Sickle Cell Project Topics for Final Year Students
The primary purpose of this online platform is to provide students with a quick and easy way to access important resources and project materials. This library is a valuable resource for researchers looking to delve into topics focused on Sickle Cell. Presented below is a carefully selected list of relevant Sickle Cell topics suitable for project research.
List of Related Project Topics on Sickle Cell
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Can the material for “Analysis of the Problem of English Pronunciation Among Yoruba Speaker on Effective Communication in English Language” be used as a guide for Yoruba Project?
Yes it can be used — Language learning practice often assumes that most of the difficulties that learners encounter in the study of language are consequences of the degree to which the native languages differ from the English of the native speakers. This research work is basically analyzed problems of pronunciation among the non-native speakers of English, especially the Yoruba People. The Yoruba Speakers of English encounter problems in pronouncing some English sounds because they are not aware that some English Phonemes exist. Some are aware but do not know where and how to use them. Examples of these sounds are: /θ, ð, Ʒ, z, J, ٨, Ʒ: ǝ/. Therefore, they replaced the listed sounds with the familiar ones in the Yoruba phoneme system for example: …
Can the material for “Antibacterial Activity of salvia officinalis and antibiotics against typhoidal salmonella species” be used as a guide for Microbiology Project?
Yes it can be used — Salvia officinalis L. from the family Lamiaceae, is a worldwide cultivated aromatic herb that is endemic. Investigation reveals the following problems of the synergistic activity of salvia officinalis (sage leaf) and antibiotics against typhoidal salmonella species research work; improper evaluate of the synergistic activities of S. officinalis against typhoidal salmonella species, lack of proper information relating to the estimation of the total phenol content (TPC) and flavonoid content (FC) of S. Officinalis (Sage Leaf), and Improper investigation of the gas chromatography (GC) analysis conditions and disc diffusion method used during synergistic activities. The aim of the Study is to investigate the synergistic activity of salvia officinalis (sage leaf) and antibiotics against typhoidal salmonella species; In achieving this aim, the following …
Can the material for “The Impact of Foreign Investment on the Nigerian Economy” be used as a guide for Economics Project?
Yes it can be used — This study examined the relationship between foreign private investment and economic growth in Nigeria over the period of 1980 − 2009. In doing so, we investigate the impact of foreign private investment on economic growth in Nigeria, as well as the causal relationship between them. We used an ordinary Least Square Regression (OLS), based on objective one, we found that foreign private investment causes economic growth in Nigeria, and economics growth does not cause foreign private investment as it is a unidirectional movement and no feedback effect. On the second objective, the findings revealed that economic growth directly related to inflow of foreign private investment and it is also statistically significant implying that a good performance of the economy is a …
Can the material for “The Problem of Retirement in the Enugu State Civil Service” be used as a guide for Public Administration (PA) Project?
Yes it can be used — This is a study on problems of retirement in the enugu state civil service: a case study of enugu state universal basic education board. This study is an attempt to help the enugu state civil service retiring employees to prepare for life after retirement. The work intends to help the retiring employees to set their priorities right and to easily define their lives after retirement. In order to avoid the high degree of penury some retirees live in after several years of service.This study really exposes the importance of retirement guidance and counselling, various issues a retiring employee must address while he/she is still in active service, what the employers should do in order to help the prospective retirees to …
Can the material for “Credit Management in the Banking Sector and Economic Growth of Nigeria” be used as a guide for Banking and Finance (BF) Project?
Yes it can be used — In Nigeria, the banking sector is an important part of the financial system, the banking sector dominate the Nigeria financial system as it accounts for about 90% of the total assets in the system. This study is carried out to examine credit management in the banking industry and economic growth in Nigeria. Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) were applied to validate the result spanning across 2000-2013. The study relies on purely secondary data. Lending is one of the major functions of bank though most risky any bank that wants to remain in business must lend. The study finds that bank loan and advances accounts for about 98.2% contribution on economic growth for the period under …
Can the material for “The Effect of N-Hexane Extract of Kola Nitida Bark on Liver Function Test” be used as a guide for Linguistics and Communication Project?
Yes it can be used — Kola bark extract have been widely used in tradition medicine for thousand of year, it improves liver functions and provides protection against high fat fed metabolic rats. Present investigations were carried out on the hepatoprotective role of Kola bark extract meal treatment to high fat fed wistar rat. Healthy adult male wistar rats were divided into four groups Group I: rats were fed a standard Laboratory diet (groups match) (20g/rat/day), Group II: rats were fed a high-fat diet alone (3.6g/rat/day), Group III: rats were fed with combined mixture of 70% of high-fat diet with 30% Kola bark meal (9.8g/rat /day), Group/ V: rats were fed with high fat diet and was administered with Lipitor (Atovastatin) (10mg/rat/day) . The rats were sacrificed …
Can the material for “Gender Differences in the Psycho-Social Adjustment of Nigerian Single Parents” be used as a guide for Guidance and Counselling Project?
Yes it can be used — The study investigated the impact of marital conflicts on the psychosocial adjustment of adolescents in Lagos metropolis. The sample comprises 150 senior secondary two students randomly selected with the use of stratified random sampling technique from five secondary schools in five selected Local Government Areas of Lagos metropolis. It is envisaged that this study would benefit couples and those contemplating marriage as it will expose them to other experiences thereby giving them insight into marital problem solving mechanisms. Society at large will also benefit from this study because their awareness level on marital conflicts and the consequences on adolescents would have been raised since a better family makes a better society. Researchers constructed questionnaire was administered on the respondents to test …
Can the material for “Women Subordination in Religion, Occupation and Education” be used as a guide for Sociology Project?
Yes it can be used — United Nations facts and statistics indicate that women constitute more than half the world’s population and do three-fourths of the world’s work. Yet women earn just one-tenth of the world’s income; own one percent of the world’s property; three-fourths of women are starving, and above all, represent over two-thirds of non-literate adults. Critically examining the above facts with regard to Africa’s educational development further reveals diminishing returns as well as an overall impediment to the politico-economic and socio-cultural transformation. In spite of recent token changes and appointments of women to political offices in many countries across Africa, girls and women remain relegated to a secondary human status in relation to boys and men. Against this background, this study highlights the …
Can the material for “Discourse and Communication: A Comparative Study” be used as a guide for English Language Project?
Yes it can be used — Discourse and communication are two interrelated concepts, intricately interwoven and grossly assumed as overtly synonymous. This study therefore, attempts to demystify these concepts and also aim to unearth the intricate relationship that exists between them .In this regard, the study discussed in detail theoretical frameworks of discourse and communication and consequently established the fact that they are absolutely synonymous in every respect. To this end, the methodology is Content Analysis using discourse analytic tools of cohesion and coherence. …
Can the material for “Conflict Management Skills of Nurse Tutors in Basic Schools of Nursing” be used as a guide for Nursing (Science) Project?
Yes it can be used — This study assessed the conflict management skills of Nurse Tutors in Enugu State Basic School of Nursing. Conflict abounds in Basic Schools of Nursing which has a lot of consequences like strained relationships, collapse agreement, poor academic performances and so on. It becomes necessary to assess especially in these institutions where conflicts abounds whether nurse tutors posses the necessary skills to resolve the conflict as the findings may necessitate a training for them. The purpose of this study is to assess the conflict management skills of nurse tutors in Enugu State Basic Schools of Nursing. A descriptive survey method was used for the study which was carried out in three (3) Basic schools of Nursing in Enugu State. All (50) nurse …