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Alcohol Project Topics for Final Year Students

The primary purpose of this online platform is to provide students with a quick and easy way to access important resources and project materials. This library is a valuable resource for researchers looking to delve into topics focused on Alcohol. Presented below is a carefully selected list of relevant Alcohol topics suitable for project research.

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Can this topic “The Role of Insurance in Minimizing Business Risk in Small and Medium Scale Enterprises” be used for Entrepreneurship Project?

Yes it can be utilized for research — This study assesses the role of insurance in minimizing business risk in Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (SMEs) in Nigeria. Mean scores and standard deviation were used to present and analyze the primary data obtained via questionnaires. Correlation was used to substantiate whether there is similarity in the inherent identified problems of each financing option. Simple percentages combined with mean scores were used to test hypothesis one while Chi-square was used to test hypothesis two. The result shows that SMEs are significantly financed by informal sources of finance than the formal sources of finance. The formal financing options are more organized and as such avoid SMEs because of their risky nature. Predominant SMEs are lacking in good risk management strategies and …

Can this topic “Comparative Assessment of Factors Affecting Cost of Industrialized Building and Conventional Building System in Nigeria” be used for Quantity Surveying (QS) Project?

Yes it can be utilized for research — The main aim of this research work is to compare the factors affecting cost of industrialized building and conventional building system in Nigeria. The research method used in collecting data was through the use of questionnaire administered to construction professionals in Nigerian construction industry. Seventy questionnaires were administered and fifty five were returned with response rate of 73%. The instrument used in analyzing data collected was relative importance index (RI!) to rank the factors affecting the two systems in Nigeria. From the analysis it was discovered that the major factors affecting cost of industrialized building and conventional building system in Nigeria were unstable government policy, inadequate manufacturing facilities, high cost of overhead, availability of expertise, scope of work, suitable construction environment, …

Can the material for “The Organization and Management Problem of Rural Water Supply” be used as a guide for Banking and Finance (BF) Project?

Yes it can be used — This research work is aimed at recommending possible solution to the organization and management problem of rural water supply programme in Nigeria with a case study of ANSWC Nnewi. The mean or average number of adult and children in the sample household are 3 and 6 respectively and total income reported is N200 to 100 per household per month. The statement of the problems is that the growing commercial and industrial town of Nnewi has been without adequate possible water. The purpose of the study is that the extent in which the changes in government and leadership style affect the steady water supply. Based on the finding above, the following recommendation among other was made for effective implementation. The operational supplier facilities such …

Can the material for “Role of Financial Management a Corporate Organisation” be used as a guide for Banking and Finance (BF) Project?

Yes it can be used — This project is poised to x= raying the degree of “the role of financial management in a corporate organization”. The main aim of every business is profit maximization. Care must therefore be taken to ensure that available finance for a business is well managed. This role is left in the hands of financial manager. In conducting the research on this topic, the researcher wishes to visit the Enugu office of the NICON insurance corporation NICON PLC and administer questionnaire to the Zonal Director and other top ranked workers in the corporation in a bid to collect proper information. It is purely on oral interview, after which critical analysis of data follows. Regrettably certain factors will tend to limit research for this information. …

Is the topic “Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Personal Hygiene Among Junior Secondary School Students” recommended for Sex Education Project?

Yes it is highly recommended — Personal Hygiene is fundamental to the prevention and control of communicable diseases and maintaining good health. The study was carried out to examine the Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Personal Hygiene among Junior Secondary School Students at Irrua Girls Secondary School, Irrua, Edo State. In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were laid out to assess the knowledge of Students of Irrua Girls Secondary School on personal hygiene and examine the practice of personal hygiene in the individual levels and to intervene them about personal hygiene. The research design used in this report is descriptive design, utilizing questionnaire method to obtain information from the respondents for this project. A total of 120 (One hundred and twenty) respondents were selected …

Can the material for “Study of the Use of Financial Ratios for the Assessment of the Performance and the Profitability of a Firm” be used as a guide for Banking and Finance (BF) Project?

Yes it can be used — This research work “The study of the use of financial ratios for the assessment of the performance and profitability of a firm” touched all vital aspects of ratio analysis. In addition, it identified the various kinds of ratios, their uses, those that benefits from such analysis, as well as the limitations associated with the concept of financial ratio analysis. However, this research work showed the relevance of the financial ratio analysis mostly to the publics of an organization, that is, the equity holder, short-term creditors, long-term creditors, the management, the customers/client and the tax authority. Also, a lending banker can also be able to assess the viability of a borrowing firm with the help of ratio analysis in order to decide …

Can the material for “Effect of an Efficient Inventory Management on the Profitability of a Firm” be used as a guide for Accountancy / Accounting Project?

Yes it can be used — In this project work titled effect of inventory management on the profitability of a firm with particular reference to Nigerian Breweries Plc. The researcher examined the effect of inventories on the net profit after tax of Nigerian Breweries Plc. The extent at which inventories influences the return on asset of Nigerian Breweries Plc. The effect inventories on retained earnings of Nigerian Breweries plc. Data for the study was sourced through the bank’s Annual report and journal articles related to the subjects matter. The data collected was analyzed using SPSS. The results of the study shows that calculated t-statistics (t = -0.675) for inventory is greater than tabulated t-statistics at 0.05 level of significance. The regression equation also revealed that Net …

Can this topic “Design and Implementation of an Online Interactive Platform for Students and Supervisor” be used for Computer Science (CS) Project?

Yes it can be utilized for research — The Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme is an industrial training program for Nigerian university undergraduate students and other higher institutions. The aim of this study is to design and implement an interactive online platform for students and school supervisors to communicate regularly during the students IT/SIWES attachment. In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were laid out as follows to design and develop a system that will enable: school supervisor monitor the progress of the students during their IT/SIWES training, students and supervisors communicate regularly, this in turn enables the student to provide feedbacks regarding problems encountered during his/her training program, and Lecturer / Supervisor determine if the student is gaining relevant work experience during the IT/SIWES training. The …

Can the material for “Hepatitis C Virus Among Pregnant Women People Living with HIV / AIDS Attending Clinic At Unth Itukuozalla” be used as a guide for Microbiology Project?

Yes it can be used — A total of 50 blood (30 pregnant and 20 HIV) samples were obtained from pregnant women and PLWHA attending clinic at UNTH Ituku-ozalla. Samples were screened for hepatitis c viral infection using the rapid one step hepatitis C virus test strip. Two (6.66%) pregnant women were positive and four (20%) HIV patients were positive for Hepatitis C, giving an overall prevalence rate of (26.7%). The infection was the same in male (3) and in female (3). Those aged 23-34 years recorded a higher prevalence of (20%) than those in the age group 19-23. This higher prevalence of hepatitis C suggests that pregnant women and PLWHA may be at risk of hepatitis due to hepatitis C virus. Therefore routine screening of …

Can the material for “Sanitary Practices and Implications on Off-Campus Students Health” be used as a guide for Environmental Science Project?

Yes it can be used — The study was carried out to find out the implications of sanitation practices on off-campus students health in Ugbowo, Benin City. Primary data were sourced through survey method of questionnaire. Spot observation of facilities and staff handlers supported the survey. The data sample size of 250 respondents drawn through random sampling technique was adopted. in this order: 12% were administered to staff at the Health Centre, 20% to staff of Works and Service Units, and 16% to staff in other Departments. The remaining 52% were administered to Students. The data were analyzed using simple descriptive statistical tables and percentages. The secondary data for this work were obtained from Health Centers’ documents, literature reviews of related works and text books .The …

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