1.1 Introduction
… This chapter will address the background information that motivated this study, the challenges that prompted it, its aim, and its objectives as a preface to subsequent sections of the study. Additional factors include the study's significance, scope, limitations, research questions and hypotheses, and the definition of technical terms.
2.0 Literature Review
2.1 Introduction
The review of relevant literature is the main topic of this chapter. A literature review covers theoretical and methodological contributions to a certain issue in addition to the state of knowledge at the time of writing. It provides information about the state of the art in relation to the subject you are writing about. It examines the body of work on the chosen subject. The literature evaluation in this study comprises the …
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Click here to request the Complete Material via WhatsApp including;
- Title page
- Approval page
- Dedication
- Acknowledgement
- Table of Contents
- Abstract
- Introduction
- 1.1 Relevance of project
- 1.2 Site inspection
- 1.3 Evolution of road network in Nigeria
- 1.4 Motor vehicle characteristic that affects road design data
- 1.5 Drivers and their characteristics
- 1.6 Reconnaissance survey
- 1.6.1 Chain survey
- 1.6.2 Station marking
- 1.7 Factors Affecting Choice of Station
- Theodolite Transversing of the Road Control
- 2.1 Definitions
- 2.2 The theodolite
- 2.3 The odorite adjustment
- 2.3.1 Temporary adjustment
- 2.3.2 Permanent adjustment
- 2.4 Procedure for theodolite traversing
- 2.5 Materials used for the theodolte traversinging
- Project Field Leveling Work
- 3.1 Leveling
- 3.2 Profile leveling
- 3.3 Cross leveling
- 3.4 Objectives of leveling
- 3.5 Instruments used in leveling
- 3.6 Temporary adjustment of leveling instrument
- 3.7 Definition of some leveling terminologies
- 3.8 Leveling book
- 3.9 Earthwork computation
- 3.9.1 Method
- Soil Analysis
- 4.1 Collection and preliminary preparation of samples
- 4.2 Mechanical analysis
- 4.3 Atterberg / consistency limit tests
- 4.3.1 Liquid limit test
- 4.3.2 Plastic limit test
- 4.4 Compaction test
- 4.5 The California bearing ratio (CBR) test
- 4.6 Pavement design using CBR
- Geometric Elements Design
- 5.1 Basic design parameters
- 5.1.1 Design speed
- 5.1.2 Gradient
- 5.1.3 Sight distance
- 5.2 Curve design
- 5.3 Curve parameters and formula used, in designing of horizontal curves
- 5.4 Vertical curve design
- 5.5 Cross sectional elements of the road
- 5.6 Brief description on stages of work and equipment used n road constriction
- 5.7 Summary and conclusion
Disclaimer for Complete Material Utilization
The displayed research work titled "Turnover in the Labour Force Brooking Paper on Economic Activities" is stated as a research guideline towards accomplishing your assigned project / seminar research work. All the research materials on this website are ONLY for research purposes and should be used as a guideline in developing your research work. For no reason should you copy word for word as projectlist.com.ng will not be liable for any who copied the material. By ordering the complete research guideline, it signifies that you've accepted our terms of service.
- Title page
- Approval page
- Dedication
- Acknowledgement
- Table of Contents
- Abstract
- Introduction
- 1.1 Relevance of project
- 1.2 Site inspection
- 1.3 Evolution of road network in Nigeria
- 1.4 Motor vehicle characteristic that affects road design data
- 1.5 Drivers and their characteristics
- 1.6 Reconnaissance survey
- 1.6.1 Chain survey
- 1.6.2 Station marking
- 1.7 Factors Affecting Choice of Station
- Theodolite Transversing of the Road Control
- 2.1 Definitions
- 2.2 The theodolite
- 2.3 The odorite adjustment
- 2.3.1 Temporary adjustment
- 2.3.2 Permanent adjustment
- 2.4 Procedure for theodolite traversing
- 2.5 Materials used for the theodolte traversinging
- Project Field Leveling Work
- 3.1 Leveling
- 3.2 Profile leveling
- 3.3 Cross leveling
- 3.4 Objectives of leveling
- 3.5 Instruments used in leveling
- 3.6 Temporary adjustment of leveling instrument
- 3.7 Definition of some leveling terminologies
- 3.8 Leveling book
- 3.9 Earthwork computation
- 3.9.1 Method
- Soil Analysis
- 4.1 Collection and preliminary preparation of samples
- 4.2 Mechanical analysis
- 4.3 Atterberg / consistency limit tests
- 4.3.1 Liquid limit test
- 4.3.2 Plastic limit test
- 4.4 Compaction test
- 4.5 The California bearing ratio (CBR) test
- 4.6 Pavement design using CBR
- Geometric Elements Design
- 5.1 Basic design parameters
- 5.1.1 Design speed
- 5.1.2 Gradient
- 5.1.3 Sight distance
- 5.2 Curve design
- 5.3 Curve parameters and formula used, in designing of horizontal curves
- 5.4 Vertical curve design
- 5.5 Cross sectional elements of the road
- 5.6 Brief description on stages of work and equipment used n road constriction
- 5.7 Summary and conclusion
Disclaimer for Complete Material Utilization
The displayed research work titled "Turnover in the Labour Force Brooking Paper on Economic Activities" is stated as a research guideline towards accomplishing your assigned project / seminar research work. All the research materials on this website are ONLY for research purposes and should be used as a guideline in developing your research work. For no reason should you copy word for word as projectlist.com.ng will not be liable for any who copied the material. By ordering the complete research guideline, it signifies that you've accepted our terms of service.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Can this topic “Spelling Errors among Nigeria Secondary Schools Students, Effects on Their Performance and Remedies” be used for English Education Project?
Yes it can be utilized for research — The study scrutinizes the Effects on their Performance and Remedies of Spelling Errors among Nigeria Secondary Schools Students. In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were laid out to examine and describe the spelling performance of Nigerian secondary school students, discuss the role of readiness and spelling assessing the case of poor students, present a detailed assessment of the role of spelling rules in an effective spelling programme, and assess the importance of good methodology in teaching of spelling in Nigerian secondary school. To spell means to name correctly in order, the letter that make up a word. However, too many students there are difficulties being encountered in this essential academic activity spelling. This is the focus of this …
Can the material for “Treasury Management Strategies and Challenges in the Banking Industry” be used as a guide for Banking and Finance (BF) Project?
Yes it can be used — This research work was conducted to examine Treasury management strategies and challenges in the Nigeria. Banking industry, identifying the various types of bank treasury products, their challenges and the strategies applied by difference banks in marketing their new and existing treasury products. The study analyses the treasury management responsibilities assumed by financial departments and develops a model to confirm those responsibilities. The study has also developed an explanatory model that brings together the man functions of the treasurer by means of two concepts: (i) basic cash management, which group the management of collections and payments, liquidity monitoring in banking operations, short term treasury forecasts, management of banking balances on value data and negotiation with financial organisation; and (ii) “advanced cash …
Can the material for “Impact of Employees Participation in Decision Making and Organizational Productivity” be used as a guide for Public Administration (PA) Project?
Yes it can be used — Decision is the point at which plans, policies and objectives are translated into concrete action. It is noted that Managers, do consider decision making to be the heart of their job in that they must always choose what is to be done, they influences the ordinary employees in decision making. The objective of the research is to know the impact of employees participation in decision making on organizational productivity in Nigerian public sector organizations. Structural questionnaires were administered to 210 respondents which include the management (senior) and intermediate staff of the company, through the employees participating in the decision making will result to high productivity in the organization. Data collected are analysed in a tabular form using a simple percentage of formular to …
Can the material for “Human Resource Development and Productivity in the Civil Service” be used as a guide for Political Science Project?
Yes it can be used — The Civil Service as the machinery of Government performs the unique role of governance and National development as such government everywhere in the world have come to terms with the need to train and re-train it’s hum resource for them to be better equipped to maximize productivity levels and meet the challenges of governance and management. This work makes use of the system theory as theoretical framework and data gathered from secondary sources. My chapter one began with the general introduction where we have the background of study, statement of problem, objective of study, significance of study, literature review, significance of the study, theoretical framework, hypotheses, method of data collection and analysis, scope and limitation of study, operationalization of concept. In …
Is the topic “The Effect of Accounting Information on Bank Loan Grant” recommended for Public Administration (PA) Project?
Yes it is highly recommended — Commercial banks perform numerous functions. One of the most profitable investments of the commercial banks is granting of loans and advances to those customers that need such including business organization as loans are always needed to enhance profitability of such organization and help them execute such projects, which their capital cannot finance. These are factors, which banks do consider before granting such loans. The research work is geared forward finding out the role which financial accounting information plays in lending decision making of the banks. The objectives amongst others include to know whether the banks do demand for financial statement from their customers while making lending decision, the extent to which they are influenced by such statements, the extent to which …
Can this topic “Impact of Reward on Organizational Profitability and Employees Performance” be used for Business Administration and Management (BAM) Project?
Yes it can be utilized for research — This study x-rayed the impact of reward on organizational profitability and employee’s performance, in Emenite ltd, Emene. To achieve this purpose, some objectives of the study, research questions and literature review were raised. The study adopted survey research design, due to the nature of the enquiry. The population of the study was 92 members of the staff out of which the sample size was drawn, including male and female staff of the organization. The sampling techniques used was simple random sample to avoid in the study was primary and secondary sources. The data gathered in the field during study was analyzed using tabulation, percentages and chi-square methods. The major findings on the study were lack of efficient service, poor motivation, …
Can the material for “Collective Bargaining as a Tool for Improving Organisational Peace and Productivity” be used as a guide for Industrial Relations and Personnel Management (IRPM) Project?
Yes it can be used — This research examined Collective Bargaining as a Tool for Improving Organisational Peace and Productivity with special reference to U.B.A and Access Banks. The research adopted survey research design. Data were gathered through primary source with the aid of a well-structured questionnaire. Simple random sampling technique was adopted in the selection of sample, this was used to eliminate biasness in the selection process of the respondents. Data garnered were presented on table using percentage. The result of the analysis shows that Collective bargaining serves as a tool for improved organizational peace and productivity in the organization. Also, collective bargaining has positive effect on the management and worker union, management compensate workers regularly even when collective bargaining is adopted and that collective bargaining …
Can the material for “Effect of Conflict Management on Organization Effectiveness” be used as a guide for Business Administration and Management (BAM) Project?
Yes it can be used — The purpose for carrying out this research is to find out the cause and effect of conflict on organizational effectiveness in Lagos State University, Ojo. This study will reveal that individual worker’s response to directive towards achievement of organizational goals is a complex factor. Conflict management forms the bedrock for peaceful coexistence between employer and employees. The facts remain that conflict is inevitable in any organization. Therefore, the extent to which an organization is able to forge ahead in spite of this necessary unavoidable constraint will depend much on the style of human resources managers, on whose onus rests the arduous ask of conflict management. Lagos State University is not an exception in is regard since it has been established that …
Can the material for “A History of Indigenous Industries Under Colonial Rule in Daura District, 1903-1960” be used as a guide for History Project?
Yes it can be used — This research is an attempt to reconstruct the History of Indigenous Industries under Colonial Rule in Daura District 1903-1960. To ascertain the effect of colonial rule on indigenous industries. However, prior to colonial administration the indigenous technological advancement especially blacksmiths, leather works, pottery, textile industry, wood carving among others were flourishing professions among the inhabitants of Daura. Nevertheless, during colonial administration the establishment of colonial policies such as taxation, compulsory cash crop production, conscription of bodied able men to forced labour in mining among others affected these industries such that these indigenous industries have faced retarded growth till date not only in Daura but in Nigeria as a whole. …
Can the material for “Design and Implementation of Users Application Software for Real Estate Management Practice” be used as a guide for Computer Science (CS) Project?
Yes it can be used — This study was carried out to appraise the role of design and implementation of users application software for estate management or real estate practice, it is obvious that the society cannot exist without land, which is the bases for estate practice, and among the four factors of production, land is the most important, because every other factors exist on land. In chapter one of this study, we are going to look at the introduction of estate management or real estate practice, while chapter two, which is literature review will deal with the concept of estate management, types of real estate, Nigerians real estate sector and government control mortgages in estate management and the problem of Nigerian estate management development. Chapter …