The Internet has revolutionized the computer and communications world like nothing before. The invention of the telegraph, telephone, radio, and computer set the stage for this unprecedented integration of capabilities. The Internet is at once a world-wide broadcasting capability, a mechanism for information dissemination, and a medium for collaboration and interaction between individuals and their computers without regard for geographic location. The aim of the study is to scrutinize the Development of Internet application software. In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were laid out to evaluate the Development process of Internet, assess the factors affecting the development of Internet, and proffer solution to the above stated problems of the Development of Internet. The Internet today is a widespread information infrastructure, the initial prototype of what is often called the National (or Global or Galactic) Information Infrastructure. Its history is complex and involves many aspects - technological, organizational, and community. And its influence reaches not only to the technical fields of computer communications but throughout society as we move toward increasing use of online tools to accomplish electronic commerce, information acquisition, and community operations. This study will be of immense benefit to researchers who intend to know more on this study and can also be used by non-researchers to build more on their research work. This study contributes to knowledge and could serve as a guide for other study.
1.1 Introduction
The internet is a platform where millions of people engaged in the creation and exchange of information. Indeed, this fact affects a large and deep to academic achievement and social life. By this, a review of the literature was carried out to explore and investigate the effect of the internet on academic achievement. It is very important for the researcher to see how the authors see the use of the internet and its impact on students. In addition, it aimed at how digital online can help students in their academic. The researcher also wants to see how well the student learning process becomes effectively by using the Internet as a source of reference information. Furthermore, this literature review is to look at the positive and negative effects of Internet usage in the learning process. Therefore, this literature review will attempt to provide a better understanding of the effect of the internet on their academic achievement and look for any obstructions to academic achievement.
The Internet has revolutionized the computer and communications world like nothing before. The invention of the telegraph, telephone, radio, and computer set the stage for this unprecedented integration of capabilities. The Internet is at once a world-wide broadcasting capability, a mechanism for information dissemination, and a medium for collaboration and interaction between individuals and their computers without regard for geographic location.
The Internet represents one of the most successful examples of the benefits of sustained investment and commitment to research and development of information infrastructure. Beginning with the early research in packet switching, the government, industry and academia have been partners in evolving and deploying this exciting new technology.
This history revolves around four distinct aspects. There is the technological evolution that began with early research on packet switching and the ARPANET (and related technologies), and where current research continues to expand the horizons of the infrastructure along several dimensions, such as scale, performance, and higher level functionality. There is the operations and management aspect of a global and complex operational infrastructure. There is the social aspect, which resulted in a broad community of Internets working together to create and evolve the technology. And there is the commercialization aspect, resulting in an extremely effective transition of research results into a broadly deployed and available information infrastructure.
The Internet today is a widespread information infrastructure, the initial prototype of what is often called the National (or Global or Galactic) Information Infrastructure. Its history is complex and involves many aspects - technological, organizational, and community. And its influence reaches not only to the technical fields of computer communications but throughout society as we move toward increasing use of online tools to accomplish electronic commerce, information acquisition, and community operations.
As a prelude to other parts of this study, this chapter will discuss the background upon which this study was initiated, the statement of problems that led to this study, the Aim and Objectives of the study. Others are Significance of the study, Scope of work, Limitations of the Study and Definition of technical terms.
2.0 Literature Review
2.1 Introduction
The review of relevant literature is the main topic of this chapter. A literature review covers theoretical and methodological contributions to a certain issue in addition to the state of knowledge at the time of writing. It provides information about the state of the art in relation to the subject you are writing about. It examines the body of work on the chosen subject. The literature evaluation in this study comprises the …
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Is the topic “Marketing of Motor Insurance Policies in Nigeria; Problems and Prospects” recommended for Insurance Project?
Yes it is highly recommended — This research work focused on the Marketing of Motor Insurance in Nigeria; the problems facing and hampering smooth marketing of the policy in Nigeria, as well as motor insurance has in Nigeria. The motor insurance is one of the compulsory insurance in Nigeria (third party) under section 68 of Insurance Act 2003. The motor insurance marketing has been facing various challenges ranging from the issuance of fake certificate by much room cooperative societies and unfaithful insurance Agents and Brokers. In an attempt to solve the problems identified, the objectives of the research work was outlined which includes to examine the problems facing motor insurance marketing in Nigeria, to ascertain the effect of unethical practice of insurance intermediaries and others. Upon …
Can this topic “Mother’s Perspectives of Female Genital Mutilation” be used for Nursing (Science) Project?
Yes it can be utilized for research — The study was carried out to find out mothers perspectives on female genital mutilation (FGM) among the Agbarho Community in Delta State, Nigeria. The aim of the study can be used in utilizing the research result when planning education programs in preventing female genital mutilation. The research was carried out in co-operation with a local village which is situated in Agbarho Community. Qualitative method was used to implement this study. Data was collected by interviewing four mother´s aged between 20-35 years of age, who had young daughters. The data collected was analyzed by using content analysis. The results of this study revealed that the mothers interviewed have good knowledge about the effects of female genital mutilation in general and the risks involved …
Can the material for “The Level of the Knowledge and Source of Information on Sexual Transmitted Infection (STIS) Among Junior Secondary School” be used as a guide for Education Project?
Yes it can be used — This study was designed to investigate the level of knowledge and source information of sexual transmitted infection among secondary school students in Amuwo-Odofin Local Government Area of Lagos State. Emphasis was put on trying to establish the relationship between level of knowledge and source of information because of culture and religions barriers. The study employed the use of correlation design to establish the nature of the relationship. The validity and reliability of research instrument was established and data was collected from 100 respondent selected from six school in Amuwo-Odofin Local Government Area of Lagos State using the simple random sampling method. To analyze the data, the Pearson product moment correlation. Statistical tool was used with the aim of establishing the relationship …
Can this topic “Production and Assessment of Banana Wine Quality” be used for Microbiology Project?
Yes it can be utilized for research — Juice was extracted from banana (Musa sapientum) pulp with the addition of lemon juice and was inoculated with Baker’s yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) and held at 30 for seven days. The result of the yeast count increases at 48hr, and at 96hr the yeast count decreased gradually. It ranges from 4.9×107 cfu/ml at 0hr, 5.1×107 at the 48hr and 4.8×107 cfu/ml at 168hr. The pH of the Banana wine produced at the end of fermentation decreased (2.85) while the titrable acidity of the Banana wine produced increased. The total dissolved solids, total suspended solids decreased with increasing length of fermentation of juice. The alcohol content of the wine increased with 14%. The result obtained from the sensory evaluation by ten panelist …
Can the material for “A Computerized System for Monitoring Quality Assurance” be used as a guide for Computer Science (CS) Project?
Yes it can be used — This project is about the design and implementation of a computer based quality assurance monitoring system. A quality assurance monitoring is very necessary as it will contribute to the corporate performance of an organization. The method used in implementing the design was based on top-down approach. This is done by starting with the general concept of what is required by the existing system that it is lacking and breaking them into component parts which are then simplified with the introduction of the new system. More features can still be added to the system to make it more reliable for efficient results. . The new system was designed using Microsoft visual basic 6.0 programming language. This language was chosen because of …
Can this topic “Impact of Budgetary Control on Profitability of an Organization” be used for Economics Project?
Yes it can be utilized for research — This study examined the impact of budgetary control on profitability of an organization. Thus, the importance of budgetary cannot be emphasized in business organization, as management needs to embark on budget to effect proper planning and control. In this vein, budgeting can be seen as a process of planning and control. Proper budgeting can never affect efficient plans of organization without control. Thus, the desire to examine whether budgetary control is practicable in Samsung Electronics Nigeria Plc ignited this study. To achieve this objective, four research questions and two research hypotheses were formulated to guide this study. A well structured questionnaire was used as the major instrument to gather data from the 70 staff and management of Samsung Electronics Nigeria …
Is the topic “Design and Implementation of an Inventory Management Software for Offices” recommended for Computer Science (CS) Project?
Yes it is highly recommended — This project is on design and implementation of a computerized office inventory system that is based on a system of valuation known as office system due to pluctuation of market price. The project is also aimed at finding out how computer can be applied to office inventory system. The prevalent method of controlling inventory in most offices is manual method, which has a lot of set backs. Such set backs include tedious ecorical worck, delay in transaction and time wastages in file assessment and accuracy of inventory record. It is therefore of great importance to carry out this research aimed at finding out how computer can help to maintain efficient and accurate records of goods in stock, and also making updating …
Can this topic “Design and Implementation of a Peer to Peer Network for File Sharing” be used for Computer Science (CS) Project?
Yes it can be utilized for research — Peer-To-Peer network is a type of network in which each workstation has equivalent capabilities and responsibilities which differs from client/server architectures, in which some computers are dedicated to serving the others. The main aim of this study is to design and implement a peer-to-peer computer network for Socsmait office. In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were laid out to design and develop an application software that will: enable communication between two or more computers on the network, allow the computers in the network communicate without the need for a central server, allow the computers connected in the network perform the function of both a server and a client on the network i.e. they are given the administrative right …
Can the material for “Analysis of Twin Deficit and Manufacturing Sector of Nigerian Economy (1981 - 2015)” be used as a guide for Economics Project?
Yes it can be used — The study investigated the relationship between twin deficit and manufacturing sector of Nigerian economy for the period of 34 years (1981 to 2015). The study adopted the time series data using the OLS estimation technique to analyze the data. The model was estimated using a linear specification methodology. It was discovered Current account deficit and fiscal deficit exerts a negative and significant relationship with manufacturing output in Nigeria while Real Gross Domestic Product has a positive and significant relationship with manufacturing output in Nigeria. The study recommended that Government should endeavor to live within its means. Persistent budget deficit may lead to chronic current account disequilibrium which may further inhibit economic growth. Government must ensure that it pursues fiscal policies …
Can the material for “Assessment of the Impact of Manufacturing Sector on Economic Growth in Nigeria (1980-2015)” be used as a guide for Economics Project?
Yes it can be used — The importance of manufacturing sector to the growth of any economy and survival cannot be overemphasized. In an attempt to advance on this, this study attempts to investigate the assessment of the impact of manufacturing sector on economic growth in Nigeria from 1980 − 2015, Ordinary Least Square (OLS) econometric technique was used on time series data of relevant variables of manufacturing Output, investment and capacity utilization; The study found that manufacturing output, investment and capacity utilization has a significant relationship with the economy. Meaning that manufacturing output, investment and capacity utilization exerts impact on economic growth via manufacturing sector of the economy. The study recommends that efforts should be geared toward strengthening the macroeconomic, socio-infrastructural and institutional environment of the …