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Contracts Project Topics for Final Year Students

The primary purpose of this online platform is to provide students with a quick and easy way to access important resources and project materials. This library is a valuable resource for researchers looking to delve into topics focused on Contracts. Presented below is a carefully selected list of relevant Contracts topics suitable for project research.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Can the material for “The Use of Accounting Information in Decision Making” be used as a guide for Accountancy / Accounting Project?

Yes it can be used — The accounting information is the bases for financial planning analysis and decision making. They are needed to produce, compare and evaluate the forms of earning ability. It is also required to aid on economic decision making. The accounting information of an enterprises, firms or companies are contained in the financial statement of accounting reports and this comprises of firms balance sheet, profit and loss accounts or income statement of sources and application of fund, statement of value added, notes to the accounts and statement of accounting policy etc. The information contained in each of the statement and the management in decision making in diverse ways for example; the statement of value added measures, the wealth created by a business entity over …

Can the material for “An Appraisal of Instructional Materials Used in Teaching and Learning of Business Studies” be used as a guide for Education Project?

Yes it can be used — The study attempted to investigate the appraising instructional materials as being used in secondary schools in Mainland Local Government Area of Lagos State, Nigeria. The study equally reviewed some important and extensive literatures under sub-headings. The descriptive research survey design was applied in the assessment of respondents’ opinions towards the subject matter. In this study, four null hypotheses were formulated and tested with the application of the independent t-test and the Pearson Product Moment Correltional Coefficient Statistical tools at 0.05 significance level. Also, the simple percentage frequency counts was used to analyse the questionnaire response of the selected respondents together with the research questions. A total of 100 (one hundred) respondents, 50 (fifty) male and 50 (fifty) female teachers were …

Can the material for “The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison and Kaine Agary’s Yellow Yellow” be used as a guide for English Language Project?

Yes it can be used — The research work reviews the historical encounter between the whites and Africans and argues that the challenges or problems evident in the black society at present are as a result of the white m also looks into the social values and system of meaning that promotes male dominance and demeans the woman. …

Can this topic “Television News of Mother Tongue Interference in English News Cast” be used for English Education Project?

Yes it can be utilized for research — Language and man are inseparable and since the languages of the world come in contact, there is bound to be a problem like mother tongue interference which is a sociolinguistic phenomenon. This work takes for granted that grammatical competence is totally different from phonological competence and it has worked on this premise using phonological conventions in analysing the sampled data. The findings proved that interference at the phonological level is a major problem confronting our media houses in Nigeria with respect to spoken English. Suggestions have been proffered to effect the envisaged repair in the aspects identified. …

Can the material for “Design and Implementation of Hospital Management Information System” be used as a guide for Computer Science (CS) Project?

Yes it can be used — Hospital Management Information System (HMIS) is refers to a computer based system that provides hospital with the tools to organize evaluate and efficiently manage departments within the hospital. MIS has five parts namely: hardware, software, procedure, people and data. The method adapted in carrying out this work is the “structures system analysis and Design”, this includes stating and defining the problem at hand of the existing manual system, performing feasibility studies and analysis of this propose computer based system. The research work will further use the database management software. This project work will develop a computer based hospital management information system for Myom Hospital. It will also replace the existing manual system of information and record keeping currently in the …

Can the material for “Livelihood, Living Condition and Coping Strategies Among Older Persons” be used as a guide for Sociology Project?

Yes it can be used — Older persons are known for wisdom because they have experienced more days or years on earth more than others. At some point in live, the older persons are disengage from their long life activities and thus, they are deprived of some basic things. The society had been structured that the older persons cannot hold some particular posts or performs some particular activities. The last ASUU-LASU strike has some of the elements of retirement as its core problem with the Government. The older persons are still generally stigmatized, living below expectation and still relegated in the Sub-Saharan Africa. The aim of this study, therefore, is to examine the means of livelihood, living conditions and coping strategies of older persons. Disengagement theory and …

Can the material for “The Practice of Entrepreneurship in Nigeria” be used as a guide for Business Administration and Management (BAM) Project?

Yes it can be used — Entrepreneurship as we all know is a self employed business which is written for student who must live in a world influenced by business activities, because without business human being cannot operate on his own self. The aim of this project is to provide both student who have graduated from the university and still seeking for job either in federal or private work to be self employed. Nigerians are now forced to start a fresh re-wakening to the challenges and realities of true national that is a creation of new emphasis on self-employment. Graduates and school leavers are now realizing that government have no interest to come to there and through paid employment. Some problem, business men encounter during this self employed job …

Can this topic “Effects of Organization Structure on Employees Performance” be used for Business Administration and Management (BAM) Project?

Yes it can be utilized for research — This research work focuses on effects of organization structure on employees’ performance (a case study of first bank plc). The objective of this study is to access what effective organization structure is, theory and practice on organization performance leading to the mutual satisfaction of all the stakeholders, government, academic, business firms, employees and practitioners. The investigation was carried out with the use of questionnaire to gather information from the members of First bank plc. A number of 50 (fifty) questionnaires were distributed but only 31 (thirty one) was collected and analyzed. Chi square method was used in analyzing the questionnaires and test of the hypotheses. Two (2) hypotheses was tested, the result revealed that there is a significant impact of …

Can the material for “National Youth Services Cops Scheme as an Instrument of National Development in Nigeria” be used as a guide for Public Administration (PA) Project?

Yes it can be used — There is need to encourage Nigerian Youth to actively participate in national integration and development, rather than have passive beneficiaries of the process of change in society. It is against the back ground that the NYSC scheme sendsteaming Nigeria graduates from various institutions within the country to serve their father land for the period of one year in states other than their states of Origin. Many people see these youths in their uniform without clear knowledge of who they are or what they stand for. Some doubt the wisdom in continuation of NYSC and complain that funding of this scheme is a colossal waste. It is in realization of the above arguments ascertain the reasons behind the inauguration of NYSC scheme, …

Can the material for “Impact of Classroom Practices on Academic Performance Among Secondary School Students in Lagos Metropolis” be used as a guide for Education Project?

Yes it can be used — The study investigates the impact of classroom practices on academic performance among secondary school students in Lagos metropolis. In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were laid out to determine the impact of classroom management practice on the performance of students in senior secondary schools in Lagos metropolis, determine the impact of adequate classroom culture on the performance of students in senior secondary schools in Lagos metropolis, ascertain the impact of small class size on the performance of students in senior secondary schools in Lagos metropolis, and ascertain the impact of the use of classroom management techniques on the performance of students in senior secondary schools in Lagos metropolis. The research design used in this report is descriptive design, …

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