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Rebranding Project Topics for Final Year Students

The primary purpose of this online platform is to provide students with a quick and easy way to access important resources and project materials. This library is a valuable resource for researchers looking to delve into topics focused on Rebranding. Presented below is a carefully selected list of relevant Rebranding topics suitable for project research.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Is the topic “The Impact of Bank Consolidation on Service Delivery” recommended for Political Science Project?

Yes it is highly recommended — In 2004, a major reform policy was undertaken in the Nigerian banking sector with the view to removing or minimizing certain operational constraints thereby enhancing the fiscal strengths, stability and efficient service delivery of the banks. This study assessed the impact of banking consolidation in order to ascertain whether it has yielded or yielding desired results with an empirical focus on Zaria based banks. The study is guided by the structural-functionalist theory. The data was quantitative and qualitatively generated and analyzed through tabulation and complimented with other primary and secondary sources. The study found out that Bank consolidation has positive impact on the service delivery to customers of the banks but not significant, which is due to pre-mature mergers, supervision …

Can this topic “Assessment of the Impact of Manufacturing Sector on Economic Growth in Nigeria (1980-2015)” be used for Economics Project?

Yes it can be utilized for research — The importance of manufacturing sector to the growth of any economy and survival cannot be overemphasized. In an attempt to advance on this, this study attempts to investigate the assessment of the impact of manufacturing sector on economic growth in Nigeria from 1980 − 2015, Ordinary Least Square (OLS) econometric technique was used on time series data of relevant variables of manufacturing Output, investment and capacity utilization; The study found that manufacturing output, investment and capacity utilization has a significant relationship with the economy. Meaning that manufacturing output, investment and capacity utilization exerts impact on economic growth via manufacturing sector of the economy. The study recommends that efforts should be geared toward strengthening the macroeconomic, socio-infrastructural and institutional environment of the …

Can the material for “Effect of Public Debt on Economic Growth in Nigeria (2000-2015)” be used as a guide for Economics Project?

Yes it can be used — The study examined the effect of public debt on economic growth in Nigeria, using the time frame 2000-2015 (5years). It was established in the study that before the introduction of appropriate government expenditure, public funds were grossly mismanaged, excessive borrowing, high occurrence of corruption in Nigerian public sector which as lead to surplus debt on the economy. The study employed the descriptive survey design in conjunction with the stratified sampling technique to select 100 staff in Ministry of Finance, Lagos. A well-structured questionnaire was used to collect data from the respondents. The data obtained were analyzed using the descriptive statistic technique and the chi-squared technique was adopted to test the two stated hypotheses. The major findings of the study are: …

Can the material for “Examination of the Source and Uses of Local Government Fund in Nigeria” be used as a guide for Banking and Finance (BF) Project?

Yes it can be used — Local government is that level of government nearest to the people. It is said to be corner stone of the government system in any country. The federal government believes that it is only through an effective local government system that the human and material resources of the nation could be mobilized for local government with its objectives is aimed at standard and stabilizing the function and financial resources at the local government level and to encourage initiatives and leadership potential. The basic procedure of local government is revenue mobilization and its effective utilization especially more that there is no comprehensive study on sources and uses of funds in the local government. The current trends of inefficiency and ineffectiveness of the local authorities should …

Is the topic “Management of Fraud and Wastage in Business Organization: Implication for Internal Auditors” recommended for Accounting Technology Project?

Yes it is highly recommended — This study is on management of fraud and wastages in business organizations: implications for internal auditor. Many objectives were set among which are: to identify the nature, types and major causes of fraud and wastages. Two Hypothesis were also tested to determine if or not the hypotheses might be instrumental in fraud and wastages occurrences in business organizations. In arriving at the data used, both primary and secondary data were used. The primary data includes questionnaires distributed to sampled staffs and management of May and Baker Plc and Drugfield Specialty Product Plc. The secondary data includes materials form published textbooks, internet, articles and newspapers. These were tested using Z-test statistics. Data were analyzed and some of the findings include inadequate …

Can this topic “An Assessment of Public Relations Strategy as a Tool to Promote Government Policies to the Citizenry; the Practice of Anambra State Government” be used for Public Administration (PA) Project?

Yes it can be utilized for research — The research provides a theoretical and conceptual assessment of public relations strategy as a tool to promote government policies to the citizenry; it appraises as a case study the practice of the Anambra State Government. The research elucidate the concept of public relations, its functions, significance and strategies as it can be applied to implement and accelerate government policies to the benefit of the citizenry. …

Can the material for “The Effect of Modernization on Traditional Marriage” be used as a guide for Education Project?

Yes it can be used — This study investigated effect of modernization on traditional marriage in Ibarapa North Local Government area of Oyo State. Questionnaire was developed and used to collect relevant data from randomly selected teachers from eight secondary schools in the Local Government Area. One hundred subjects were randomly selected as samples for the study. Percentage method of data analysis was used to analyze the data collected. Findings from this study revealed that modernization has many effect on traditional marriage in Ibarapa North Local Government Area of Oyo State. Recommendations based on the findings from the study were made in the last chapter of this study. …

Is the topic “Design and Implementation of an Online Student Union Government (SUG) Bus Transport Management System” recommended for Computer Science (CS) Project?

Yes it is highly recommended — SUG Bus Transport Management System permits a Student to observe the information about seat reservation, bus schedule and ticket sales as well as bus time of dispatch. The aim of this study is to design and implement an Online Student Union Government (SUG) Bus Transport Management System. In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were laid out as follows to: design a workable automated transportation system software, create a system that can be used to record transportation records to database, design a system that can be used to accurately compute transportation bills, and design a system that can be utilized to obtain reports of transportation records. The motivation that led to the implementation of the proposed system is that …

Can the material for “Poverty Alleviation: the Role of National Poverty Eradication Programme (NAPEP) in Benin City” be used as a guide for Public Administration (PA) Project?

Yes it can be used — This study assessed the impact of Poverty Reduction Programmes as a Development Strategy in Benin − City through the National Poverty Eradication Programme. The study examined issues of poverty and underdevelopment in Nigeria, attributing it to lack of employment, high rate of illiteracy among the citizenry, poor infrastructure, inadequate access to micro credit facilities, mismanagement of public funds, instability of the governments and its policies. The study also examined the efforts made by different governments in alleviating poverty. Poverty is multi-dimensional; it is characterized by lack of purchasing power, exposure to risk, malnutrition, high mortality rate, low life expectancy, insufficient access to social and economic services etc. poverty in Nigeria has reach an alarming level and is blamed on non-clear government social …

Can the material for “Marketing of Uziza” be used as a guide for Agricultural Economics and Extension Project?

Yes it can be used — The study dealt with marketing of uziza in Egor Local Government Area of Edo state. The study was conducted to identify the socio-economic characteristics of respondent, the marketing channels, estimate the determinant of sales, determine the producer’s share of retail price and gross marketing margin, carryout a functional analysis of gross marketing margin and identify the main problems of uziza marketing in the study area. Data were collected through the use of questionnaire supplemented with oral interview and personal observation in the market. Five markets were purposively selected in the local government area and twenty marketers were sampled from each market giving a total sample size of a hundred respondents for the study. Descriptive and budgetary tools were used to analyze …

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