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Roofing Project Topics for Final Year Students

The primary purpose of this online platform is to provide students with a quick and easy way to access important resources and project materials. This library is a valuable resource for researchers looking to delve into topics focused on Roofing. Presented below is a carefully selected list of relevant Roofing topics suitable for project research.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Can the material for “Impact of the Nigerian Stock Exchange on Economic Growth in Nigeria (1999 - 2021)” be used as a guide for Economics Project?

Yes it can be used — The study appraises the Impact of the Nigerian Stock Exchange on Economic Growth in Nigeria. In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were laid out to examine the contribution of the stock exchange market to the development of industrial capabilities and economic growth and assess the possible strategies to needed enhance Nigeria stock exchange market in Nigeria between 1999 to 2021. Stock exchange can increase economic growth by making available information on firms’ prospects and redistributing investible capital. Stock exchange market development has an important role to play in economic development. The research design used in this report is descriptive design, utilizing questionnaire method to obtain information from the respondents for this project. A total of 180 (one hundred …

Can the material for “Impact of Non-Oil Export on the Nigerian Economy” be used as a guide for Economics Project?

Yes it can be used — The study investigated the impact of non-oil exports on Nigerian economy during the period of 1986-2010. This study was carried out against the background of the crucial role non-oil export can play as an alternative source of revenue apart from crude oil exports. To achieve this objective, multiple regressions were used in analyzing the data. The empirical result shows that non-oil export is statistically significant to Nigeria economic growth. On the other hand, Government Expenditure (GEX) was not significant to Nigerian economy. Due to this, some recommendations were made which include encouraging financial institutions, improving in data collection and banking, efficient allocation and use of resources, and creating economic environment that will help boost the activity of non-oil export sector. …

Can the material for “The Effect of Social Service Administration on Rural Women in Nigeria” be used as a guide for Public Administration (PA) Project?

Yes it can be used — Government of nowadays has a lot of responsibilities including to provision of social services. The services which the government ought to provide to Udi rural women include: Water, free health facilities, employment, empowerment, justice, free education, to mention but a few. The provision of these is not adequate and this compelled the researcher to carryout the study. Both primary and secondary sources of data were used to gather data. The questionnaire was used to collect data. The Harvard style of reference was used, the validity and reliability of the instruments were tested. In distributing the questionnaire face-to-face method of distribution was used. The population size was 74,277 staff. The sample size was 204. This was got using Yamani formular. Tabular …

Can the material for “The Effect of Information Technology on the Productivity of a Secretary in Selected Business Organization” be used as a guide for Office Technology and Management (OTM) Project?

Yes it can be used — The study was carried out to examine the effects of information technology on the performance of secretaries in the front office. Survey research design was adopted in the study in order to assess the opinions of the chosen respondents with the use of 13 item questionnaire. Three research questions and hypothesis were raised to guide the study. Data obtained were analyzed using simple sample techniques, frequency and percentages while hypotheses were tested using Chi Square. The outcome of the findings showed that ICT application has impacted positively on the secretarial profession. It was also noted that the adoption of ICT has reduced the employment rate of secretaries and those employed stand the chance of retrenchment. Finally, it was also noted that …

Is the topic “Microfinance and Economic Empowerment of Women” recommended for Finance Project?

Yes it is highly recommended — This study examines the impact of microfinance on economic, financial and social empowerment of women micro entrepreneurs in Ikeja, Lagos State. A sample of 50 women micro entrepreneurs were selected in Ikeja some of which include traders, hairdressers, fashion designers, fish farmers and boutique owners. Survey method was employed to obtain a picture of the population. Research data was collected using a 24 item questionnaire in order to measure the empowerment of women micro entrepreneurs and access to capital from microfinance banks. Reliability and validity of the instrument was tested to ensure the instrument has face and content validity. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Research questions were tested using frequency counts and percentages while the hypotheses were …

Is the topic “Economic Analysis of Food Safety Among Pork Marketers” recommended for Agricultural Economics and Extension Project?

Yes it is highly recommended — The purpose of this study was to examine the economic analysis of food safety among pork marketers in Ebonyi State. Primary data were collected from 80 poultry farmers selected through multi-stage random sampling technique using structured questionnaire. Descriptive statistics, farm budgetary technique, benefit cost analysis and ordinary least square regression analysis was used to analyze the data and determine the economic cost of food safety and production of pork meat. Three important findings emerged; first, pork marketing in Ebonyi state is dominated by highly educated youths, a positive sign for food safety and future pork meat activities. Second, pork production is highly profitable in Ebonyi state; however, food safety contributed the highest economic cost in the area of study. Thirdly, …

Can the material for “Issues and Challenges in the Execution of Public Sector Housing Projects in Nigeria” be used as a guide for Architecture Project?

Yes it can be used — Housing is unarguably one of the basic necessities of man, the importance attached to housing and coupled with the fact that housing in all its ramifications is more than mere shelter, then, execution of public sector housing embraces all social services and utilities that go to make a community or neighbourhood a livable environment, this is now a right in Nigeria. This study attempted at using key organizational components to assess areas of challenges in execution of public sector housing among government agencies in the study area. This is with a view to assisting public-sector housing policy makers and program managers chart future pathways for improved performance in public housing provision and management in Nigeria. The general objective of this …

Can the material for “Evaluation of Coaching Classes on Secondary School Students Performance in Chemistry” be used as a guide for Education Project?

Yes it can be used — This research work evaluates the impact of non-formal system of coaching classes on the performance of Senior Secondary chemistry students in examinations. Four research questions guided the study. The study adopted the Ex-Post Facto and descriptive survey research designs. The sample comprised Senior Secondary Chemistry graduates in four coaching colleges in Mushin Local Government Area in Lagos state. Data were generated using the open form questionnaire instrument. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, frequencies and percentages. The results showed that there is major significant difference between the performance of Senior Secondary Chemistry students that attended coaching classes and those that didn’t in the Senior Secondary Certificate Examination of West African Examination Council (WAEC) and National Examinations Council (NECO). The results …

Can this topic “Awareness and prevention of gestational hypertension among pregnant women attending primary health center oba” be used for Adult Education Project?

Yes it can be utilized for research — Gestational hypertension often starts in the second half of pregnancy. It normally goes away after your baby is born. Gestational hypertension is high blood pressure in pregnancy. Hypertensive disorders represent one of the most common problems of pregnancy and lead to increased maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality. The aim of the research work is to investigate the awareness and prevention of Gestational hypertension among pregnant women attending Oba PHC. In achieving this aim, the specific objectives were set out to examine the effect of blood pressure on gestational hypertension among pregnant women attending Oba Primary Health Care (PHC), estimate the regression model between the variables based on the sample collected, test the significance of the coefficient of regression, and …

Can the material for “Motivation, a Technique for Productivity and Efficiency in University” be used as a guide for Industrial Relations and Personnel Management (IRPM) Project?

Yes it can be used — This research project tends to examine Motivation, a Technique for Productivity and Efficiency. Survey design was employed with the use of a well structured questionnaire. Respondents were selected based on simple random sampling technique. Sample size of Thirty Five (35) respondents were selected from the staff of the institution. Three hypotheses were formulated and tested with the use of Chi-square analysis. The analysis resulted to rejecting all null hypotheses and hence accepting the three alternate hypotheses. Based on decisions of the tested hypotheses conclusions were reached that employee’s need satisfaction leads to high morale; A low job turnover and high absenteeism is an indication of low moral; Workers achieve their set goals by being motivated. Recommendations were proffered to the university management …

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