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Ship Collision Project Topics for Final Year Students

The primary purpose of this online platform is to provide students with a quick and easy way to access important resources and project materials. This library is a valuable resource for researchers looking to delve into topics focused on Ship Collision. Presented below is a carefully selected list of relevant Ship Collision topics suitable for project research.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Can this topic “War Against Terrorism; Nigerian Diplomatic Dimension Against Boko Haram Insurgency” be used for Business Administration and Management (BAM) Project?

Yes it can be utilized for research — The research provides an appraisal of the war against terrorism with a focus on Nigerian diplomatic dimension against book haram insurgency . The effect of the boko haram insurgency has in recent times constituted a serious threat to the security of lives and property of Nigerians in the north east. As a result many lives and properties have been lost ,while others are being held hostage. However the Nigerian government through its various military and security forces had declared a total war to eliminate the boko haram insurgency in Nigeria. The research appraises the diplomatic initiative instituted to realize the mission. …

Is the topic “Guidance Needs of Rivers State Women Towards Improving Representation in Political Leadership” recommended for Political Science Project?

Yes it is highly recommended — This study investigated the guidance needs of Rivers state women towards improving representation in political leadership. The purpose of this study was to investigate the educational, vocational and personal-social guidance needs that Rivers state women need towards improving representation in political leadership. The study was guided by six (6) research questions and six (6) null hypotheses that were based on the women’s educational level and location. The researcher adopted Need Assessment Survey. Women were first sampled through Multi-stage sampling technique. Later, 2000 women − 500 literate, 500 non-literate, 500 urban and 500 rural women respectively − were purposefully selected for the study from a population of 2,474,713 females. The researcher developed questionnaire called Inventory for Women’s Political Guidance Needs (IWPGN) …

Can the material for “Road Transportation Management and Customer Satisfaction in Nigeria” be used as a guide for Transport Management Project?

Yes it can be used — Transportation is no doubt an indispensable catalyst for activating and stimulating the tempo of economic, social, political and strategic development in any society. The main aim of this study is to evaluate road transportation management and satisfaction to customers using Rivers State Peace Mass Transit as a case study. In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were set up to: evaluate the impact of road transportation management and customer satisfaction, identify the relationship between road transportation management and customer satisfaction, and evaluate the role played by road transportation management in the movement of goods and services. Poor road transportation management is one major problem that is affecting the growth of the economy. Poor road transportation management has led to …

Can this topic “Knowledge and Awareness of School Health Program Among Secondary School Teachers in Delta State” be used for Public Health Project?

Yes it can be utilized for research — The study was carried out to investigate the Knowledge and Awareness of School Health Program among Secondary School Teachers in Delta State. In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were laid out to find out the adequacy of school health program provided, investigate the factors affecting National policy on school health program in the area under study and find out the differences between male and female respondents in the assessment of health services in the area under study. Investigation revealed that the basic school health services, usually provided by nurses and health education personnel included screening for medical conditions, administration of prescribed medications, care of students with special health needs, assessment for acute and contagious conditions, administration of the …

Can the material for “Appraisal of the Role of CBN and NDIC in the Monitoring of Commercial Banks in Nigeria” be used as a guide for Banking and Finance (BF) Project?

Yes it can be used — This study was designed with the aim of appraising the roles of CBN/NDIC in the management and regulation of commercial banks activities. In order to actualize the objectives, five banks as sample were selected/chosen for analysis to assess financial institutions performance in relation to the regulatory authorities, CBN and NDIC. Various literature and theoretical issues were discussed. In addition an empirical regression and descriptive analysis was carried out to investigate how CBN/NDIC regulation variables impact on commercial banks’ activities in Nigeria. The findings from both analysis revealed that CBN structure, CBN/NDIC performance and their relationship with commercial banks had a significant impact on the management and regulation of commercial banks’ activities in Nigerian. While depositors’ protection was the only variable that …

Can the material for “Consolidation an Acquisition: A Financial Option to the Productivity of Bank in Nigeria Economy” be used as a guide for Accountancy / Accounting Project?

Yes it can be used — The study was carried out to show consolidation and acquisition as a financial option to the productivity in Nigeria banks. Through financial intermediation, banks can facilitate capital formation and promote economic growth by operating in a save and sound manner. This means that bans are expected to ensure precedent management of assets and guarantee the safely of customer deposits/funds. For the conduction of this research, the researcher reviewed other related literatures necessary to prove data for the study from the related literature it was observed that consolidation and acquisition are used to maintain adequate and appropriate internal controls measure to prevent incidence of fraud, forgeries and other financial / malpractice to ensure stability and engender public confidence in the financial system. The …

Can this topic “African Union and Resolution of the Post 2010-2011 Election Crisis in Cote D’Ivoire” be used for Political Science Project?

Yes it can be utilized for research — Cote d’ivoire in the west African sub-region, recently faced political crisis that emanated from the presidential election that was conducted in October 2010, this present unique features of armed conflicts that aroused the interest of international community such as the United Nations, ECOWAS, African Union, France etc in the country’s peace process. African Union, a defunct of the Organization of African Unity (OAU) was created to handle the issue of resolving conflicts in the African continent to maintain and promote African unity. The AU was able to set up the Peace Security Council and Wise Men Panel to oversee the conflict situation in Cote d’ivoire. This study posits that the post election crisis of 2010/2011 is a watershed of the …

Can the material for “Assessment of Entrepreneurship Skills Needed by Business Education Graduate for Self Reliance” be used as a guide for Business Education Project?

Yes it can be used — The study was carried out to assess the Entrepreneurship Skills Needed by Business Education Graduate for Self Reliance. In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were laid out to investigate the factors affecting the self reliance of Business Education Graduate during entrepreneurial skills acquisition and identify the problems of entrepreneurial skills which hinder self-reliance among Business Education students. Investigation revealed that there are student’s failures in business education, which may be due to a lack of qualified teachers, insufficient teaching and learning facilities and a lack of confidence on the part of teachers and students. The research design used in this report is descriptive design, utilizing questionnaire method to obtain information from the respondents for this project. A total …

Can the material for “Antifungal Activity of Onion Oil Extract Against Fungi Pathogen” be used as a guide for Microbiology Project?

Yes it can be used — The onion is a vegetable that is the most widely cultivated species of the genus Allium. The study was carried out to identify and determine the antifungal activity of onion extract against some fungi pathogen. The diseases which are born by food are gradually becoming a dangerous risk to public health. Onion (Alliumcepa) is native of Israel. Allium is the largest and important representative genus of the Liliaceae family. The study reveals the following problems associated with the antifungal activity of onion extract against some fungi pathogen; lack proper investigation of the inhibition of pathogenic Fungi in onion oil extract, inadequate information relating to the anti-fungal adverse effect of the onion oil extract, and lack of proper and precise information …

Can the material for “Effect of Information Technology on the Performance of the Office Manager” be used as a guide for Human Resource Management (HRM) Project?

Yes it can be used — We live in a digital world in which the amount of information available for human consumption doubles every three years. As information users we expect reliable information at our fingertips, continual connection to people wherever they are, and equipment that fits into a top pocket. Whether we are consumers, clients, students, professors, employees or managers, we expect the digital world to work for us. The concept of information overload is not new, but with the continued growth of digital technology and the plethora of tools and channels for digital communication, the challenge of managing all that information is not getting smaller, and it is increasingly everyone’s responsibility to deal with it. …

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