Since the inception of human being, no human being come into existence fully developed with all the necessary faculties and systems that enhance adaptation. Rather, people come into existence and experience several phases of development. One of the phases of such development is the adolescent phase. According to Weiten (2012) adolescent is a transition phase between childhood and adulthood. It is one of the major critical and most delicate phases of the human development because it is at this phase that the socialization of the individual person takes place. According to Ebenebe (2007), it is the phase a girl child learns how to be daughters, sisters, friends, wives and mothers. In addition, she learns the occupational roles that the society has in stock for her. The same is applicable to the male child. Apart from the role play, it is also the phase when adolescents imbibe the norms of the society where they find themselves. It is also the phase when attitudes, skills, values, norms and culture of the given society are learnt. According to Okudo (2013), it is a phase when business teacher can acculturate all socialization processes into a child which are basically achieved through education. According to Moorhead, Johnson & Swanson, (2008).Psychosocial adjustment is the adaptive response to a substantial life changes by an individual either an adolescent or an adult stage.
1.1 Introduction
… This chapter will address the background information that motivated this study, the challenges that prompted it, its aim, and its objectives as a preface to subsequent sections of the study. Additional factors include the study's significance, scope, limitations, research questions and hypotheses, and the definition of technical terms.
2.0 Literature Review
2.1 Introduction
The review of relevant literature is the main topic of this chapter. A literature review covers theoretical and methodological contributions to a certain issue in addition to the state of knowledge at the time of writing. It provides information about the state of the art in relation to the subject you are writing about. It examines the body of work on the chosen subject. The literature evaluation in this study comprises the …
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Can the material for “School Supervision and Quality Assurance in Public Senior Secondary Schools in Education” be used as a guide for Educational Administration and Supervision Project?
Yes it can be used — This study examined school supervision and quality assurance in education District I, Lagos State. The study employed a survey research design. An instrument titled: school supervision and quality assurance (SSQA) was used to collect relevant data for the study. The nine secondary schools involved were selected based on simple random sampling technique and the statistical tools employed to analyse the data collected were percentages, means scores while the T-test statistical and Chi-square statistical tool were used to test the stated hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The sample size were used for the study comprised of 144 participants. Four research questions and 4 research hypotheses were formulated to guide study. The survey results revealed that there is a significant relationship between …
Can the material for “Problem of Employee’s Motivation and Public Sector Performance” be used as a guide for Accountancy / Accounting Project?
Yes it can be used — The study gives a suitable detail of the problem of employee’s motivation and public sector performance. It is obvious that most organizations are affected with this problem of motivation. The project entails how employees in a particular corporation can be motivated to yield maximum output on productivity. The significant of study is stated on how to help in any prastatals and industries in the country. Finally, the objectives of the study include among other things are to: ascertain whether the supervisor style has an effect on motivation in Nigeria Industry Corporation, find out whether highly motivate staff achieve success in the absence of good place or effective organization structure, find out whether motivation can lead to an organizational effectiveness in …
Can the material for “Learning Environment and Students Performance” be used as a guide for Education Project?
Yes it can be used — This research work centered on the influence of learning environment on the academic performance of students in Kensaro Wiwa Polytechnic Amadi-Ama Centre in Obio Akpor Local Government Council. This study was aimed at finding how learning environment has an impact on academic performance on students. The researcher made effort to review books, journals and other materials relating to the different headings incorporated in the literature review. The study population for this study composed of 80 students Kensaro Wiwa Polytechnic Amadi-Ama Centre Port Harcourt, Rivers State. The instrument used to collect data for this study was questionnaire. Te data was analyzed through SPSS computer package. The result obtained indicate that a significant relationship exist between learning environment and academic performance. …
Can this topic “The Adverse Effect of Fuel Scarcity on Farm Produce” be used for Agricultural Engineering (AE) Project?
Yes it can be utilized for research — The research was carried out in Ovia South West Local Government Area and data was also collected from some produce marketers such as Ehomike Food Venture, the Martye Green World venture, Ighile Mojo Farm, Okomu Oil Palm Company Plc and Visco Farm Shop. From the result gathered, it shows that there is need for government to ensure constant deregulation of fuel to every states and local government of the federation, regulating the rate of increasing fuel and to arrest all forms and conditions that could easily lead to fuel scarcity which will have negative effects on farm produce. Finally, result gotten also shows that individual have to desist from all forms of fuel hoarding and vandalization of fuel pipes could threaten …
Can the material for “The Impact of Biblical Old Testament Shepherd Motive for Nigerian Leadership” be used as a guide for Political Science Project?
Yes it can be used — The shepherd metaphor is an appropriate and useful image for depicting the nature, role, and proper functions of faithful leadership among God’s people. The study was carried out to examine the Impact of Biblical Old Testament Shepherd Motive for Nigerian Leadership. In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were laid out to explore the most effective and sustainable role of the shepherd enshrined in Old Testament relevant to the role of the pastor in the church today and provide an adequate translation and interpretation that will correct the misunderstanding and misconception of the shepherd motif which has been subjected to criticism in recent times. Investigation revealed that Shepherd Motif in the Old Testament has been misinterpreted, misunderstood and subjected …
Can this topic “A Critique of Wiredu’s Concept of Truth” be used for Philosophy Project?
Yes it can be utilized for research — Wiredu’s recent significant contribution to epistemology reviews the relationship between knowledge, truth and existence. In this theory Kwasi Wiredu attempts to refute the supposition that truth is a relation the supposition that truth is a relation between statements about the world and the world itself. He argues against objectivist claims to knowledge i.e, that knowledge is of a thing as it is in itself and that appearance is different from opinion. Wiredu argues against the attempts to distinguish between truth of opinion and truth of knowledge and the position by which Wiredu institutes his thesis is a claim that “Truth is an opinion”. He calls this a special case of general proposition that has to be apprehended. In this essay, my main contention …
Can the material for “The Effect of Borrowing on the Performance of Micro Enterprises in Nigeria” be used as a guide for Education Project?
Yes it can be used — This study sets out to examine the relationship between borrowing and the performance of small and medium scale enterprises in Nigeria. The study reviewed some relevant and related literatures. The descriptive survey research was applied for the assessment of the opinions of the respondents with the use of the questionnaire and the sampling technique. A total of 100 (one hundred) copies of questionnaire were administered and all were retrieved duly completed. Finding from the analysis of research questions and hypothesis revealed that SMEs experience finance problems most and for this reason, they borrow money mainly from banks. The fund raised is used to expand their scale of operation, increase quantity of goods produced, purchased and supplied into the market. The operators …
Can the material for “The Effect of Hospitality and Tourism Industry on Employment Rate” be used as a guide for Tourism and Hospitality Project?
Yes it can be used — This study was carried out on the effect of hospitality and tourism industry on employment rate in Oyun L.G.A, Kwara state. The study focuses on unemployment and its concern at the local and international levels, one should look at the causes and factors that lead our societies towards the accumulation of youth without work and the waste of energies, especially as young people are the source of the strength of society and the measure of its growth, progress and prosperity. The study aims to draw conclusions that help to identify and understand tourism and its role in reducing the unemployment rate. The study found that there is a statistically significant impact of touristic education in reducing the unemployment rate, except …
Can the material for “The Influence of Personality Traits on Students’ Academic Performance in Secondary Schools” be used as a guide for Education Project?
Yes it can be used — This study explored the influence of personality traits on students’ academic performance in secondary schools in Lagos State. The study adopted descriptive research design. Questionnaires was the major tool for data collection and data collected were analyzed using the statistical tools of frequency counts, simple percentage for the descriptive analysis while inferential statistics of Chi-Square (X2) was used to test all the stated hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance with the aid of the statistics package for the social sciences (SPSS 20.0). A total number of 150 copies of questionnaires were administered to the respondents, while a total of 143 copies were properly filled and returned for the data analysis. The population of the study is made up of 10 …
Can the material for “Design and Implementation of Text to Speech Application for Vision Impaired Students” be used as a guide for Computer Science (CS) Project?
Yes it can be used — A Text-to-speech application is a synthesizer software that converts text into spoken word, by analyzing and processing the text using Natural Language Processing (NLP) and then using Digital Signal Processing (DSP) technology to convert this processed text into synthesized speech representation of the text. The vision impaired students makes a lot of mistake during typing because they just assume whatever there are typing is right, this lead to the development of Text-To-Speech application. Here, we developed a useful text-to-speech synthesizer in the form of a simple application that converts inputted text into synthesized speech and reads out to the user which can then be saved as an mp3.file. Observation and interview were deployed to gather information used in developing this …