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Wood Production Engineering Project Topics for Final Year Students

Wood Production Engineering Project Topics for Final Year Students

Final year projects are academic papers that Wood Production Engineering students create; the documents are usually about 10,000 words long in Microsoft Word. It is an excellent scholarly inquiry that frequently uses scientific techniques to reach particular objectives, and the completion of a research project is the main reason for earning a Degree (Diploma).

Procedure for Initiating Final Year Project
  • Firstly, scroll down and make a selection of your preferred Biology project topics from this platform.

  • Secondly, write a Biology research proposal for the project topics selected and present it to your Supervisor for scrutiny.

  • Lastly, inform Us with the phone number - 0803-051-1988 after your preferred topic has been approved to get the complete material (Chapter 1-5 and References).

The main goal of this online resource is to give students a quick and easy approach to find relevant Wood Production Engineering materials and project topics. The following list contains the Microsoft Word (PDF) documents for Wood Production Engineering project topics that may be chosen for submission as a proposal write-up.

List of Wood Production Engineering Project Topics for Final Year Students

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Can the material for “A Comparative Assessment of the Use of “ict” in Teaching Biology” be used as a guide for Education Project?

Yes it can be used — This study examines the relationship between information and communication technology and academic performance of students in Biology. It investigates the use, importance and significance of ICT in teaching Biology in secondary schools in Ile-Ife, Osun State. The data were the WAEC results of four schools for three consecutive years (2010, 2011 and 2012). Analyses were done using simple percentage method and recommendations were based on the research findings. …

Can the material for “Design and Implementation of Computerized Civil Service Performance Evaluation System” be used as a guide for Computer Science (CS) Project?

Yes it can be used — Civil Service Performance Evaluation System is an application software system that process, accept and organizes Civil Servants' data to information for managerial promotional decision making purpose. The aim of the study is to Design and Implement of Civil Service Performance Evaluation System. In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were laid out to design and develop an application software that will: improve the promotion process of Civil Servants, who are normally stagnated in one grade level for many years, help curb the malpractice encountered in the preparation of staff seniority list and nominal rolls, and ensure that the service commissions will always have a stand by record of its entire staff installed in its computers for easy access and …

Can the material for “The Impact of Oil Price Changes on Government Expenditure in Nigeria” be used as a guide for Economics Project?

Yes it can be used — Change in oil prices has been occurring since the end of the Second World War. Nowadays, the rate of changes (up and down) in oil price is more pronounced. This has made serious impact on Nigeria as a country practicing a mono cultural economy. This work thus examines the impact of oil price changes on government expenditure in Nigeria (1979− 2008), a period of 30 years. Using the Classical Linear Regression Model (CLRM) through an OLS estimator, the impact of oil price changes on government expenditure and investment in Nigeria was examined. In the two models, all variables were in log form. The result shows that changes in oil price has no significant impact on the two macroeconomic indicators (government expenditure …

Can the material for “Misuse of Power in Chinua Achebe’s Anthill of the Savannah and Chimammanda Adichie’s Purple Hibiscus” be used as a guide for Linguistics and Communication Project?

Yes it can be used — Over the ages, some persons or group of persons are known to misuse power to bully their subjects or subordinates. This unwholesome act gives rise to many literary works condemning the act. This work considers the misuse of power as portrayed by the novels Anthills of the Savannah and purple Hibiscus by Chinua Achebe and Chimmamanda Adichie respectively. Achebe in his novel shows the danger of pursuing power for power’s sake and also the impact of a dictator on a populace − the people of Kangan only suffer from Sam’s leadership. He represents the archetypal corrupted Nigerian leaders. Eugene Achike in purple Hibiscus is another character who abuses his patriarchal power over his family. Eugene is both a religious zealot and …

Can the material for “Coping Strategies of Clients with Fertility Gynaecological Clinic” be used as a guide for Nursing (Science) Project?

Yes it can be used — This study was on coping strategies of clients with fertility challenges attending Obstetric and Gynaecological clinic of University of Maiduguri Teaching Hospital. The objectives of the study were to ascertain the use of escape/avoidance coping strategy by couples with fertility challenges, determine the use of self controlling coping strategy by couples with fertility challenges, determine if couples with fertility challenges use social seeking support as a coping strategy and assess if couples with fertility challenges use positive reappraisal as a coping strategy. A descriptive survey design was used for the study. A sample size of 232 respondents was used for the study which was calculated from the target population of 456 using power analysis. The instrument for data collection was …

Can the material for “Problems and Prospects of Extending Insurance Services to the Rural Areas” be used as a guide for Insurance Project?

Yes it can be used — The interest to write in this particular topic “Problems and Prospect of Extending Insurance Services to the rural areas” grow out of the present significant roles of insurance industry in extending service to the rural areas. The researcher discovered that the problems facing the extension of the service to the rural area by the industry is poverty, illiteracy and geographical locations. However, the objectives was to examine whether insurance companies extends service to the rural areas or not and if not, to identify the problems and prospects in providing insurance service to the rural areas. The scope of the study was limited to Oba in Anambra state as yardstick to other rural areas in Nigeria and leadway Assistance Co. Ltd to …

Can this topic “Antibacterial Activity of salvia officinalis against typhoidal salmonella species” be used for Microbiology Project?

Yes it can be utilized for research — Salvia officinalis L. from the family Lamiaceae, is a worldwide cultivated aromatic herb that is endemic. Investigation reveals the following problems of the synergistic activity of salvia officinalis (sage leaf) and antibiotics against typhoidal salmonella species research work; improper evaluate of the synergistic activities of S. officinalis against typhoidal salmonella species, lack of proper information relating to the estimation of the total phenol content (TPC) and flavonoid content (FC) of S. Officinalis (Sage Leaf), and Improper investigation of the gas chromatography (GC) analysis conditions and disc diffusion method used during synergistic activities. The aim of the Study is to investigate the synergistic activity of salvia officinalis (sage leaf) and antibiotics against typhoidal salmonella species; In achieving this aim, the following …

Can the material for “The Effect of Organizational Climate and Teachers’ Job Productivity in Selected Senior Secondary Schools” be used as a guide for Education Project?

Yes it can be used — The study attempted to examine the effect of organizational climate and teachers’ job productivity in selected senior secondary schools in Mainland Local Government Area of Lagos State, Nigeria. In this study, relevant and extensive literatures were reviewed under sub-headings. The descriptive research survey was used in the assessment of the opinions of the selected respondents with the adoption of the questionnaire and the sampling technique. A total of 100 (One Hundred) respondents were selected and used as participants for this study, the respondents were made up of (50 males and 50 females). A total of four null hypotheses were generated and used in this study using both the percentage frequency counts and the t-test statistical tools at 0.05 level of significance. …

Can this topic “Impact of Company Income Tax on Foreign Direct Investment” be used for Economics Project?

Yes it can be utilized for research — This study critically examines impact of company income tax on foreign direct investment. The purpose of carrying out this research work is to measure the impact of foreign direct investment on company income tax, to assess if there is a positive relationship between foreign direct investment and Nigeria’s Balance of payment, to ascertain whether foreign direct investment is directly linked to Nigeria’s External reserve, to established the extent to which foreign direct investment affect Nigeria’s foreign trade. The time frame for this project is from 2005 − 2015. Using annual statistical bulletins from Central Bank of Nigeria and World Bank Development Indicators. Linear regression analysis was carried out on SPSS (17.0) statistical package for social science. The regression coefficient was applied …

Can this topic “Impact of Environment on English Performance of Students in Warri-South Local Government Area in Delta state” be used for Education Project?

Yes it can be utilized for research — The study explores the Impact of Environment on English Performance of Students in Warri-south Local Government Area in Delta State. In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were laid out to examine the environmental factors affect students’ performance in English, its prospects and problems faced by students, identify factors that affect effective teaching and learning of the English language in the secondary schools in Warri-south Local Government Area in Delta State, and examine the role English language plays towards the government as it is being used for the purpose of government and administration, as documentation of government records; administrative instruction and minutes, legislation; court records and proceedings. The research design used in this report is descriptive design, utilizing questionnaire …

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