The study investigated the planning of educational resources for school effectiveness in selected secondary schools in Mainland Local Government Area of Lagos State. The study equally reviewed some important and extensive literatures under sub-headings. The descriptive research survey design was applied in the assessment of respondents’ opinions towards the subject matter. In this study, five null hypotheses were formulated and tested with the application of the independent t-test and the Pearson Product Moment Correltional Coefficient Statistical tools at 0.05 significance level. Also, the simple percentage frequency counts was used to analyse the questionnaire response of the selected respondents together with the research questions.
A total of 200 (two hundred) respondents, 50 (fifty) teachers and 150 (one hundred and fifty) students were selected for this study. At the end of the data analyses, the following results were obtained thus: that there is a significant relationship between educational planning and utilization of educational resources in the school, that there is a significant relationship between planning of educational resources and their implementation in the school, that there is a significant relationship between educational resources planning and teachers’ productivity in the school, that there is a significant relationship between teachers’ experience and educational resources planning, and that there is no significant gender difference in the academic achievement of students due to educational resources planning.
Based on the conclusions reached at the end of this study, the following recommendations are made by the researcher: Nigerian educational plans should be short-term based. This will enable educational planners to solve short-term educational issues and manpower planning and educational development should be the watchwords of Nigerian educational managers.
1.1 Background to the Study
In education, the importance of human resource planning and management cannot be overemphasized. This is because, the role played by human resource management and planning on the achievement of education objectives cannot be neglected (Iyede, 2000). According to Odenu (2002), human resource planning and management involves planning, leading, directing and a number of other activities in order to achieve efficient utilization. Precisely, it involves integrating society’s needs with educational objectives, among other things.
In addition, the extent to which an organization like education, attains her objectives are directly proportional to the human resources available and their planning and management. In another development, Anyanwuocha (2000) described human resource as the most vital of the resources in the educational enterprise. The term, personnel administration refers to management of human resources, the acquisition of personnel and co-ordination of performance within the organization. Cubson (1985) opined that there are many literature in the area of human resource planning and management.
Peretomode (2003) and Nwangwu (2004), state that human researches planning and management are variously referred to as personnel management. They observed that human resource management and planning are that functions of all enterprises which provides for effective utilization of human resources in order to achieve both the objectives of the enterprise and the satisfaction and development of the employees. According to them, without the planning and management of human resources, the staff in the education sector would not be effectively harnessed and managed for effective utilization in education, especially in the teaching and learning processes.
The component part of management concerned with facilitating the accomplishment of the objectives of an organization through the systematic management of constraints and careful utilization of the available, limited resources which include human, material, equipment supplies, finance and work techniques or technology is known as administration (Peretomode, 2003). According to him, while management deals with the formation of plans, organization of programmes and formulation of policies, administration is fundamentally concerned with the execution and implementation of the formulated policies, plans or ideas and programmes. As Amaonye (2000) puts it, administrators are more of implementers of policies and programmes rather than formulators of programmes and administration, like management, involves such elements and activities as planning, organizing, staffing, budgeting, coordinating, reporting and evaluating, but this is done on a smaller scale when it is compared with management.
According to Ezewu (2003), the school management in the traditional sense is often thought of as involving the management and planning of human resource such as men (teachers and students), and perhaps money (school finance). The buildings, school space, and equipment are usually taken for granted for they are assumed to be there or “on the ground” as it were and therefore should not be given attention. But this assumption is unwarranted for they are actually not there.
Onyeuke (2000) observed that school facilities mean substantial costs to the school system for their establishment. According to him, if they are not properly maintained and managed, they depreciate and become dilapidated and even wear out faster than their normal “life span”. Also if not properly utilized, the school would not derive optimum benefits from their use. This will have negative result on the school performance and productivity. This is because, schools where there are poor human resource in terms of the personnel, there won’t be quality teaching and learning process, and poor management standards will be the order of the day.
According to Akambi (2000), there are indices for high performance school orgnisations; the followings are the characteristics of high performance school organizations:
- High quality of teachers.
- Leadership quality.
- Effective school climate.
- Effective school plants.
- High students’ academic performance.
- Good teacher-principal relationship.
- Good teacher-teacher relationship.
- Good teacher-student relationship.
- Good student-student relationship.
Given the increasingly volatile and complex nature and structure of the Nigerian school system, two basic factors are important for Nigerian educational success: capital and the human resource. Capital or fund, whether acquired through loans or government budgetary allocation, is by far, easier to manage, control and use optimally going by certain predetermined economic and managerial parameters. On the other hand, the acquired quantity and quality of the human resource is often hard to acquire as at when needed unless the need is preceded by long term planning (Banjoko, 2006).
By its nature, the human resource is complex, unpredictable and sometimes difficult to change. It required long period of development, and may not be available in the right quantity or quality when needed. Yet it is the most vital and critical resource required for organizational or institutional performance. According to Nwachukwu (2000), teachers significantly affect the success of school as an organization. Teachers, depending on how they are selected and acquired, will bring few or many problems to the school. This is because, people often make their own as well as organizational life relatively pleasant or unpleasant. In short, the viability, growth and survival of any organization are tied to the availability of competent and well developed staff within the organization at the appropriate time.
Human resource planning and management can therefore, be described as that part of the overall organization, planning and management processes by which an organization tries to ensure that it had the right number of staff and the right kind of staff at the right time, at the right places performing functions which are economically useful and which satisfy the needs of the organization and equally provides satisfaction for the individuals involved (Rowland, 2007).
In Nigeria school system, it is one thing to plan for human resource, it is another thing to manage and implement that which has been planned. According to Onuoha (2001), the implementation of the existing human resource is faulty. Planning and management of manpower in any organization such as the school, is as important as the implementation of the plan. Implementation of any plan, be it human resource or the curriculum of any school system, is where there is a lot of problem in this country. Any plan without proper execution or implementation, cannot be said to be in existence.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
The problem inherent in the examination of educational resources for school effectiveness in selected secondary schools cannot be overemphasized. This is because, it is seemingly impossible for the secondary school system to grow and flourish without adequate plans and management being put in place and implemented on educational resources which include financial resources, physical resources and especially human resource. The management of human resource in Nigeria lacks effectiveness. No wonder there is under utilization of the human and material resources planned for the Nigerian education system.
In most cases, some of the educational planners and managers of the Nigerian educational system are not experts and well experienced in planning and management of education. For instance, in many cases there is putting round hole in square pegs sort of employment and placement of those who plan and manage our human and material resources for education in Nigeria (Asoluka, 2000) and this has caused the problem of educational growth and development in Nigeria today for human resource management begets poor or low secondary school organisational performance.
The above problems gave rise to the examination of human resources management and high performance secondary school organisation in Lagos State.
1.3 Purpose of the Study
The objectives of this study include to:
- Ascertain whether management of human resource affects the utilization of educational resources in the school.
- Examine whether there is a relationship between management of human resource and their implementation in Nigeria.
- Investigate whether a relationship exists between management of human resource and teacher’s productivity in the school.
- Fnd out whether there is any relationship between teachers’ experience and human resource planning in the schools.
- Examine whether there is a gender difference in the academic performance of students due to planning management of human resource in the schools.
1.4 Research Questions
The following research questions were raised in this study:
- Does management of human resource affect the utilization of educational resources in the school?
- Is there any relationship between management of human resource and their implementation?
- Does any relationship exists between management of human resource and teachers’ productivity in the school?
- Is there any relationship between teachers’ experience and management of human resource in secondary schools?
- Is there gender difference in the academic performance of students due to management of human resource in secondary schools?
1.5 Research Hypotheses
The following research hypotheses were formulated to guide the study:
- There will be no significant relationship between human resource management and utilization of educational resources in the school.
- There will be no significant relationship between human resource management and their implementation in the school.
- There will be no significant relationship between human resource management and teachers’ productivity in the school?
- There will be no significant relationship between teachers’ experience and human resource management in secondary schools.
- There will be no significant gender difference in the academic achievement of students due to human resource management in schools.
1.6 Significance of the Study
The study will be beneficial to all stakeholders in the Nigerian school system for example the school authorities and the stakeholders in our educational sector at the secondary school level would find this study very useful because it will generate good information on the way forward to planning and management of educational resources in our various schools. Not only the school authorities, the teachers who are one of the most important and prominent stakeholders in Nigerian educational system, would be able to receive proper and better information on the effect of planning and management of educational resources for example, this study will afford them the opportunity of knowing how to effectively use the planned educational resources in their teaching and learning processes in the school.
With the findings and recommendations of this study, administrators of our educational system including educational planners, would be able to see the need to plan well the educational resources, because, guiding their usefulness, if the educational resources are not properly planned and adequately executed by the school administrators, it will result in low productivity of teachers in the schools.
This study will be very informative, educative and directional, in the sense that, it will help the school managers/administrators and school planners to redirect their system of thinking and planning for effective education of the Nigerian child.
The findings and recommendations of this study will afford school authorities and other stakeholders the opportunity of knowing the best way to plan educational resources and enough insights on how best to implement and manage the planned educational resources in the school system effectively.
This work if completed, will serve as reference material to researchers and students. This is because, they would use this material or part of it in their future studies or researches. Also, this study will be relevant to other agencies of our educational system, because it will help them to understand and appreciate the effect of educational planning on productivity of school teachers in Nigeria.
1.7 The Scope of the Study
This study examines the human resources management and high performance secondary school organisation in Lagos State.
1.8 Definition of Terms
In this study, terms were categorically defined thus:
Financial Resource:
These are the monetary inputs available for and expended on the education system. These are usually referred to as cost of and expenditure on education.
Physical Resource:
These include buildings, classrooms, laboratories, libraries, hostels, administrative staff offices, technical equipment, reprographic equipment and other physical plant like machines, vehicles, computer sets, typewriters duplicating and photocopy machines.
Human Resource:
These refer to students, teachers, administrative staff, supervisory staff, from the ministry of education, guidance counsellors, school managers and others.
School Programme:
This refers to the activities, events or programmes that place in the school environment such as orientation programmes, workshops, seminars or in-house programmes of the school.
School Plant:
This refers to educational resources or every thing concerning the school or education which includes school buildings, classrooms, assembly halls and other general facilities in the school.
2.0 Literature Review
2.1 Introduction
The review of relevant literature is the main topic of this chapter. A literature review covers theoretical and methodological contributions to a certain issue in addition to the state of knowledge at the time of writing. It provides information about the state of the art in relation to the subject you are writing about. It examines the body of work on the chosen subject. The literature evaluation in this study comprises the …
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- Title page
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- Acknowledgement
- Table of Contents
- Abstract
- 1.1 Background …
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- 2.1 Introduction
- 2.2 Conceptual Review
- 2.3 Theoretical Framework
- ⋮
- 2.4 Empirical Studies
- 3.1 Introduction
- 3.2 Research Design
- 3.3 Population of Study
- 3.4 Sampling and Sampling Technique
- 3.5 Validation of Research Instrument
- 3.6 Method of Data Collection
- 3.7 Method of Data Analysis
- 3.8 Questionnaire Administration
- 3.9 Ethical Consideration
- 3.10 Statistical Analysis
- 4.1 Introduction
- 4.2 Presentation and Analysis of Data
- 4.3 Re-statement of Research Questions
- 4.4 Test of Hypotheses
- 4.5 Discussion of Findings
- 5.1 Introduction
- 5.2 Summary of Findings
- 5.3 Conclusion
- 5.4 Recommendation
- 5.5 Suggestion for Further Study
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The displayed research work titled "Human Resources Planning and Management as Correlates of School Productivity" is stated as a research guideline towards accomplishing your assigned project / seminar research work. All the research materials on this website are ONLY for research purposes and should be used as a guideline in developing your research work. For no reason should you copy word for word as will not be liable for any who copied the material. By ordering the complete research guideline, it signifies that you've accepted our terms of service.
- Title page
- Approval page
- Dedication
- Acknowledgement
- Table of Contents
- Abstract
- 1.1 Background …
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- 2.1 Introduction
- 2.2 Conceptual Review
- 2.3 Theoretical Framework
- ⋮
- 2.4 Empirical Studies
- 3.1 Introduction
- 3.2 Research Design
- 3.3 Population of Study
- 3.4 Sampling and Sampling Technique
- 3.5 Validation of Research Instrument
- 3.6 Method of Data Collection
- 3.7 Method of Data Analysis
- 3.8 Questionnaire Administration
- 3.9 Ethical Consideration
- 3.10 Statistical Analysis
- 4.1 Introduction
- 4.2 Presentation and Analysis of Data
- 4.3 Re-statement of Research Questions
- 4.4 Test of Hypotheses
- 4.5 Discussion of Findings
- 5.1 Introduction
- 5.2 Summary of Findings
- 5.3 Conclusion
- 5.4 Recommendation
- 5.5 Suggestion for Further Study
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The displayed research work titled "Human Resources Planning and Management as Correlates of School Productivity" is stated as a research guideline towards accomplishing your assigned project / seminar research work. All the research materials on this website are ONLY for research purposes and should be used as a guideline in developing your research work. For no reason should you copy word for word as will not be liable for any who copied the material. By ordering the complete research guideline, it signifies that you've accepted our terms of service.
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Can this topic “The Effect of Proper Planning on the Organization Objectives in Public Service in Nigeria” be used for Public Administration (PA) Project?
Yes it can be utilized for research — This research work is necessitated by the desire to discover the position and role of proper planning on the organizational objectives in the public service in Nigeria. The research is concerned with the determination on how important planning is in management of organization. The benefit and costs of planning. Comparing certain activities in public and private organizations using federal polytechnic Nekede, Owerri as a case study does them. Questionnaire and interview were use to gather data for the analysis and statisyical analytical method such as tables, rations, percentage and pie charts were use in examining the findings the analytical method helped to identifying the necessity of planning these organization. They also help to identify such factor that militate against planning …
Can the material for “Kindergarten Online Payment and Registration System” be used as a guide for Computer Science (CS) Project?
Yes it can be used — The aim of the study is to develop an online payment and registration system for crèche students that will serve as a more efficient alternative to the current crèche student payment and registration process. The motivation of the study is the need to increase the efficiency of attending to registrants in order to reduce the time, cost and stress associated with the current process. In analyzing the existing system, the following problems were identified; The current system requires that students must form long queues at all times before they are attended to, the current system keeps the screening officer under constant pressure and this could lead to mistakes, much time is taken to attend to a single student during the …
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Yes it can be used — This project is on Corruption and Victimization in Isidore Okpewho’s Tides and Anthony Ndubuisi Abagha’s Children of Oloibiri. It is a study ofthe endemic corruption and Victimization that hold the Niger Delta captive and by extension the entire nation in spite of available monumental wealth and qualified manpower. …
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Yes it can be used — The study was carried out to investigate the Effects of Terrorism and Security Awareness on Sustainable Peace in Lokoja Local Government Area of Kogi State. In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were laid out to establish why terrorism is inevitable despite the collective state efforts and identify the factors influencing terrorist activities between the period of 2015 to 2021. Investigation revealed that terrorists’ activities weaken state's ability to provide peace to its citizens. Women, children and men have all suffered the consequences of terrorism. Also, the damage of infrastructure is impulsive to an extent that billions of dollars are wasted in rebuilding structures. The research design used in this report is descriptive design, utilizing questionnaire method to obtain information …
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Yes it can be used — The importance of sales accounting is gradually being recognized as germane to prudent management of any business firm. This has necessitated the need for the computerization of structured operations of the sales managers structured operations are known with certainly for instance, the computation and decisions based on sales ratios. This project therefore is a case study of Mr Biggs. It describes the computerization of the sales accounting of the hotel as packaged for its clients. Thus this study gives detailed methods for the development of an optimal sales database for hotel industry as well as the software required for the computation and tabulation of different sales ratios. Organization Of Work This work is sub-divided into seven chapters, starting with chapter one, chapter one …
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Can this topic “Computerized Development of Simple Scientific Calculator” be used for Computer Science (CS) Project?
Yes it can be utilized for research — This research was centered on the Design and implementation of a simple scientific calculator for education organization. The study traced calculator system as a tool to completely change mathematical knowledge and sophisticated problems solving strategies had advanced the field of simulated engine in mathematic. The aim of the study is to design and implement a Simple Scientific Calculator. In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were laid out as follows to design and develop an application software that will: improve the speed of the simple calculator in such a way that it will reduce complexity in solving with simple calculator, design a simple calculator that ensure timely processing, and reduce the problems immensely and provides a release working environment. …
Can this topic “The Study of Motivation and Employee Productivity in Public Sector” be used for Public Administration (PA) Project?
Yes it can be utilized for research — The research work is concerned with the study of Motivation Employee Productivity in Public Sector, using the Ministry of Education as a case study. The main objective examines the effect of motivation on employees’ productivity in the Ministry of Education. Data were collected through structured questionnaire. Survey method was used to analyze the effect of motivation on employees’ productivity in the Ministry of Education and random sampling technique was used to stratify the sample population. Also, hypotheses were tested using simple mean statistics. It was found out that adequate staff motivation will enhance employees performance, that the higher the motivation the lesser the friction between boss and subordinate, that appreciation is a form of motivation for staff in the Ministry. That frequent …
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