1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background Of The Study
Mainly local government are created to perform certain function mostly of the grassroots level by structure and composition they are regarded as they vital machinery for rural transportation and for the provision. Certain essential social services to the people in the area in which social services to the people I the area in which they operate and in accordance with national polices. There character distinguished local government from other tires of government namely:
- Proximity to the people
- Responsiveness operation.
- Simplicity of operation.
From the forgoing a local government according to the Federal Government guidelines for Local government reforms. Of 1976 can be defined as government at the local level exercise through representative councils established by law to exercise specific power within defined areas. These powers should give the council substantial and power to initials and direct the provision of services.
Stated briefly, local government perform protective, assistance services, proprietary and development and other functions that may be assigned to them from times to time by the authority establishing them.
Also the 1976 local government edict and the 1976 constitution of the federal republic of Nigeria were not left out in the establishment of local government and its functions and responsibilities. This is situated on section 2(1) of the 1979 constitution which guaranteed the effectiveness and efficiency to location government and as such granted the local government states o a third tier system of government to make them perform effectively and efficiently as agree of local democracy and local development.
It also granted them power to strength powers. Their revenue allocation act of 1981 provided for the federal and state government to contribute 10% of their actual revenue to local governments following the recommendations of Dasutin committee on local government reforms, the statutory allocation of local government was increased 15% addition to contributing 5% of their revenue to a loan, Bank. To enhance the process of planning, local governments were also incorporated into the states. Economics planning boards.
Further more by the Babangida Administration also led to the allocation of 20% of the federal Account to local government in addition to granting them more power to sources revenue through taxation and grant in aid from the factual and state government.
1.2 History Of Case Study / Ezinihitte L.G.A
The ezinihitte local government is one of these local governments created in 1976, however, two local government have been excised from it since creation and they are Aboh Mbaise and Ahiazu mbaise local government council.
However, following the Imo State Low on local government creation of 2003 empowering the legislatures to create more local governments in the state, ezinhitte Mbaise Local government was created presently, Ezinihtte Mbaise Local government is bounded on the worth by Ahiazu and Ikeduru Local Government area on the North West and South West by Ngor Okpala and Owerri North Local government Area and East they local government are in Imo State and Isiala Ngwa South Local governmental area in Abia state.
With an area of about 190 square Kulometres and a projected population of 478, 548 as at 2006 population census Ezinihitte local government is governed by a council made up of the chairman, vice chairman, the Ezinihitte local government area is made up of Autonomous communities namely in Onicha Nioc-Orie, Ezindo I, Eziudo 2, Amumara, Obizi, ife n' Owutu, Umueze, chokoneze, itu, Okpoofe Ezebuoguu, Ihitte Udoh, Umuoma Akpodim and Uvuru
1.3 Statement of the Problem
Over the years, there has been a lot of controversies as regards the poor performance of local government in the country while some view that dismal performance of local authorities as being the direct outcome of lack of finance and low revenue capacity others have also argued that the problem of manpower necessary for effective management of resources.
It has been argued that most local councils especially in rural area rely on the statutory allocation as their main source of income.
They are viewed as not being viable in the sense that they cannot generate revenue internally to enable then executes some of their projects and polices. The revenue yielding machinery and the system or revenue collection abilities of qualified manpower, lack of public enlightenment, problem of political party settlement by the members over ambitions and corrupt revenue officer in addition to the other factors.
In some case there has been lack of proper planning and budgeting which would not operate sound financial system. The above finance, as there are no appropriate procedures to collect, revenue from the various source revenue goes into private products instead of confers of the government. The question therefore, remains what are the appropriate ways to increase local government revenue besides the period statutory allocation form the federal government and toward extent has lack on planning affected the finance and performance of local government.
1.4 Purpose Of The Study
This study examines past present development system of the financing of local government level especially those in the rural areas as well as the financial relations existing between the federal and state government on the one hand and state government on the one hand and local councils on the other hand.
It also examines how these financial and fiscal relations affect the finance and performances of local government. The revenue generation capacities of local government are also fully taken into consideration as well as the various way of enhancing the financing of local government in the country.
This has become so obvious in view of finance the changing patterns of local government finance and the increase responsibilities imposed on them by the federal and state government. Specifically, Ezinihitte local government in Imo State is chosen as a case study since to a reasonable extent, it picture the financial problem encountered by councils in the rural area.
1.5 Relevant Research Question
The purpose of any local government area as a third tier of government is to alleviates, encourage and see to the welfare of its citizenry as well as enhancing the economic growth and development.
To achieve all the goals, it must involve financing or revenue. Now the question that comes to our minds is how to achievement of the above stated goals. To arrive at the truth of this research work the following questions cannot be avoided.
- What is responsible for miss-management and poor acceptability in the present day local government?
- What hinders proper execution of development project in the local government?
1.6 Scope Of The Study
This study is quite a broad one though there are seven hundred and seventy four local government are in Nigeria and twenty seven local government in Imo State, three local / governments in Mbaise.
There are many aspects that could have been accommodated under the study but the scope of this study will be limited and centered on the financial management and accountability in the local government (A case study of ezinihitte Local Government).
It will also probe on the sources and uses off local governments funds its accountability and the effects of the management of the funds towards enhancing the laving standard of people of the local governments.
1.7 Significance Of The Study
The study is being carried out by researches because of the added responsibility to local government and roles in national and rural developments, all of which have brought in to the focus the state of their finance.
The recent reforms of local government have made a study such as more necessary than evenbefore. The changing roles of local council from service oriented to development oriented agencies has made it inevitable for their finance systems to be overhead in order to enchance their revenues capacity as planning, budgeting procedures and style of managements local councils also serve as agents rural areas transformation of standard off living of other social amenities. This makes questions on the financial system highly inevitable.
1.8 The Limitation Of The Study
A lot of difficulties were encountered in the course of collecting information and data for the study. The constraints include:
The short period of time within which the study was carried out as finance lack of past record and vital statistics attitude of respondents and unwillingness of the past of government official to release some official documents.
All these hampered the availability of certain information that would have helped the researcher in the study.
1.9 Definition Of Term
Financial management is that managerial which is concerned with the planning and controlling of the forms financial resources. It deal with planning and control of a firms undershirt financial objectives, the company finance is based on the presupposition that the objectives of management is to maximize the market value of a company. And also for the financial management to maximize shareholders wealth.
The finance function is to ensure that firms resources are managed in order to achieve the financial objectives of they firms. The functions are:
- Financing decision
- Investment decision
We mean the process where by a firm identified log-term assets and writing capital needs. After a project is evaluated and accepted as worth while the next step is to decide on how the finance management, responsibility to determine the source from which funds will be raised for satisfying the working capital needs of his firm. Working requirements of a firm also concern the finance manager working capital management involves the planning and control of current assets and current liabilities.
2.0 Literature Review
2.1 Introduction
The review of relevant literature is the main topic of this chapter. A literature review covers theoretical and methodological contributions to a certain issue in addition to the state of knowledge at the time of writing. It provides information about the state of the art in relation to the subject you are writing about. It examines the body of work on the chosen subject. The literature evaluation in this study comprises the …
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Financial Management and Accountability in the Local Government (A Case Study of Eznitte Mbaise Local Government) can be downloaded by requesting the full set of materials at the project or seminar cost. The document will be sent via Microsoft Word (MS-Word) format via WhatsApp (e-mail) following payment confirmation.
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Click here to request the Complete Material via WhatsApp including;
- Title page
- Approval page
- Dedication
- Acknowledgement
- Table of Contents
- Abstract
- 1.0 Introduction
- 1.1 Background of the study
- 1.2 Statement of Problem
- 1.3 Objectives of the study
- 1.4 Research Questions
- 1.5 Statement of Hypothesis
- 1.6 Significance of the study
- 1.7 Scope of the Study
- 1.8 Limitation of the study
- 1.9 Definition of terms
- 2.0 Literature Review
- 2.1 Introduction
- 2.2 What is total Quality management
- 2.3 The features of total management
- 2.4 Reasons why organization adopt TQM
- 2.5 The Role of total quality on productivity of the organization
- 2.6. Problem associated with other quality management
- 2.7 The benefit of total quality management
- 2.8 The forms at total quality management
- 2.9 The importance features of total quality management
- 3.0 Research Design and Methodology
- 3.1 Introduction
- 3.2 Research Design
- 3.3 Sources/Method of data
- 3.4 Population and sample size
- 3.5 Sample techniques
- 3.6 Validity and reliability off measuring instrument
- 3.7 Method of Data analysis
- 4.0 Presentation and Analysis of data
- 4.1 Introduction
- 4.2 Presentation of data
- 4.3 Analysis of data
- 4.4 Test of Hypothesis
- 4.5 Interpretation of Result
- 5.0 Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations
- 5.1 Summary of Findings
- 5.2 Conclusions
- 5.3 Recommendations
Disclaimer for Complete Material Utilization
The displayed research work titled "Financial Management and Accountability in the Local Government" is stated as a research guideline towards accomplishing your assigned project / seminar research work. All the research materials on this website are ONLY for research purposes and should be used as a guideline in developing your research work. For no reason should you copy word for word as will not be liable for any who copied the material. By ordering the complete research guideline, it signifies that you've accepted our terms of service.
- Title page
- Approval page
- Dedication
- Acknowledgement
- Table of Contents
- Abstract
- 1.0 Introduction
- 1.1 Background of the study
- 1.2 Statement of Problem
- 1.3 Objectives of the study
- 1.4 Research Questions
- 1.5 Statement of Hypothesis
- 1.6 Significance of the study
- 1.7 Scope of the Study
- 1.8 Limitation of the study
- 1.9 Definition of terms
- 2.0 Literature Review
- 2.1 Introduction
- 2.2 What is total Quality management
- 2.3 The features of total management
- 2.4 Reasons why organization adopt TQM
- 2.5 The Role of total quality on productivity of the organization
- 2.6. Problem associated with other quality management
- 2.7 The benefit of total quality management
- 2.8 The forms at total quality management
- 2.9 The importance features of total quality management
- 3.0 Research Design and Methodology
- 3.1 Introduction
- 3.2 Research Design
- 3.3 Sources/Method of data
- 3.4 Population and sample size
- 3.5 Sample techniques
- 3.6 Validity and reliability off measuring instrument
- 3.7 Method of Data analysis
- 4.0 Presentation and Analysis of data
- 4.1 Introduction
- 4.2 Presentation of data
- 4.3 Analysis of data
- 4.4 Test of Hypothesis
- 4.5 Interpretation of Result
- 5.0 Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations
- 5.1 Summary of Findings
- 5.2 Conclusions
- 5.3 Recommendations
Disclaimer for Complete Material Utilization
The displayed research work titled "Financial Management and Accountability in the Local Government" is stated as a research guideline towards accomplishing your assigned project / seminar research work. All the research materials on this website are ONLY for research purposes and should be used as a guideline in developing your research work. For no reason should you copy word for word as will not be liable for any who copied the material. By ordering the complete research guideline, it signifies that you've accepted our terms of service.
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Can the material for “An Appraisal of the Courts and Constitutionalism in Nigeria a Decade of Democratic Governance” be used as a guide for Law Project?
Yes it can be used — Democracy is undoubtedly the commonest system of government mostly practiced in virtually all the countries of the world because it ensures the observance of people”Ÿs rights and freedom. It is however basically characterized by three independent arms of government namely; the Legislative, Executive and the Judicial arm of government. While the Legislature is responsible for making laws and the Executive is charged with the implementation of such law, the Judiciary is responsible for the interpretation of the law in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution. In line with the doctrine of separation of powers, which is a cardinal feature of a democratic system, the Nigerian Constitution guarantees the independence of the Judiciary. The Judiciary as an arm of government …
Can the material for “The Relevance of Jesus’ Teaching in Matthew 6:10 for the Promotion of God’s Kingdom Among the Methodist Faithful in Calabar (Ma)” be used as a guide for Religious Studies Project?
Yes it can be used — The study is to scrutinize the Relevance of Jesus' Teaching in Matthew 6:10 for the Promotion of God's Kingdom among the Methodist Faithful in Calabar. In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were laid out to exegete the concept of the kingdom of God in the scriptures and relate it to Methodist Church Nigeria, Diocese of Calabar today and encourage Methodist Church Nigeria as a whole to be resilient in promoting the kingdom of God in Nigeria. In Matthew 6:10, Jesus projected the urgency, priority, need and pattern for the promotion of the kingdom of God, which many have either not understood or failed to heed. The fact that many Methodist congregations in Calabar are satisfied with their beautifully …
Can the material for “Antimicrobial Activities and Physico-Chemical Analyses of Honeys From Hypotrigona Sp., Melipona Sp. and Apis Mellifera (Bee Honey)” be used as a guide for Microbiology Project?
Yes it can be used — Honey has been used traditionally for ages to treat infectious diseases. Antimicrobial activity of honey is complex due to the involvement of multiple bioactive compounds. The physico-chemical and antimicrobial properties of honey varieties from Apis mellifera and stingless bees,Hypotrigona sp. (Okotobo − Igbo) and Melipona sp.(Ifufu − Igbo) were studied using International Honey Commission protocols and microbiological methods (agar-well diffusion and broth microdilution) respectively. A total of nine honey samples (3 from each) were used. The physico-chemical analyses of the honey varieties showed that the honeys had mean pH range of 3.73±0.08 − 4.24±0.20. Honey samples from Hypotrigona sp. had the highest mean moisture (17.50 ± 0.80 %), total dissolved solids (370.01 ± 22.51 ppm), hydromethylfurfural (16.58 ± 0.37 mg/kg), …
Can this topic “Computer Base Network Security and Firewalls in Banking System” be used for Computer Science Education Project?
Yes it can be utilized for research — The degree of accidence of an organisation that services to customer such as banks security depends on speed and accuracy with the service performed in the banks which include information processing e.g. data entry. Data using sorting data, updating data and service data etc. which are better suited to computer. Therefore the acquisition of this latest gadgets in business goes long as toward keeping you a step ahead your competitor therefore most of the new banks being established go straight into bank securing and computerisation of fire wall. In conclusion, the reality of this project work is described as distributed computing in bank security processing that is the computerization of bank security and fire wall in banking operation particularly in area of …
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Yes it can be used — Criminality has become part and parcel of human nature and society. That is ‘why no society can claim to be completely free of crimes. One of the major objectives of police is to tackle the problem of the pervasive negative perception by a large segment of the public. Yet, the tasks of police security administration and crime prevention and detection as well as prosecution of offenders cannot be successfully performed without the cooperation of the public. The challenges of national security by the Nigeria police force have been made more complex by a number of factors, like ethnic diversity, plurality of religions, economic down-turn and unemployment, our recently enthroned democracy and the accompanying release of bottled up emotions from years …
Can this topic “Design and Implementation of an Online Personnel Information System” be used for Computer Science (CS) Project?
Yes it can be utilized for research — Online Personnel Information System is a system that tends to have clearly defined inputs and outputs that enable and provide necessary facilities for accurately and efficiently managing an organizational process. The aim of the study is to design and implement an Online Personnel Information System for local governments that will eliminate the problem of instantly getting human resource information when needed with minimum human effort. In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were laid out to develop an Online Personnel Information System that will present reports pertaining to any employee or group of employees and implement a functional personnel information management system. The motivation that led to the execution of the proposed system is as a result of the …
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Yes it is highly recommended — The research work done is on Recruitment Policies and Procedures in organizations and companies. The research examined the recruitment policies and it’s in the ENUGU STATE BROADCASTING SERVICE (ESBS). The research used both primary and secondary data which were collected and analysed. In the analysis done, it revealed that recruitment policies and procedures in ESBS are based purely on merit and also that some of the positions are significantly dependent on academic qualifications It was discovered that some of the factors militating against recruitment policies and procedures is that personnel managers atimes lack the competent skills required for effective recruitment. Also that partiality and discrimination contributes to inefficiency and ineffectiveness. Consequent upon the problem discovered, many solution was recommended such as advertisement of …
Can this topic “The Effect of Exchange Rate and Inflation on Foreign Direct Investment and It’s Relationship with Economic Growth in Nigeria” be used for Economics Project?
Yes it can be utilized for research — This study is on the effect of exchange rate and inflation on foreign direct investment and its relationship with economic growth. Its main objective is to find the effect of inflation and exchange rate and the bidirectional influences between FDI and economic growth in Nigeria. A twenty one year period was studied. A linear regression analysis was used on the twenty one year data to determine the relationship between inflation, exchange rate, FDI inflows and economic growth. The study reveals that FDI follow economic growth occasioned by trade openness which saw the entry of some major companies especially the telecommunication companies, while Inflation has positive effect on FDI. However exchange rate has effect on FDI. …
Is the topic “Causes and Effect of Child Trafficking” recommended for Education Project?
Yes it is highly recommended — This study examines the Causes and Effects of Child Trafficking, in Nigeria. In the process of this study 140 respondents were given the questionnaire and 20 children were interviewed. Among the findings of this study shows that child Trafficking does not increase the standard of living and over population in families, is one of the factors that influences child trafficking. In the light of these findings the following recommendations were made, a restricting of the various economic policies and involvement of the populace in its planning, grassroots oriented educational packages, the need to intensify campaigns on the need to have small families. …
Can the material for “The Role of Care Managers in Handling of Patients with Criminal Background in Military Reception Station” be used as a guide for Criminology and Security Studies Project?
Yes it can be used — Care Managers have a legal and moral obligation to ensure a high quality of patient care and to strive to improve care. The study scrutinizes the Role of Care Managers in Handling of Patients with Criminal Background in Military Reception Station using Ada Barrack in Taraba State as a case study. In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were laid out to examine the health condition of Patients with Criminal Background, assess the environmental condition of Nigeria, assess the benefit to effective health care delivery in Nigeria, examine the challenges to achieving an effective health care delivery system for prison inmates and recommend ways of improving health care delivery in Nigeria Military Reception Station. The research design used in …