Corruption Project Topics for Final Year Students
The primary purpose of this online platform is to provide students with a quick and easy way to access important resources and project materials. This library is a valuable resource for researchers looking to delve into topics focused on Corruption. Presented below is a carefully selected list of relevant Corruption topics suitable for project research.
List of Related Project Topics on Corruption
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Can the material for “Nature in Nigerian Children’s Literature: An Appraisal of Selected Verses” be used as a guide for Literature in English Project?
Yes it can be used — This study appraises selected Children‟s nature verses drawn across five Children’s poetry texts. It, among other things, instigates a renewed academic and creative inquiry into the field of Children’s poetry so as to illuminate its relevance. It makes use of the ecocritical theory as a framework of analysis. In this light, it highlights the need for a reinvigorated zest in the study of Children’s poetry, particularly nature poetry, considering that poetry for Children has not enjoyed the popularity of prose. This obviously skewed state of Children’s literature in Nigeria calls for attention hence this study is justified in exploring Children’s poetry. Considering its style and structure, poetry is a great literary tool that is distinguished by its beauty and urgency. …
Can the material for “Marketing Strategies Tools in Promoting Library Service Delivery in Research Libraries” be used as a guide for Library and Information Science (LIS) Project?
Yes it can be used — The study explores the Marketing Strategies Tools in Promoting Library Service Delivery in Research Libraries in Edo State. In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were laid out to assess the Marketing Strategies Tools in Promoting Library Service Delivery in Research Libraries, investigate marketing of Academic libraries services, determine the need for marketing library services in academic libraries, determine library services for marketing in Academic libraries, examine the extent of marketing library services, examine strategies for enhancing marketing of library services, and determine current techniques employed by academic libraries in marketing of library services in Edo state. The research design used in this report is descriptive design, utilizing questionnaire method to obtain information from the respondents for this project. …
Can this topic “The Effect of Proper Planning on the Organization Objectives in Public Service in Nigeria” be used for Public Administration (PA) Project?
Yes it can be utilized for research — This research work is necessitated by the desire to discover the position and role of proper planning on the organizational objectives in the public service in Nigeria. The research is concerned with the determination on how important planning is in management of organization. The benefit and costs of planning. Comparing certain activities in public and private organizations using federal polytechnic Nekede, Owerri as a case study does them. Questionnaire and interview were use to gather data for the analysis and statisyical analytical method such as tables, rations, percentage and pie charts were use in examining the findings the analytical method helped to identifying the necessity of planning these organization. They also help to identify such factor that militate against planning …
Can the material for “Geographical Analysis of Utilization and Access of Renewable Energy” be used as a guide for Geography Project?
Yes it can be used — Renewable energy is defined as energy that is collected from natural resources. Recently there has been growing interest in renewable energy and it has become one of the main sources of energy generation. The aim of the study is to perform a Geographical Analysis of Access and Utilization of Renewable Energy in Kankiya Town, Kaduna State. In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were laid out to examine the current energy situation in Kankiya Town, evaluate the energy situation in Kankiya Town and the current demand for electricity, identify the renewable energy potential and most especially solar energy and its applications in Kankiya Town, carry out market research of Kankiya Town and find out possible business prospect for Renewable …
Can the material for “Career Readiness of the Office Technology and Management Students” be used as a guide for Management Technology Project?
Yes it can be used — This study seeks to assess the career readiness of Office Technology and Management students in polytechnics in Anambra, Ebonyi and Enugu state. Career readiness is a measure of the extent to which the OTM students possess the skills and attitudes needed for advancing in their career path. The career readiness of the students was measured using six indicators; office skills, managerial skills, entrepreneurial skills, ICT skills, communication skills and socio-psychological skills. The study employed a survey research design and polytechnics offering OTM in Anambra, Ebonyi and Enugu state were selected for the study. Seven research questions and three hypotheses guided the study, 179 HND II students offering OTM constituted the population, and no sample was taken because of the manageable size …
Can the material for “Management of Fraud and Wastage in Business Organization: Implication for Internal Auditors” be used as a guide for Accounting Technology Project?
Yes it can be used — This study is on management of fraud and wastages in business organizations: implications for internal auditor. Many objectives were set among which are: to identify the nature, types and major causes of fraud and wastages. Two Hypothesis were also tested to determine if or not the hypotheses might be instrumental in fraud and wastages occurrences in business organizations. In arriving at the data used, both primary and secondary data were used. The primary data includes questionnaires distributed to sampled staffs and management of May and Baker Plc and Drugfield Specialty Product Plc. The secondary data includes materials form published textbooks, internet, articles and newspapers. These were tested using Z-test statistics. Data were analyzed and some of the findings include inadequate …
Can the material for “Effect of Capital Structure on Earnings Per Share of Conglomerate Firms” be used as a guide for Accountancy / Accounting Project?
Yes it can be used — The topic of study is the Effect of capital structure on earnings per share of conglomerate firms in Nigeria. The researcher applied the expo facto research design. The researcher used the correlation and regression. Above methods in the analysis of the data. The findings of the study shows that: Debt equity influences the earnings per share of conglomerate firms in Nigeria. That time interest earned has significant effect on the earnings per share of conglomerate firms in Nigeria, and that long term debt has significant effect on the earnings per share of conglomerate firms in Nigeria. Based on these findings the researcher recommended the following; the researcher recommends that management of conglomerate should work very hard to optimize the capital …
Can this topic “The Emergent Tradition and the African Poetry” be used for English Language Project?
Yes it can be utilized for research — This work looks into themes and central ideas of emergent tradition and the African poetry. It aims at examining the message of Ojaide’s as on emergent writer and his opinion about political themes and cultural themes in relation to literary tradition in African poetry. Used in this research work is the writer’s realist ideas, background, experience and themes preoccupying the emergent tradition and African poetry in relation to literary tradition as represented in this work by Tanure Ojaide. …
Can the material for “Design and Implementation of a Web Based Seaport Bill Generating System” be used as a guide for Computer Science (CS) Project?
Yes it can be used — Web Based Seaport Bill Generating System is Software designed to handle time and billing tracking as well as invoicing customers for services and products as well as monitoring an individual water transportation bill. It can track the hours worked by employees as well as expenses associated with projects or clients. The aim of this study is to develop a Web Based Seaport Bill Generating System that will handle the bills raised for various customers. In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were laid out as follows to design and implement an application software that will to provide proper customer fills and records and reduce the amount of time required to prepare a bill by developing an ease and efficient …
Can the material for “Investigation Into the Effectiveness of Total Quality Management (TQM) in the Nigerian Construction Industry” be used as a guide for Quantity Surveying (QS) Project?
Yes it can be used — The complex nature of the construction project and the unstable nature of Nigerian economy result in cost escalation of construction materials and equipments and untimely completion of project make it necessary to employ the use of project management practices Nigeria. Investigations were carried out through administration of questionnaire and data were collected from professionals firms, such as quantity surveyor, architects and engineers. The statistical tools used in analyzing the data include tables and simple percentages. The findings obtained after analysis of the data from the questionnaire, shows that there is a standard practice of project management in Nigeria. Problems such as clients not stating their requirements to the project manager, late appointment of manager and denial of project manager proper authority …