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Seminar Related Topics for Final Year Students

Infrastructure Project Topics for Final Year Students

The primary purpose of this online platform is to provide students with a quick and easy way to access important resources and project materials. This library is a valuable resource for researchers looking to delve into topics focused on Infrastructure. Presented below is a carefully selected list of relevant Infrastructure topics suitable for project research.

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List of Related Project Topics on Infrastructure

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Can this topic “Impact of Secondary School Vocational Curriculum on Socio-Economic Empowerment of Youths” be used for Education Project?

Yes it can be utilized for research — The study attempted to examine the impact of secondary school vocational curriculum on youths’ empowerment in Mainland Local Government Area of Lagos State, Nigeria. In this study, relevant and extensive literatures were reviewed under sub-headings. The descriptive research survey was used in the assessment of the opinions of the selected respondents with the adoption of the questionnaire and the sampling technique. A total of 300 (Three Hundred) respondents were selected and used as samples for this study the respondents were made up of (150 males and females). A total of four null hypotheses were generated and used in this study using both the percentage frequency counts and the t-test statistical tools at 0.05 level of significance. At the end of the …

Can the material for “An Automated Project Monitoring and Duplication System” be used as a guide for Computer Science Education Project?

Yes it can be used — A project research search system is simply software developed for retrieving of research material without going through the stress of moving from one shelf to another in the research library. The aim of this study is to develop an Automated Project Monitoring and Duplication System for the University of Port Harcourt to effectively manage students’ research projects. In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were laid out to design and implement an application system that will create a database management system (DBMS) which store research material and provides security for the stored data and provide quick and efficient means retrieving student research/projects material through a search system. The motivation that led to the implementation of the proposed system is …

Can the material for “Influence of Domestic Violence and Broken Homes on Adolescents’ Academic Performance” be used as a guide for Psychology Project?

Yes it can be used — Broken home is a place where the parents engage themselves in quarrelling, fighting, suspecting, keeping late hours to the detriment of the children’s primary drive for food, sleep and other basic needs. The study was carried out to investigate the Influence of Domestic Violence and Broken Homes on Adolescents’ Academic Performance in Jalingo educational zone in Taraba state. In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were laid out to examine the influence of gender on adolescents’ academic performance and determine if there is any joint influence of domestic violence and broken home on adolescents’ academic performance. Investigation revealed that students from broken homes encounter emotional challenges such as frustration, depression and de-motivation, lack of emotional support, low self-esteem and …

Can this topic “Assessment of the Activities of Abuja Geographic Information System (AGIS)” be used for Estate Management (EM) Project?

Yes it can be utilized for research — Recent efforts to secure tenure and enhance real property markets are under pressure from increasing demand and competition for land. While limited success in implementing land administration reform in the FCT have led to inefficiency, incoherent and poor land management, have been recognized as one of the key obstacles hindering change and also undermining its huge potential and global competitiveness. This thesis assesses the extent land administration reform under AGIS has engendered positive outcomes in the FCT and the explanations for the outcomes, to determine the areas of shortcomings for improvement. Data collection for the research involved sample of 250 applicant/beneficiaries of land, drawn across seven districts to determine how land administration system in FCT has improved in practice. The institutional …

Can the material for “Evaluation of the Role of Central Bank of Nigeria in Ensuring Efficient and Effective Banking Operation in Nigeria” be used as a guide for Banking and Finance (BF) Project?

Yes it can be used — The aim of this research is primary to investigate the evaluation of the role of central bank of Nigeria in ensuring efficient and effective banking operation in Nigeria. The study was carried out in order to determine the role central bank of Nigeria has to play as an apex bank. Central bank as an apex bank are responsible central bank is required by the law to maintain account with commercial banks the researcher used secondary data in this project. Finally, the government should provide more equipment such as computer for the apex banks to encourage them in banking works. …

Can the material for “Role and Problems of Financial Institutions to the Growth of Small Scale Business in Nigeria” be used as a guide for Banking and Finance (BF) Project?

Yes it can be used — The purpose of this study is to x-ray the mobilization and channeling of fund to business sectors. The study is to access the contributions of the Nigeria banking industry to the growth of small and large scale business as well as the role of finance in enhancing the growth and development of small and medium scale business. This lies in identifying the major problems confronting these enterprises which are the issue of financing (fund). Also, the various sources of funds, which are available for the small scale enterprises, are also highlighted. The study involves a field survey; the required data were collected through primary and secondary data. Secondary data were collected from textbooks, newspapers, journals seminar papers and other publication …

Can the material for “Effect of Targeted Health Education on Knowledge of Cholera Prevention and Treatment Among PHC Workers” be used as a guide for Public Health Project?

Yes it can be used — Cholera is an epidemic prone diseases that causes watery diarrhea, lives naturally in brackish-fresh water, without quick response or untreated, may lead to dehydration and possible human deaths. The study was carried out to investigate the Effect of Targeted Health Education on Knowledge of Cholera Prevention and Treatment among PHC Workers in Enugu State. In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were laid out to assess the Knowledge, Perceptions and Practices on Cholera transmission and prevention measures among PHC Workers and investigate the factors inhibiting the prevention of cholera among PHC Workers in Enugu State. Investigate the cholera outbreak is still a public health problem in Nigeria. Knowledge level, perceptions and hygiene practices contributes to the Cholera preventive measures …

Can this topic “The Impact of Motivation in Organizational Productivity” be used for Public Administration (PA) Project?

Yes it can be utilized for research — This study examined the impact of motivation on organizational productivity. A case study of Nigeria Bottling Company Plc. (Coca-Cola). This study was carried out among the employees of the organization’s plant located in Benin City, the capital of Edo State. A total of 130 sample was drawn from the population. Research questions were raised based on the research objectives. The chi square statistical test was used to test the various hypotheses formulated in the study. The result showed that supervision will motivate workers to better performance. It was also found that workers perception on what obtained in his organization will motivate him to greater productivity. By and large, motivational strategies especially those that involved monetary rewards have greater impact on …

Can the material for “Design and Implementation of a Computerized Student Research Project Search Engine System” be used as a guide for Computer Science (CS) Project?

Yes it can be used — A project research search system is simply software developed for retrieving of research material without going through the stress of moving from one shelf to another in the research library. The aim of this study is to develop a Computerized Student Research Project Search Engine System for the University of Port Harcourt to effectively manage students’ research projects. In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were laid out to design and implement an application system that will create a database management system (DBMS) which store research material and provides security for the stored data and provide quick and efficient means retrieving student research/projects material through a search system. The motivation that led to the implementation of the proposed system …

Is the topic “The Role of Co-Operative Societies in Rural Development” recommended for Economics Project?

Yes it is highly recommended — This research work was systematically carried out especially to ferret out the roles of co-operatives societies in rural development a case study of Ojebe Ogene Local government development council. In the first chapter, the research did the introduction by having overview of what co-operators should be in order to actualize their targeted goals and objectives. The chapter also highlights the following, the objectives, significance those who are likely to benefits from the study, there was a very good hypothesis tentative guess and definitions of important terminology used in the context. Moreso, in chapter two, the writer reviewed related literature “various authorities who has written books presented seminar papers and other library materials. Finally, the conclusion was properly conducted to find …

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