Ethics Project Topics for Final Year Students
The primary purpose of this online platform is to provide students with a quick and easy way to access important resources and project materials. This library is a valuable resource for researchers looking to delve into topics focused on Ethics. Presented below is a carefully selected list of relevant Ethics topics suitable for project research.
List of Related Project Topics on Ethics
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Can this topic “The Prospect of Accounting as a Profession Implication for Accounting Students” be used for Accountancy / Accounting Project?
Yes it can be utilized for research — The title of this project is “The prospect of accounting as a profession; implication for accounting students. The project was written to highlight the prospect of accounting profession, to identify the problems associated with accounting students in their pursuit /of academic certificate and the implications of the problems for the students. The study aroused the interest of the investigator because he felt that the study of accounting have been impeded with multiplicity of the factors inhibiting it. To identify these problems, the research Chapter one. …
Can the material for “Influence of Management Innovation on Structure Performance Through Effective Sustainability” be used as a guide for Human Resource Management (HRM) Project?
Yes it can be used — The organization structure is the basic framework within which the executive decision making behavior occurs. The quality and the nature of the decisions made are influenced by the nature of the structure. The study was carried out to investigate the Influence of Management Innovation on Structure Performance through Effective Sustainability. In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were laid out to determine the impact of effective sustainability on managerial innovation in the different departments and identify factors in the organizational structure that could affect managerial effectiveness. The research design used in this report is descriptive design, utilizing questionnaire method to obtain information from the respondents for this project. Primary data were collected from the primary source which questionnaire was …
Is the topic “Knowledge of University Student on Laboratory Safety Education” recommended for Science Education Project?
Yes it is highly recommended — The study was carried out to examine the Knowledge of University Student on Laboratory Safety Education. In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were laid out to determine the knowledge regarding laboratory safety precautions among University Students, analyze the understanding of high school students on laboratory work safety material and determine the current level of laboratory safety awareness among University Students in the area under study. Investigation revealed that students’ attitudes towards laboratory safety were lacking and needed more safety training and awareness activities or programs in the university. The unfortunate and regrettable state of equipment tools and laboratories have been attributed to inability of the operators to apply preventive and total maintenance culture as at when due, on …
Can the material for “Analysis of the Impact of Continuous Strike on Students Academics Performance in Nigerian Higher Institutions” be used as a guide for Education Project?
Yes it can be used — This study is on the “impact of continuous strike on student academics performance in Nigeria higher institutions”: A Case study of University of Ibadan. Objectives and statement of problem were clearly stated. Review of related literature was extensively done concerning concept of reason for strike. The paper has been able to identify major causes of strike action and its effect on students’ academic performance in tertiary institutions including the impact of strike action. The major causes and their effects include poor wages among Nigerian worker which bring about low performance on the part of lecturer and teacher in the school. The government and employers of labour and students are responsible for initiating strike. Action has a great influence on the academic performance …
Can the material for “Impact of Library User Education Program on the Students Utilization of Library Resources” be used as a guide for Library and Information Science (LIS) Project?
Yes it can be used — User education refers to the process of making library patrons learn how to make effective and efficient use of the library system through the acquaintance of skills in identification, location, search, retrieval and use of information resources. The study scrutinizes the Impact of Library User Education Program on the Students Utilization of Library Resources in Abubakar Tatari Ali Polytechnic Library, Bauchi. In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were laid out to ascertain library user education program and student’s utilization of library resources, find out how library orientation enhances student's utilization of library resources and determine student's utilization of library resources in Abubakar Tatari Ali Polytechnic Library, Bauchi. The research design used in this report is descriptive design, utilizing …
Is the topic “The Audit Expectation Gap in Nigeria” recommended for Accountancy / Accounting Project?
Yes it is highly recommended — The aim of this study is to examine the impact of audit expectation gap on the accounting profession and how the gap can be bridged. Four hypotheses were formulated and tested in the course of this study. A survey design approach was adopted for the study. The Chi square were used to test the hypotheses of the study. Consequent upon the findings, the following recommendations, among others, were made: Introduction of new standards. Rotation of auditors to improve auditors’ independence. …
Can the material for “Assessment of Management Problems of Public Enterprises in Nigeria” be used as a guide for Public Administration (PA) Project?
Yes it can be used — This research study tries to assess the management problems of public enterprises, a case study of power holding company of Nigeria (PHCN). One of the major objectives of any government is a stable growth and development of the country through industrialization. One of the avenues through which this is achieved is by the establishment of public enterprises. PHCN, being public enterprises, the research has undertaken to investigate how much it has contributed to the general growth and development of Nigeria and also investigate any managerial problem. The research design used in this report is descriptive design, utilizing questionnaire method to obtain information from the respondents for this project. Primary data were collected from the primary source which questionnaire was used …
Can the material for “Design and Implementation of a Web-Based System for Distance Learning” be used as a guide for Computer Science (CS) Project?
Yes it can be used — Distance Learning is a web-based environment that allows students to participate in live teaching and learning events without the need to travel. The aim of the study is to develop a Web Base System for Distance Learning using NOUN University as a case study. In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were laid out as follows to design an application that will, provide alternative way of attaining education, facilitate the development of information technology, enhance examination and certification of students thereby improving the standard of education, reveal the use and technology of wireless network to the user, proffer solution to students whom because of nearness to institute and are unable to acquire knowledge that they need, and provide students …
Can this topic “Problems of Human Resources Management and Their Impact in Organizational Performance” be used for Human Resource Management (HRM) Project?
Yes it can be utilized for research — This project is focused on the problem of Human Resources Management in the Ecobank Nigeria Plc, Asaba. The chapter one of this project work focused on the meaning and function of Human Resources Management also the problem which is human being or the personnel on how to deal with them. What leads to Human Resources Management Problem and their Impact to the Organization today. In order to maximize the economic and social well being of workers. This chapter further highlighted the Ecobank Nigeria Plc profile, the statement of problems, the purpose of the study and the hypotheses with significances. In chapter two, we have the review of literature. The management of organization was introduced and briefed, following with some definitions of …
Can the material for “Production Issues and Future of Oil Palm” be used as a guide for Agricultural Engineering (AE) Project?
Yes it can be used — This study examined the problems and prospects of oil palm cultivation using Nifor as a case study. In the process of the research questionnaires were administered to farmers and workers, so as to enable the researcher collect the required data which were selected and analyzed using simple percentage. The findings of the study revealed that problems facing oil palm production include lack of adequate land space, inadequate storage facilities which result in low production of oil palm, inadequate finance etc while those of its prospect include that the cultivation of oil palm is an inevitable means of shifting the nation’s dependence on oil sectors as the main stay of the nations economy, a means of encouraging rural agriculture since southern …