Port Operation Project Topics for Final Year Students
The primary purpose of this online platform is to provide students with a quick and easy way to access important resources and project materials. This library is a valuable resource for researchers looking to delve into topics focused on Port Operation. Presented below is a carefully selected list of relevant Port Operation topics suitable for project research.
List of Related Project Topics on Port Operation
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Is the topic “Design and Implementation of an Online Barcode Attendance System” recommended for Computer Science (CS) Project?
Yes it is highly recommended — Attendance is very important in every student. a single absent make a big difference in performance in the school. Most students of high school are prone to absence from classes claiming that the class is boring. Others due to laziness fail to attend classes, having preference of going to computer shops or playing games while some students cannot refuse the prospect of a friend asking them out during class period. Some of these actions are not reported to parents or guardians because the possible way of informing them is the traditional way which is by inviting the parents over through the students. With this, the authority would communicate the parents on the attendance level of the student. This process takes …
Can this topic “Assessment of Education Related Millennium Development Goals (MDGS)” be used for Public Administration (PA) Project?
Yes it can be utilized for research — The MDG 2 if achieved in Nigeria is expected to provide an increase in the number of primary school enrolment, completion and literacy rates comparable to other developed societies, yet current report by UNICEF indicated that Nigeria has 10.5 million out of school children − the highest in the world. This considerable gap in primary school enrolment, completion and literacy level, could mean complex social problems for Nigeria both now and in the future. Ensuring that the MDG 2 is achieved becomes important. The objectives of the study therefore, was to ascertain the extent to which primary school enrolment, completion and literacy rates has been impacted with the pursuit of MDGs in Nigeria; How MDGs’ funding has impacted the realization …
Can this topic “Factors Influencing Practice of Self Medication Among Undergraduates Students” be used for Education Project?
Yes it can be utilized for research — This study examined factors influencing practice of self medication among undergraduates of University of Lagos, Akoka. The sample studied consisted of 125 undergraduates from four faculties of University of Lagos, Akoka. The research instrument used in carrying out this study is a self developed questionnaire of 20 items. The data gathered was analysed using simple percentage table. Results from the findings show that peer, attitude of school clinic staff, over the counter sale of drugs and the nature of illness have significant influence on the practice of self medication among undergraduates. The study recommended that the Federal Ministry of Education and relevant government agencies create more awareness on the dangers of self medication and also ensure that street drug vendors and …
Is the topic “The Effects of Information Technology on Facilities Management Practices” recommended for Management Technology Project?
Yes it is highly recommended — This study examined the effect of information technology on facilities management practices in some selected hotels in Lagos. The research design adopted in this study was a descriptive survey method. The population of study comprised all the staff members of five (5) selected hotels in Lagos State. The sample size was determined using Yawane Taro’s formular. The sampling technique adopted was a simple random sampling technique. The instrument used for data collection was a structured questionnaire on the “effect of Information Technology on facilities management practices.” The data collected via the questionnaire were analysed using the frequency and percentage to analyse the demographic data, the research question were analysed using the mean scores while the two hypotheses formulated in the study …
Can the material for “The Quest for Political Power Through Violence” be used as a guide for Philosophy Project?
Yes it can be used — Elections are key pillars of democracy and have become the commonly accepted means of legitimizing government. Once elections are flawed, it is an invitation to violence in the State which may snowball into political instability. This study examines the quest for political power through violence and its implications for political stability. The methodology for this study is qualitative, using documentary evidence and the ex-post-facto research design in terms of the concept of violence in the work of Hannah Arendt. Arendt claimed that violence is not part of the political because it is instrumental. Her position has generated a vast corpus of scholarship, most of which falls into the context of the realist-liberal divide. We adopted conflict theory as a framework …
Can the material for “Evaluation of Constraints of Co-Operative Development in the Rural Areas” be used as a guide for Human Resource Management (HRM) Project?
Yes it can be used — This research work evaluate the element that hinder co-operative development in the rural areas of Enugu State, with special reference to Udi Local Government Area. The main objectives of the study were: to identify the problems that hinder co-operatives as an instrument for rural development. To find out certain loophole of using co-operative in development, to find out how government policies can help in co-operative development and to makes useful recommendations on how to effectively utilize co-operative in rural development based on the study findings. In order to discover more details ten (10) research questions here asked, and this formed the basis for design of a comprehensive questionnaire administered to the target respondents. Also the review of related literature was …
Can the material for “Contribution of Transportation Industry to the Economic Development of Nigeria” be used as a guide for Business Administration and Management (BAM) Project?
Yes it can be used — This project work is a complete work done on the contribution of transportation industry of the economic development Nigeria. The purpose of this project is to know how the transportation has contributed to the economic development of Nigeria. This project is sufficiently peaceable and comprehensive to absorb the many changes occurring in this work. Transportation which a mean of moving people and goods from one place to another. The researcher discussed fully on the background of rail transport in Nigeria the problems and its contribution to the economic development. I also disc used the purpose of the research and the definition terms used is the project work. In chapter two the researcher had on in depth review contribution made by several authors …
Can the material for “Oil Governance in Nigeria and Maritime Security in the Gulf of Guinea, 2010-2014” be used as a guide for Political Science Project?
Yes it can be used — This study examined the relationship between the contradictions of rentier oil governance in Nigeria and their implications for maritime security in the Gulf of Guinea (GoG). Specifically, the study examined the effect of the security leakages in the management of oil resources in Nigeria; the proliferation of armed groups’ protests over mismanagement of oil rent in Nigeria; as well as the margin of oil revenue in relation to fishing in Nigeria, on the sustenance of illegal oil trade, the rise of illicit arms trade and use; and the ineffective control of Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated fishing in the Gulf of Guinea respectively. Thus, the central questions of this study are: Do security leakages in the management of oil resources in …
Can the material for “Design and Implementation of an Online Football Ticketing Booking System” be used as a guide for Computer Science (CS) Project?
Yes it can be used — Football Stadium is a centerpiece for the hosting of major events especially sport events such as football. It is one thing to have a stadium, and it’s another thing to manage it. Ticket acquisition is a vital aspect of stadium management. The aim of the Study is to develop an online Football Ticketing Booking System that will help in the recording and managing of financial income and booking of seats in the stadium for each registered game or event. In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were laid out to develop an automated system for ticket acquisition for Akwa Ibom International football stadium, facilitate easy booking and management of ticket based on available seats and develop a system that …
Can the material for “The Role of Local Government in Rural Development in Nigeria” be used as a guide for Public Administration (PA) Project?
Yes it can be used — This study is designed to investigate the impact of local government in rural development. The primary and secondary sources of data collection were used in the research and the researcher found out during the research that local government was established to provide the services which the federal and state governments cannot easily undertake due to their remoteness from the rural areas and in providing these services, the local governments have to be adequately funded. In carrying out the research, six research questions were formulated. Questionnaires were used to collect data from a total of 30 respondents from Uhunmwode local government council; interview was also conducted where necessary. In case of carrying out this research simple percentage method was used in …