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Tourism and Hospitality Management Project Topics for Final Year Students

Tourism and Hospitality Management Project Topics for Final Year Students

Final year projects are academic papers that Tourism and Hospitality Management students create; the documents are usually about 10,000 words long in Microsoft Word. It is an excellent scholarly inquiry that frequently uses scientific techniques to reach particular objectives, and the completion of a research project is the main reason for earning a Degree (Diploma).

Procedure for Initiating Final Year Project
  • Firstly, scroll down and make a selection of your preferred Biology project topics from this platform.

  • Secondly, write a Biology research proposal for the project topics selected and present it to your Supervisor for scrutiny.

  • Lastly, inform Us with the phone number - 0803-051-1988 after your preferred topic has been approved to get the complete material (Chapter 1-5 and References).

The main goal of this online resource is to give students a quick and easy approach to find relevant Tourism and Hospitality Management materials and project topics. The following list contains the Microsoft Word (PDF) documents for Tourism and Hospitality Management project topics that may be chosen for submission as a proposal write-up.

List of Tourism and Hospitality Management Project Topics for Final Year Students

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Is the topic “The Nature and Roles of Faith and Reason in the Life of a Christian” recommended for Religious Studies Project?

Yes it is highly recommended — Faith and reason are like two wings on which the spirit rises to the contemplation of truth. There is no incompatibility between the two, but rather an ultimate harmony. Faith is not opposed to reason; rather it requires the full development of reason. And reason itself requires faith in order to strengthen and guide it. The aim or purpose of the study is to assess the Nature and Roles of Faith and Reason in the Life of a Christian. In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were laid out to expose the nature and roles of faith and reason in our lives, how they influence and have need of one another in the attainment of truth, and unveil the …

Can the material for “Design and Implementation of a Software Result Processing and Transcript Generation” be used as a guide for Computer Science (CS) Project?

Yes it can be used — Result processing can be seen as a continuous process of converting data (scores, grade points, credit units etc) into a definite and meaningful information (statement of result, transcripts etc). These results are used to check the performance of each student in various courses. These results when processed manually leads to many problems such as error during computation, insecurity of results, untidy results after changes must have been effected and work load on the exam officer(s) etc. However, designing and implementing, as well as the computerization of result processing and transcript generation system will reduce these problems to the barest minimum. Providing password can do this, which grants access to only authorized user(s). Corrections or changes are effected without making the …

Can the material for “The Effect of Niger Delta Crisis on Socio-Political Development of Nigeria” be used as a guide for Political Science Project?

Yes it can be used — The purpose of this study is to know the factors that influence the Niger Delta crisis and its implication on Socio-political development of Nigeria. The study continued to evaluate the extent of damages the Niger Delta Crisis lure on political development of the nation. The crisis are a threat to both local and foreign investors. The researcher after various investigation and the researcher’s findings about the Niger Delta crisis, the researcher concluded that the crisis is as a result of high degree of neglect of the oil exploration areas. The researcher still makes some recommendation of how the problems of Niger Delta crisis can be solved. …

Can this topic “Role of Financial Institutions in Export Financing in Nigeria” be used for Banking and Finance (BF) Project?

Yes it can be utilized for research — The primary objectives of this study was to examine how the financial institution export finance in Nigeria using First Bank of Nigeria Plc Onitsha branch as a case study. In carrying out this study, I used survey method in which I used the questionnaire to collect data. The target population was the staff of first bank of Nigeria Plc Onitsha Branch from which a sample of 80 was drawn. I used research questions and formulated research hypotheses. The relevant literature was reviewed for the study. The data were collected, presented analyzed and hypotheses tested using chi-square. At the end of the study a number of recommendations were made for further studies and on how to improve the Nigeria financial export …

Can this topic “The Assessment of Flooding Problems” be used for Environmental Science Project?

Yes it can be utilized for research — This study focused on the assessment of flooding problems in makoko area of Lagos state. The aim and objective was to identify and asses the drainage channel in the study area, the effects of flooding in the study area, to examine the causes of flooding in the study area and to examine past efforts of curbing flooding problems in the study area. Both primary and secondary sources of data were employed with focus on the residents of the study area in order to capture their views on the effects of flooding on their environment.The research looks Makoko through the view point of the inhabitants, with the aim of finding out what the inhabitants want, need and would want to have, in …

Can the material for “Development of Intelligent Agent for Preventing Software Piracy on a Network” be used as a guide for Computer Science (CS) Project?

Yes it can be used — An Intelligent Mobile Agent is software that can migrate from one node to another in a computer network performing actions on behalf of the user. The aim of the study is to develop an Intelligent Agent for Preventing Software Piracy on a Network. In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were set out as follows to develop an Intelligent Agent for Preventing Software Piracy on a Network that will combine an online activation code system with the mobile agent system in a way as to make them a single unit aimed at preventing software piracy through technical means, build a web interface which will act as the data processing element for the combined system and ensure that an unforeseen …

Can this topic “Design and Implementation of a Computerized Patient Management System” be used for Computer Science (CS) Project?

Yes it can be utilized for research — Computerized Patient Management is an information system that is used to record relevant information relating to the patients. The prescribe drugs, bought drugs, sold drugs and available drugs are processed by the program. The aim of this project is to design a Computerized Patient Management System. In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were laid out as follows to develop an application software that will capture and store patients drug data for a teaching hospital, generate bills of each patient drug administered and execute a proper recording of patients’ drugs and diagnosis result and keep track of list of patients’ beds occupied and vacant. The motivation that led to the implementation of the proposed system is that the existing …

Can this topic “The Impact of Guidance and Counseling Services on Students Academic Performance and Career Choice in Selected Secondary Schools” be used for Arts Education Project?

Yes it can be utilized for research — The study was carried out to examine the Impact of Guidance and Counseling Services on Students Academic Performance and Career Choice in Selected Secondary Schools. In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were laid out to find out the impact of guidance and counselling services in secondary school students and identify the career choice of the students in secondary schools of the area under study. Investigation revealed that some students choose subject hazardously and indiscriminately, simply because they feel they are good in themselves, without taking their desired professions into considerations. Also, there are some who do not know the requirement or the type of subject one could pass before being admitted for specific course. The research design used …

Can the material for “Training and Motivation as a Tool for Improving Employee Performance” be used as a guide for Public Administration (PA) Project?

Yes it can be used — This research work entitled “Training and motivation as a tool for improving employees performance: is focused on one of the contemporary issues confronting both scholars and practitioners in the field of administration. The power holding company of Nigeria (PHCN) has been specially chosen as a case study for the research exercise. The objective of this study is majority centered on the identification and evaluation of the adverse effect of inadequate training and motivation of employee towards the realization of PHCN’s goal. In the course of this research work data was collected from both primary and secondary sources primary data was generated by means of questionnaires and oral interview while secondary data was sourced from library textbooks lecturers materials and company books of …

Can the material for “The Effects of Divorce on the Academic Achievement of Students in Nigeria Society” be used as a guide for Education Project?

Yes it can be used — The study examined the effect of divorce on the academic achievement of students. The design of this study was “Survey type. Data were collected from five schools and were randomly selected from Abeokuta South local government area of Ogun State. A total number of Hundred (100) questionnaire were administered to Female and Male student of different age-grades, JSS 2-JSS3 were used as a sample. Questionnaire was closed ended likert-type technique that expressed degree of agreement or disagreement with the supplied statement. This research project finds out the negative effects of divorce on the students behaviour and academic achievement. Data was analyzed using simple percentage. Findings from the study according to the research showed that misunderstanding between husband and wife could lead …

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