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Indigenous and Emerging Adaptive Agricultural Technologies to Climate Change in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria



The study ascertained Indigenous and Emerging Adaptive Agricultural Technologies to Climate Change in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria. Data were collected from 400 respondents through the use of semi structured interview schedule using a multistage random sampling technique. The collected data were analyzed using percentages, mean score, and factor analysis. The findings revealed that majority (89.8%) of the respondents were aware of climate change though only 9.0% of them knew of climate change to a great extent; it was found that majority (94.8%) of the respondents had knowledge of climate change effects on their farming activities. The findings also showed that respondents sourced information on climate change from radio/television (61.0%),newspaper (44.0%) and friends (43.8%). The major perceived causes of climate change by the respondents were burning of fossil fuel (M=4.19), gas flaring from oil companies(M =4.03), high temperature due to ozone layer depletion (M =3.99) and gases released from industries (M =3.92).

The result also showed that bush burning, cutting down of trees, cooking with firewood, crude oil spillage further causes of climate change. The Major perceived effects of climate change on farming activities included: low rainfall intensity (M =3.34), late onset of rains (M = 3.36), heat from high temperature (M=3.29), high rate of weed growth (M =3.00), poor crop yield (M =2.98), and decrease in soil moisture (M =2.95). Findings further showed that about 24% of the respondents had contact with extension workers in the last one year.The mean distribution on available extension activities on climate change revealed that there were limited activities on climate change issues in the study area. It was further revealed that organic manure (72.0%), cover cropping (71.8%),


1.1 Introduction

… This chapter will address the background information that motivated this study, the challenges that prompted it, its aim, and its objectives as a preface to subsequent sections of the study. Additional factors include the study's significance, scope, limitations, research questions and hypotheses, and the definition of technical terms.


2.0 Literature Review

2.1 Introduction

The review of relevant literature is the main topic of this chapter. A literature review covers theoretical and methodological contributions to a certain issue in addition to the state of knowledge at the time of writing. It provides information about the state of the art in relation to the subject you are writing about. It examines the body of work on the chosen subject. The literature evaluation in this study comprises the …

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Can the material for “Our Husband Has Gone Mad Again by Ola Rotimi: A Critical Discourse Analysis” be used as a guide for Linguistics and Communication Project?

Yes it can be used — Analysis on a discourse level has been used in the analysis of texts, but this study attempts to carry out a Critical Discourse Analysis of Ola Rotimi’s Our Husband Has Gone Mad Again. The Norman Fairclough theory has been applied in this approach, paying more attention on the socio cultural and political issues in the text. The text, is a social drama which the author has used to expose some societal ills in the society, gender inequality and power relations in the text. …

Can the material for “Statistical Analysis on the Effects of Industrial Training (I.T.) on HND I Students” be used as a guide for Statistics Project?

Yes it can be used — This research was carried out to study the effects of Industrial Training on HND I students, Federal Polytechnic Nekede, Owerri. The study used a primary data collected by means of mail questionnaire of 15 questions. A sample size of 206 students out of a population of 425 students determined by Yamani's approach was used for this study which was selected by means of stratified random sampling. It was noticed from the data analysis that students strongly support Industrial Training and that the performance of HND I students depend on the Industrial Training, showing that the positive effects of the one-year Industrial Training on HND I students are greater than those of the negative effects. Conclusively, the research recommended some crucial matters that demand the …

Can the material for “The Impact of Health Education on Community Health Awareness” be used as a guide for Community Health Project?

Yes it can be used — The study was carried out to examine the Impact of Health Education on Community Health Awareness. Investigation revealed that the profession of teaching people about health is widely acknowledged as being in the field of health education. Despite the fact that health education has historically been implemented in urban areas rather than in rural areas, it is evident that a higher death rate is associated with rural areas due to a lack of health sensitization and awareness among the populace. The research design used in this report is descriptive design, utilizing questionnaire method to obtain information from the respondents for this project. A total of 50 (fifty) respondents were selected for this study to represent the entire population of the study. …

Can this topic “Effect of Increase in the Cost of Building Material on Affordable housing Delivery in Owerri, Imo State” be used for Estate Management (EM) Project?

Yes it can be utilized for research — The study examines the Effect of Increase in the Cost of Building Material on Affordable housing Delivery in Owerri, Imo State. In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were laid out to examine the effect of building materials cost on housing development in Nigeria and determine the factors responsible for high cost of building materials in Nigeria. Building materials have been playing an important role in the construction industry they are those materials put together in erecting or constructing structures, no field of engineering is conceivable without their use. The research design used in this report is descriptive design, utilizing questionnaire method to obtain information from the respondents for this project. A total of 200 (two hundred) respondents were …

Can the material for “Design and Implementation of an Electronic Household Inventory System” be used as a guide for Computer Science (CS) Project?

Yes it can be used — In Nigeria today, it is a well-known fact that mathematics is one of the subject that students find difficult to understand and pass for one reason or the other. The reason why students have this kind of problem very possible due to lack of good teachers and teaching, time of lecture and orientation. Some teachers might be good mathematician but might not know how to impact the knowledge on the students. Orientation is another thing that makes mathematics hard for students. When the students are made to believe that mathematics is difficult that is how they take it. Students need to be made to know that mathematics is one subject that we must practice because practice makes perfect. Although, there are …

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Yes it can be used — The study was carried out to examine the Impact of Climate Change on Infectious Diseases. In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were laid out to find out the public perception of climate change on infectious diseases affecting human health and environment and investigate the effects of climate change on infectious diseases affecting human health in the area under study. Investigation revealed that the main problems are lack of priority given to this sector and lack of environmental education and awareness that these disease processes are related to poor environment management in various sectors. One of the most important aspects is a lack of environmental education and awareness that these disease processes are related to poor environment management in …

Can the material for “Using Customer Relationship Management as a Strategic Tool in Financial Institutions” be used as a guide for Business Administration and Management (BAM) Project?

Yes it can be used — Current trends in the global economy have resulted in widespread mistrust of financial insti-tutions. The purpose of this thesis is to determine how financial institutions, such as the National investment bank of Ghana are able to maintain lasting relationships with their customers, which is believed to be the main source of profit for most companies. A secondary objec-tive is to identify the services customers need at the present time in order for them to stay loyal to National Investment Bank Ghana. The main aim of customer relationship management is to build long-term relationships with customers, making customer relationship management a vital tool in today’s business environment. The theoretical framework of thesis is based on theories of customer relationship man-agement, business-to-business marketing, …

Can the material for “Stochastic Section Modulus Requirement for Carbon Fibre Reinforced Plastic Pultruded Beams” be used as a guide for Civil Engineering Project?

Yes it can be used — Six Carbon Fibre Reinforced Plastic (CFRP) pultruded beam section from The Pultex® Pultrusion Design Manual Volume 4 − Revision 8 Copyright © 2004 by Creative Pultrusions Inc., were assumed to be simply supported doubly symmetric I-section, with uniformly distributed load of 3.5kN/m2 applied over the length of 3.050m each. A comparative analysis of section modulus effect under the load and resistance factor design (LRFD) and allowable stress design (ASD) was considered based on computer program using FORM5 and ABAQUS 6.10 CAE that was used to generate results for reliability and finite element analysis respectively. Safety indices generated for reliability analysis from FORM5 based on load and resistance factor design (LRFD) and allowable stress design (ASD) format by varying load ratio and …

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Yes it can be used — Computerized tailoring management system is a system aimed to assist in management of tailoring activities within the industry. It will provide online services to customers such as: measurement submission to their tailors, check whether their garments are finished and also help in proper keeping of records. The aim of the study is to design and implement a Computerized Tailoring Shop Management System. In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were laid out as follows to develop an application software that will automate the current manual tailoring system and maintain a searchable customer, product database, maintain data security and user rights, enable customers to send their measurements to their tailors for their clothes to be made and compute the total …

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Yes it can be used — The research profers an evaluation of the role of industrial union in managing employee grievances in the organization.It elucidates on the nature of employee grievances,causes ,principles and process of mediation for industrial peace and harmony.The research provides a detail appraisal of the role of industrial union in the media process between management and the employees to ensure industrial peace and harmony. A case study appraisal is conducted to determine the role of industrial union in managing employee grievances in the Abia State Civil Service. …

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