single signature of static features, statistical machine learning can turn the features extracted into a predictive anti-virus system …
Is the topic “Evaluation of Internet Communication and Higher Productivity” recommended for Business Administration and Management (BAM) Project?
Yes it is highly recommended — Today’s organizational environment is markedly different from that of the past. Global competition, Information and Communication Technology (ICT), the Quality Service Revolution and Ethics have Forced management of all types of Organizations rethink approach to both operation and human resources. An ability to communicate effectively has always remained a major friction between departments and organization in many working environment and this has greatly affected the organizations towards achieving higher productivity. The technological break through in consonance to communication cannot be over emphasized, that is why the researcher chooses the topic “Evaluation of Internet Communication and Higher Productivity”. (A study of Chanchangi Air-line, Kaduna). This particular area of study has been of great concern to the researcher. The researcher among other …
Can the material for “Analyzing the Application of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) for Maritime Security” be used as a guide for Maritime and Transport Project?
Yes it can be used — Maritime security is critical for sustainable growth of global commerce conducted along ocean passages or maritime domain. The study was carried out to analyze the Application of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) for Maritime Security. In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were laid out to examine the relationship between ICT and the improvement of maritime security in the area under study and determine the risk factors affecting implementation of ICT services on maritime security experts onboard Vessels at Sea. The research design used in this report is descriptive design, utilizing questionnaire method to obtain information from the respondents for this project. A total of 70 (seventy) respondents were selected for this study to represent the entire population of the …
Is the topic “Design and Construction of Groundnut Oil Extraction Or Expeller” recommended for Mechatronics Engineering Project?
Yes it is highly recommended — Groundnut oil expelling machine is an important device for oil recovery from groundnut seed in a roller mill, direct firing of barrel and pressing with an engine driven oil expeller. The study was conducted to Design and Construct of Groundnut Oil Extraction. In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were laid out to design, develop and test expeller that is affordable to small scale oil millers and develop a machine that can extract oil from groundnut, within a minimum time frame. Investigation revealed that groundnut oil expeller has been developed and constructed by some researchers in different sizes, shapes and materials, mostly for industrial uses. Such expellers are expensive; involve high level technology which cannot be afforded by small …
Can the material for “The Effect of Hawking on Students Academic Performance in Selected Junior Secondary Schools” be used as a guide for Education Project?
Yes it can be used — This study examined the effects of street hawking on students academic performance in selected junior secondary schools in Odeda Local Government Area of Ogun State. A case study of Egba Odeda High School, Odeda Local Government Abeokuta, Ogun State. The research design adopted for the study was descriptive survey. The study population comprised students in Junior Secondary School one to Junior Secondary School three in Egba Odeda High School Odeda. A sample size of 50 students selected through sampling technique participated in the study. The data were collected from the sample through a questionnaire designed by the researcher. The data collected were analysed with the use of simple percentage. The findings of the study revealed that, street hawking posed danger …
Can the material for “Influence of Library 2.0 on LIS Undergraduate Students Information Access and Knowledge Sharing” be used as a guide for Library and Information Science (LIS) Project?
Yes it can be used — Library 2.0 is a model for a modernized form of library services that reflects a transition within the library world in the way services are delivered to users. The main aim of the study is to ascertain the Influence of Library 2.0 on Library and Information Science (LIS) Undergraduate Students Information Access and Knowledge Sharing. In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were laid out to ascertain the influence of Library 2.0 on Library and Information Science undergraduate Students Information Access, examine the impact of Library 2.0 on Library and Information Science undergraduate Students Knowledge Sharing, examine the relationship between Knowledge Sharing and information access in digital library, examine the role of web based library in information sharing in …
Can the material for “Correlation Between English Language and Literature in English” be used as a guide for English Literature and Language Project?
Yes it can be used — This study examined the Correlation between English – language and literature – English using MELL, UDUS, Sokoto as a case study. The research centers on finding out the reason why most students in tertiary institutions being scared of some aspects of the genres of literature with emphasis majorly on poetry. Research questions were formulated based on the above variables. Two research questionnaires (for students of MELL) which is the case study and B. ed English – language students of UDUS, as a pilot study. The findings were analyzed in percentage and frequency statistical tools. Finally, summary, conclusion and recommendation were proffered. …
Is the topic “Human Resources as a Catalyst for Economic Growth and Development in Nigeria” recommended for Public Administration (PA) Project?
Yes it is highly recommended — This research work attempts to access the importance of human resources as a catalyst for economic growth development in Nigeria. In the first chapter, the researcher introduced topic and gave the importance of human resources in economic growth and development. This was followed by a detailed review of literature in which the importance of human resources in Economic development was discussed. The concept of human resources, human resources development and planning in Nigeria, how best to manage the human resources for economic growth and development, economic growth investment in human resources development, human resources Allocation and development in Nigeria, manpower problem, economic development in Nigeria and the enhancement and motivation of human resources in Nigeria. Data for the study was …
Can this topic “Pattern of Violence Attack and Occupation Hazard of Journalism in Lagos Nigeria” be used for Mass Communication (MC) Project?
Yes it can be utilized for research — Journalism is defined as Newsgathering, fact finding and reporting of things the way it appears at the moment of reporting, not a definitive study of a situation. The study scrutinizes the Pattern of Violence Attack and Occupation Hazard of Journalism in Lagos Nigeria between January to July 2021. In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were laid out to examine the hazards of journalism profession in Nigeria, determine if occupational hazards of journalism have effects on the performance of journalists in Nigeria and investigate how Journalist in Nigeria can avoid hazard in Journalism. The research design used in this report is descriptive design, utilizing questionnaire method to obtain information from the respondents for this project. A total of 250 …