This research work examines the Management of Employee Welfare with Emphasis on Industrial Accidents and Safety. In achieving this aim, the following objectives were set out to suggest and recommend ways of reducing or out righting eliminating specific hazard and unsafe environment characteristic, find out the cause of industrial accidents in premier breweries PLC Onitsha, serve as a base for future research on industrial accident in the brewery, and highlight on the relationship between specific employees and environment characteristic and accidents behavior The importance of the study is in many folds, this study will reveal to management of industries the various methods of handling employee in a manufacturing outfit and the effect of such method on labor turnover. This study will be useful to heads of department of human resources of various industries in handling problem that arises in thir industries and in checking labor turnover as a result of such problem. Finally, recommendation made from the study would lead to a better handling of problem when they occur in the industries which would therefore reduce labor turnover.
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background Of The Study
Premier breweries PLC formerly Ltd sprang in n 1977 with just office some 20 year later it operate with heavy branch which includes eastern plastics ltd Emene premier farm Ltd
Even though the organization started off in 1977 its history dates back to 1974 when the government of the defunct east central state under chief Ukpabi Asika entered into a machinery supply/ plant design contract with the German company Messers brave chases for the establishment of brewery at Onitsha initially the plan was that the brewery should be a golden guinea brewery’s subsidiary.
However in January 25th 1976 Diamond breweries Ltd a fully independent company was incorporated while in December of that same year the name was changed to premier breweries Ltd. It was commissioned by col. John A Kpera (Ltd). Now brigadier then military government of Anambra state on the 11th of March 1978.
At set off the production capacity was 350.00 hectoliters. However after the first phase of the expansion programme which cost N15,00,000 (fifteen million Naira) capacity rose to 750,00 hectoliter and the second phase of the expansion programme costing N9,000.00 (Nine million Naira) bringing the capacity to 1,200,00 hectoliters. This increase has made the premier breweries the second largest producer of beer in the West African sub region.
A look at the Eastern plastic Ltd Emene reveals that it engage in the production of plastics like bottle crates etc. furthermore a land of about 100hectares has since been developed in Uzo-Uwani L.G.A. of Enugu State.
It must be noted that at start of operations there were just 80 worker (premier breweries PLC) But as at today it can boast of over 1500 employees directly and indirectly. The owners of this company include the following.
- Anambra State Ministry of finance
- Nigeria Industrial Development Bank (NIDB)
Nigeria bank for commerce and industry some other associations and publicities but with the more into the PLC class the capital bask of the company has been raised through the sell of shares thereby introducing more member via share holding also the multi malt was launched during the very first international trade fair help Enugu in April 1990.
The company has grown not just in capacity also in the qualified products. Infact in this vein the standard organization of Nigeria (SON) awarded it the N15 certificate of quality barely five months after its entry into the Nigeria malt drink market
1.2 Statement Of Problem
The frequent enactment of laws in this country and perhaps other is in the world would have made industries to look deeply into cause of these accidents with a view to brining them to a minimal level.
Despite these laws we are not yet in effective control of our working system and environment sequel to lack of skilled manpower and the shortage was largely as a result of neglect of employees training and management development programs by manufacturing organization aimed at mastering the device for work. Also lack of the much- need education poses a great problem, for some could be highly skillful on the job but lack the reading ability to read instructional manuals tagged on the machines for safety purposes
Equally there is other problems it centers around companies complying with standard laws and enforcing compliance through a system of inspection and penalties therefore the shortage of funds to acquire brand machines and other safely devices also remain a great problem Some companies run short of much needed money to purchase these and so as an alternative they try to acquire second hand machineries and safety devices which can’t last long period of working times and that is no 100% guarantee on its safety. More so, industries lack the money to pay professional who will be employed to service and maintain the machine/ safety devices as use warrants.
1.3 Aim and Objectives Of The Study
The aim of the study is to examine Management of Employee Welfare with Emphasis on Industrial Accidents and Safety. In achieving this aim, the following objectives were set out as follows:
- To suggest and recommend ways of reducing or out righting eliminating specific hazard and unsafe environment characteristic
- To find out the cause of industrial accidents in premier breweries PLC Onitsha.
- To serve as a base for future research on industrial accident in the brewery.
- To highlight on the relationship between specific employees and environment characteristic and accidents behavior
1.4 Scope of Study
The study focuses on the Management of Employee Welfare with Emphasis on Industrial Accidents and Safety using Premier Breweries PLC Onitsha.
1.5 Limitations of the Study
During the course of this study, many things militated against its completion, some of which are:
- Time Constraint: The time frame given to accomplish this project was very short due to school academic calendar and it was carried out under pressure which made the researcher not to implement some necessary features.
- Establishment Policies: Establishment policies posed a serious limitation as most staffs are not ready to release information needed for this project work. There were lots of information needed from the staffs of this institution to enhance the study which took them time to release or they did not release at all for security purposes, hence the scope was reduced.
- Research material: availability of research material is a major setback to the scope of the study.
- Frequent power failure: This made the researcher append more money on fuel to ensure sustainable power.
- Financial Constraint: Insufficient fund tends to impede the efficiency of the researcher in sourcing for the relevant materials, literature or information and in the process of data collection (internet, questionnaire and interview).
1.6 Research Questions
The following are the questions of the research work;
- In what ways can the management prevent or reduce the rate of accident in the industries?
- What is your status in the organization?
- What types of accident normally come up in your industry?
- Have you personally have an accident before?
- If yes how did you experience it?
- Does safety program exist in this company?
- Which department has more accidents recorded?
- Which machine(s) has the highest accident record?
- What is your opinion is /are the causes of these accidents?
- Have the causes of these accidents now been removed?
- Which of these causes worries your mind the most?
- Before you were employed, were you informed of the dangers of working in this company?
- When some workers in your unit have accident how does it affect work?
- How does it affect sales and profit?
- Do you think safety device is enough in this company?
1.7 Research Hypothesis
H0: There is no significant relationship between Management of Employee Welfare and Industrial Accidents and Safety
H1: There is a significant relationship between Management of Employee Welfare and Industrial Accidents and Safety
1.8 Significance Of The Study
The importance of the study is in many folds, this study will reveal to management of industries the various methods of handling employee in a manufacturing outfit and the effect of such method on labor turnover. This study will also reveal to many industries the types of employee and welfare. The fact that some employee in the industry do not arise out of frustration which in turn is a result of an amalgamation of factors which can only be isolated by patient and skillful management. This study will be useful to heads of department of human resources of various industries in handling problem that arises in thir industries and in checking labor turnover as a result of such problem.
Finally, recommendation made from the study would lead to a better handling of problem when they occur in the industries which would therefore reduce labor turnover.
1.9 Definition Of Terms
Employee: Any person who enters into a contract employment to offer his labor for wages.
Welfare: The well being happiness health and organized effort for the welfare of poor and disabled ones in the company
Productivity: Rate of output per man hour of work volume output in relation to input.
Labor Turnover: Is the term given to the measurement employee leaving a company and their replacement
Combustible / Explodeable: These are sudden violent bursts of materials such as gases or very hot objectives.
Crises: Stage where workers performance is less than what is expected sequel to in efficiency and improper attitude to work.
Human Causative Factors: These factors are caused of accidents attributable to human beings
Horse Play: Rough play which could result to an injury or accident to a worker
Industrial Hygiene: Process where the work environment is kept free of infectious disease and dirt that might arise from the nature of work.
Occupation Disease: certain diseases that are inherent in certain jobs and are likely to affect the health of persons at work place.
Policy Statement: Statement made by the organization in simple from explaining the intention of management and indicating all major safety programmes measures available stipulating how the employer and employee can ensure adequate safety.
Safety Engineering: Process of creating a work situation in which the efficiency and effectiveness of man and machine are maximized
Usage Act: This act is due to actions taken by a person without due regard for his safety or that of his colleagues.
Fatal Accidents: These accidents might result to loss of part of the body or even total loss (Death) to work.
2.0 Literature Review
2.1 Introduction
The review of relevant literature is the main topic of this chapter. A literature review covers theoretical and methodological contributions to a certain issue in addition to the state of knowledge at the time of writing. It provides information about the state of the art in relation to the subject you are writing about. It examines the body of work on the chosen subject. The literature evaluation in this study comprises the …
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- Title page
- Approval page
- Dedication
- Acknowledgement
- Table of Contents
- Abstract
- 1.0 Introduction
- 1.1 Background …
- ⋮
- 2.1 Introduction
- 2.2 Conceptual Review
- 2.3 Theoretical Framework
- ⋮
- 2.4 Empirical Studies
- 3.1 Introduction
- 3.2 Research Design
- 3.3 Population of Study
- 3.4 Sampling and Sampling Technique
- 3.5 Validation of Research Instrument
- 3.6 Method of Data Collection
- 3.7 Method of Data Analysis
- 3.8 Questionnaire Administration
- 3.9 Ethical Consideration
- 3.10 Statistical Analysis
- 4.1 Introduction
- 4.2 Presentation and Analysis of Data
- 4.3 Re-statement of Research Questions
- 4.4 Test of Hypotheses
- 4.5 Discussion of Findings
- 5.1 Introduction
- 5.2 Summary of Findings
- 5.3 Conclusion
- 5.4 Recommendation
- 5.5 Suggestion for Further Study
Disclaimer for Complete Material Utilization
The displayed research work titled "Management of Employee Welfare with Emphasis on Industrial Accidents and Safety" is stated as a research guideline towards accomplishing your assigned project / seminar research work. All the research materials on this website are ONLY for research purposes and should be used as a guideline in developing your research work. For no reason should you copy word for word as will not be liable for any who copied the material. By ordering the complete research guideline, it signifies that you've accepted our terms of service.
- Title page
- Approval page
- Dedication
- Acknowledgement
- Table of Contents
- Abstract
- 1.0 Introduction
- 1.1 Background …
- ⋮
- 2.1 Introduction
- 2.2 Conceptual Review
- 2.3 Theoretical Framework
- ⋮
- 2.4 Empirical Studies
- 3.1 Introduction
- 3.2 Research Design
- 3.3 Population of Study
- 3.4 Sampling and Sampling Technique
- 3.5 Validation of Research Instrument
- 3.6 Method of Data Collection
- 3.7 Method of Data Analysis
- 3.8 Questionnaire Administration
- 3.9 Ethical Consideration
- 3.10 Statistical Analysis
- 4.1 Introduction
- 4.2 Presentation and Analysis of Data
- 4.3 Re-statement of Research Questions
- 4.4 Test of Hypotheses
- 4.5 Discussion of Findings
- 5.1 Introduction
- 5.2 Summary of Findings
- 5.3 Conclusion
- 5.4 Recommendation
- 5.5 Suggestion for Further Study
Disclaimer for Complete Material Utilization
The displayed research work titled "Management of Employee Welfare with Emphasis on Industrial Accidents and Safety" is stated as a research guideline towards accomplishing your assigned project / seminar research work. All the research materials on this website are ONLY for research purposes and should be used as a guideline in developing your research work. For no reason should you copy word for word as will not be liable for any who copied the material. By ordering the complete research guideline, it signifies that you've accepted our terms of service.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Is the topic “The Application of Production Skills on the Organisational Management” recommended for Production and Operations Management Project?
Yes it is highly recommended — Production skills is a basic element in maintaining the production capacity of an organization is an important function in any production organization. The aim of the study is to analyze the impact of production skills on the organisational management using Nigeria Breweries Kaduna PLC as a case study. In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were laid out to profitably export petroleum products to existing and potential market at a minimum cost, provide an un-interrupted supply of crude oil to the refineries, and stimulate the sale of special products and promote import subscription of petroleum products and special products. Production skills entails Industries and business organization be it private or public, have one thing in common, the human workforce, …
Is the topic “Comparative Studies of Serum Calcium Level in Geriatric Men” recommended for Biochemistry Project?
Yes it is highly recommended — Calcium is the most important mineral in the body. The body needs calcium for normal functioning of nerves and muscles including the most important muscles of all which is the heart. Calcium is also important for healthy bones and teeth. The amount of calcium in the blood is carefully controlled by the body's hormonal systems. The body gets calcium from diary products, some vegetables (such as broccoli), and some fortified foods. Calcium can also be obtained from taken pills containing calcium. Most of the body's calcium is stored in the bones and only small amount is found in the blood (serum). Calcium is maintained within a fairly narrow range from 8.5 to 10.5mg/dl (4.3 to 5.3meq/l or 2.2 to 2.7mmol/l). The estimation …
Can the material for “Design and Implementation of Wireless Batch Counting Device for Brewery” be used as a guide for Computer Science (CS) Project?
Yes it can be used — This project deals on the design and implementation of Radio frequency RF based wireless batch counting device for brewery capable of counting the bottled drinks /product in a conveyor and displays the value numerically and wireless to it receiver installed about 100meters away. It is realized in top-down methodology using passive and active components available in the local market. This electronic system is designed in two functional units, the transmitter and the receiver and they communicate by the principle of electrical resonance using Rf transmission wave band. The bottles are sensed using an opto-couple, transmitted to the receiver using Rf module and displayed using a 2-digit seven segment display. The system is packaged in a portable plastics casing, the result …
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Yes it can be used — The study examined staff interactive co-operation and effective team building among primary school teachers in selected secondary schools in Mainland Local Government Area of Lagos. .The descriptive research survey was used in order to assess the opinions of the selected respondents using the questionnaire and the sampling techniques. A total of 100 (one hundred) respondents were selected comprising of 50 males and 50 females to represent the entire population of the study. Three null hypotheses were formulated and tested using the independent t-test statistical tool at 0.05 level of significance. At the end of the analyses, the following results emerged: there is a significant difference between interaction and teachers’ work performance at the primary school levels, there is a significant gender …
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Yes it can be used — Drug abuse among Nigerian youth has been a scourge to the overall sustainable development of the nation. The study was carried out to examine the Drug Abuse Consequences on Nigerian Youth. In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were laid out to ascertain the relationship between drug abuse and the youth psychological behavior and find out the impacts of drug abuse among youth in Nigeria. The research design used in this report is descriptive design, utilizing questionnaire method to obtain information from the respondents for this project. A total of 133 (one hundred and thirty three) respondents were selected for this study to represent the entire population of the study. For null hypotheses were formulated and tested using the …
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Yes it is highly recommended — This research work examines teacher stress and frustration and this academic performance of students. A sample of (120) 44 male and 76 Females were randomly selected from four (4) second any schools in Kosofe local Government Area. The Instrument employed was a questionnaire; Chi square tool of statistical analysis was used to test the five formulat Ed Null Hypothesis. …
Can this topic “The Effective Marketing Communication as a Tool for Greater Productivity in Organization” be used for Business Administration and Management (BAM) Project?
Yes it can be utilized for research — This work is aimed at critically examining effective marketing communication as a tool for greater productivity in an organization a special reference to union bank Nigeria Plc eastern area was used as a case study. Literatures related to the subject were reviewed. primarily and secondary data were collected through the use of questionnaire interviews and form text journals and the company’s record that face to face marketing communication is not common between the top management and the subordinate. For communication to be effective in the organization the following factors must be observed and maintained. Management must develop good communication skill, a common language should be used for better understanding of marketing communication intents, subordinates views should be sought before making …
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Yes it can be used — It was obviously vital that African should be treated for culture preservation. This research attempted the exposition of Camara Laye’s The African Child and The Radiance of the King with a view to appreciate the African Aesthetics in the novels. Formalism approach is used to critically study the aesthetics in the selected African novels and we made wide consultation of books on African aesthetics. We observed that with all rapidly changing conditions of life today, African aesthetic such as circumcision, rituals and rites, sacrifices are in a very grave danger of getting lost forever, unless something is done to redeem this situation. Aesthetics of any society should not be taken with levity. …
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Yes it can be used — This study examines forensic accounting as tools for fraud detection and prevention in Nigeria. The study focused on five audit firs in Ogun State. The study adopted a survey research design. The data for the study were collected through the use of structured questionnaire. The data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics of mean and standard deviation and inferential statistics of correlation with the aid of SPSS. The result of the analysis reveals among others that there is positive and significant relationship between awareness of forensic accounting audit and fraud prevention. The study also reveals that the forensic accounting face problems such as lack of expert in forensic accounting, lack of transparent organization, lack of wider coverage of forensic accounting …
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