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Terrorism and it’s Implications on Global Security in the 21st Century



1.1 Introduction

Global terrorism is the use of violence, sometimes indiscriminately against persons and property for nominal purpose of making a political statement. The use of violence may be perpetrated by the state, guerrillas, death squads, international terrorist and dissidents, nationalists, religious fundamentalists and fanatics. The twenty-first century terrorists seek to weaken governments, attack the strong bonds between the government and its subjects. Their activities cause political, economic, social and environmental damage. Terrorists activities are transnational and have inevitably crossed porous borders. This has made it difficult for governments to control security systems since technology observes no borders. This has left governments exposed and its power and responsibility to protect its citizens diminished.

As a prelude to other parts of this study, this chapter will discuss the background upon which this study was initiated, the statement of problems that led to this study, the Aim and Objectives of the study. Others are Significance of the study, Scope of work, Research hypothesis and questions, Limitation of the study and Definition of terms.

1.2 Background of Study

Terrorism is not a new phenomenon it has long been a method of violent action by organizations and individuals attempting to achieve political goals. Indeed, terrorism is not an end but rather a modus operandi. According to Bruce Hoffman, all terrorists share one common denominator: they “live” in the future and are convinced that they will defeat their enemies and achieve their political goals. The questions on how we can have a secured and terror free world have been a recurring one with little answers.

The threat of terrorism has steadily increased over the last 30 years. With advances in technology, Terrorist acts have come much more destructive and the perpetrators of those acts have become more elusive. Maintaining a secured world has been a difficult task especially in this era of globalization.

Looking at the security side of the globalization analysis, security became so complex and multi-dimensional, traditional national border-setting type of security perception is not capable of recognizing new threats that transcend the national borders. In this context, international terrorism became one of the main concerns with its highly complicated characteristics. Thus, globalized world has to face an immediate threat: international terrorism. This problem has been recognized not only by one nation, but also in the era of globalization when the nations became much more connected and interdependent, it became a threat to international security.

The dynamic nature of terrorism further exacerbates the threat terrorist pose to security officials. Even if they achieve success in foiling terrorist plots, security agencies cannot rest on their accomplishments as terrorist organizations constantly change their tactics, organizational structure, and even their tactical objectives. As such, terrorist groups and those who work to counter them are constantly competing strategically in an attempt to stay one step ahead of each other, whether via new technologies or operational tactics. In this manner, the phenomenon of terrorism has evolved over the years, with each stage emerging more dangerous and lethal than the preceding stage. Some few states have witnessed terrorist threats since many years. Nevertheless, though these states have already known the pains of terrorism, it became more a concern of many other states with September 11, 2001 (9/11) terrorist attacks in the United States. This a turning point for all the nations to see the threat of terrorism. The September 11 attacks represented a new reality in international terrorism.

The world community, in the wake of these attacks, found itself seemingly in unprecedented peril. The face of international terrorism had changed. But the phenomenon of global jihad terrorism has roots and ramifications that reach back several years. Before 9/11, it was convenient for many states and world leaders to turn a blind eye to the unfolding threat, as long as they were not its direct victims or its central focus. Indeed, the radical Islamic movement originally focused not on attacking western targets, but on conquering the hearts and minds of Muslim communities all over the world through educational, religious, and welfare activities, known as “dawah” activities. These activities were based on the dogmatic radical perspectives of the movement, which praised the use of violence in “defence of Islam.” Still, in most cases, the principle remained theoretical, and the call to violence never manifested itself as a concrete act of violent terrorist activity. This made it possible – and even convenient – for world leaders to underestimate the threat.

The death of nearly 3,000 civilians, the collapse of the World Trade Center buildings, and the destruction of parts of the Pentagon building on September 11th, forced the international community and especially the American people and US administration – to acknowledge the imminent threat of terrorism. Since then, members of the global jihadist network have not hesitated to utilize a method of modern terrorism that has proved more effective than any other, namely, suicide attacks. Almost a new awareness has started, because everybody saw its damages while a lot of people have died or injured, and unfortunately while terrorist declared their success. Terrorism became the main topic on the top agenda for many nations and institutions.

Today, global terror is a giant problem for all humanity. We are used to think security in terms of military threats and arising beyond the borders of one’s own country. Traditionally national security is understood as “the acquisition, deployment and use of military force to achieve national goals. Since the September 11 attack, nations saw that it is of great importance for countries to cooperate and share information as regarding to security and tackle the spontaneous threat posed by terrorists.

Terrorism is not a new phenomenon in human experience; it is characterized by the use of violence against civilians and military personnel with the expressed desire of causing terror or panic in the population. Terrorism is not unique to the 21st century. Terrorism existed in 18th century revolutionary France during the reign of terror, as well as among the Zealots of Palestine in opposition to Roman rule some 2000 years ago. Today, terrorist activity can be found in so many countries of the world. Terrorism is the universally recognised crime, a crime which at a moment notice can reach every facet of our lives and at times it can dominate our existence.

In the past the first image that came to mind when one spoke about terrorism was that of the persistent Arab – Israeli conflict, today it is entirely different. Every day we read, see or hear about the death and destruction caused by terrorist, if it is not about Al-Qaida bombing in Pakistan it’s the Taliban bombing and kidnapping in Afghanistan or the mass and ruthless killings by Isis in Iraq and Syria and also the destructive nature of boko-haram in Nigeria. We can go on and on listing terrorist group and their violent nature. Today terrorism has changed as it is now becoming more organised and sophisticated and only few parts of the world have remained untouched by the current wave of terrorism in the 21st century.

Therefore, in Nigeria where the research was carried out, the activities that was conducted is to know the Terrorism and it’s Implications on Global Security in the 21st Century.

1.3 Statement of Problems

Investigation revealed that the terrorism has been a major threat to international security and world peace. The ambiguity surrounding the concept of terrorism has been an impediment towards conducting empirical research. There is less substantive knowledge of what the concept entails and this makes it necessary for a continuous engagement with the concept. However, this will contribute to the body of research in the field. The research problem is aimed at finding the Implications of Terrorism on Global Security in the 21st Century. There are many shared views and public opinion on the causes of terrorism in Nigeria.

1.4 Aim and Objectives of Study

The aim of the study is to evaluate the Implications of Terrorism on Global Security in the 21st Century. In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were laid out as follows:

  1. To explore the various methods the international community through various international organisations is applying in the fight against terrorism in the globe;
  2. To analyze how these methods being applied by the international community has to a large extent curbed or reduced the threat to world peace posed by terrorism;
  3. To explain why individuals see terrorism as the channel through which their goals could be achieved;
  4. To establish some similarities between terrorist acts and war fought by nations;
  5. To understand the effect of terrorism on the globe and how it has changed the world in the 21st century; and
  6. To proffer solutions that would prevent terrorism, eradicate terrorism and solutions that would help in maintaining international security.

1.5 Research Questions

The study came up with research questions so as to be able to ascertain the above stated objectives. The specific research questions for the study are stated below as follows:

  • What are the various methods the international community applied in the fight against terrorism in the globe?
  • Why do individuals see terrorism as the channel through which their goals could be achieved?
  • What are the similarities between terrorist acts and war fought by nations?
  • What is the effect of terrorism on the globe and how it has changed the world in the 21st century?
  • What are the methods applied by the international community in curbing the threat to world peace posed by terrorism?


2.0 Literature Review

2.1 Introduction

The review of relevant literature is the main topic of this chapter. A literature review covers theoretical and methodological contributions to a certain issue in addition to the state of knowledge at the time of writing. It provides information about the state of the art in relation to the subject you are writing about. It examines the body of work on the chosen subject. The literature evaluation in this study comprises the …

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