Comparative analysis of water was carried out on well water, stream and pipe born water obviated within Emene locality of Enugu state the sample were subjected to some analytical tests final like presumptive tests, comfirmative test final like presumptive tests, comfirmative test, completed test, indole test and plate count for the organism that develop on the culture, the result show that well water and stream were found to contain pathogenic organism like salmonella, Shigella and staphylococcus aureus as well as numerous viable counts, the cloform or the indicator organisms Escherichia coli the family of enterbactercteriaceae were isolated too form well water the pipe borne water a sample contained staphylococcus aureus and have lowtotal viable counts.
Following theory of creation, it is clear that water is as old as man. From time immemorial, man has restorted to the use of this unique commodity for domestic and other purposes.
Most of our water supplies are from surface water which include: rivers, streams, lakes, oceans and seas and there water bodies are likely to be polluted with domestic and Industrial as well as agriculture waste, As populations increase, the problem become more serious and as such, water can endanger the health and life of human beings because when polluted by fecal materials it becomes potential carrier of pathogenic organism (Carpenter 1977).
Water, is of course, absolutely essential to life, not only human life but all life, animal and vegetable. Most of the biochemical reaction that occur in metabolism and growth of living cells involved water, and all take places in water. (Camp etal,1974).
Man uses water not only for drinking purposes but also for bathing, washing, laundering, heating, air conditioning, agriculture, stock raising and gardens, Industrial processes and cooling water power and steam power, fire protection, fishing, swimming and wild life propagation and navigation.
Natural water contain not only then natural flora but also micro − organisms from soil and possible from animals or sewage. Surface waters in streams or pools and stored waters in lakes and large ponds vary considerably in microbial content. (frazier 1978) water is broadly divided into three types viz., surface water which include: streams, rivers, lakes sear, and oceans Kelman et al (1957)
The ground water, well borehle, many people have defined the ground water in different ways: ground water is subter water that occurs where all pores in the soil or rock counting materials are saturated (pelezer et al 1992).
The atmospheric water, which includes rain, falls. All water bodies consist of a variety of bacterial and other microorganisms like the Algaes fungi, which inhabit these natural water bodies. Some of these micro − organisms are indigenous to thus natural water while others are transient, entering the water from external environment (Pelezar and Reg, 1997).
The generality of bacteria are mostly commonly found ordinarily in fresh water some of which include: pseudomonas, Archacbacter, and vibrio these are gram negative, the gram-positive bacterial which are found in water include: micrococcus Archacbacter and actinomycentes. Gebharal (1975) Tap water, as one of the water sources is mostly used domestically, it is observed that tap change sometime the water tap will be clear this calls for load, in order to be sure of its portability. Bonde (1977)
The increase in drinking water from different sources especially in Enugu state has made necessary to investigate the microbial content of water. Water is a potential carried of pathogenic organisms that can endage human life. Most of drinking water sources are often contaminated with different pollutants like faces, animal and plant wastes, making such water unfit for drinking if not treated. The pollution of water with pathogenic organisms and other pollutants can only be detected by carrying out microbiological assessment of such water. Most human disease such as typhoid paratyphoid cholera, arnboebiasis, Trichinosis, gastroenteritis, sanonall shigellosis, diphtheria, giadia, dracunculus etc are know to be water borne disease. Ewington et al (1971).
Water born disease are those disease which have water as their vehicle of transmission these disease are capable of destroying a whole community if not checked. Therefore, the quickest ways to prevent out break of these disease and to determine the portability of such water sources is to determine the microbial load or content if the microbial content is nor within acceptable limit, such water sources should be condemned immediately. Fair et al (1970)
Aims Objective
- To find out if well, stream, Tap water coutain pathogens.
- To help the public to know the danger of drinking these water without adequate treatment.
- To compare the microbial load of the water source and advice on safer source of water .
Statement Of Problem
These source of water are contaminated through one way or the other
- The short falls in the distribution of treated pipe borne water leads people to resort to alternative source of water which may be unfit for human consumption
- Tap water can be polluted through leakage’s/ improper plumbing.
- Well water is contaminated as a result of running off into it, especially shallow well.
- Streams can be contaminated through waste from industries, leaves, dust, and rain run often.
- HO- pathogenic bacteria are present in water
- H1- pathogenic bacteria are not present in water
- Hiii- The level of pathogenic organism in water can cause water borne infection
- Hilo The level of pathogenic organism in water can not cause watt born infection.
Significant Of Study
- The study will advice on water meet the standard quality required for any particular purpose
- Also advice the eswc on quality of their product. For future nature modification of treatment methods
2.0 Literature Review
2.1 Introduction
The review of relevant literature is the main topic of this chapter. A literature review covers theoretical and methodological contributions to a certain issue in addition to the state of knowledge at the time of writing. It provides information about the state of the art in relation to the subject you are writing about. It examines the body of work on the chosen subject. The literature evaluation in this study comprises the …
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![]() | Click here to request the Complete Material via WhatsApp including;
- Title page
- Approval page
- Dedication
- Acknowledgement
- Table of Contents
- Abstract
- Introduction
- 1.1 Aims and objective
- 1.2 Statement of problem
- 1.3 Hypothesis
- 1.4 Significance of study
- 1.5 Limitations
- Literature Review
- 2.1 water analysis
- Materials And Method
- 3.1 Sample collection
- 3.2 Preparation of media
- 3.3 Sterilization of materials
- 3.4 Multiple tubes technique
- 3.5 Presumptive test
- 3.6 Confirmed test
- 3.7 Completed test
- 3.8 Test for indole
- 3.9 Methyl red test
- 3.10 Oxidase test
- 3.1.1 catalse test
- 3.12 plate counts techniques
- 3.13 preparation of single and double strength media
- 3.14 dilution technique in most problem number '
- 3.15 Inoculation of media with water samoltes
- Gram Stain Technique
- Results
- 4.1 Colony counts
- 4.2 Most problem number (mpn) and pH result.
- 5.0 CHAPTER FIVE. Discussion an
- 5.1 Discussion
- 5.2 Recommendation
- 5.3 Conclusion
Disclaimer for Complete Material Utilization
The displayed research work titled "Comparative Analysis of Pipeborne Water and Other Sources of Water Within Enugu Metropolis" is stated as a research guideline towards accomplishing your assigned project / seminar research work. All the research materials on this website are ONLY for research purposes and should be used as a guideline in developing your research work. For no reason should you copy word for word as projectlist.com.ng will not be liable for any who copied the material. By ordering the complete research guideline, it signifies that you've accepted our terms of service.
- Title page
- Approval page
- Dedication
- Acknowledgement
- Table of Contents
- Abstract
- Introduction
- 1.1 Aims and objective
- 1.2 Statement of problem
- 1.3 Hypothesis
- 1.4 Significance of study
- 1.5 Limitations
- Literature Review
- 2.1 water analysis
- Materials And Method
- 3.1 Sample collection
- 3.2 Preparation of media
- 3.3 Sterilization of materials
- 3.4 Multiple tubes technique
- 3.5 Presumptive test
- 3.6 Confirmed test
- 3.7 Completed test
- 3.8 Test for indole
- 3.9 Methyl red test
- 3.10 Oxidase test
- 3.1.1 catalse test
- 3.12 plate counts techniques
- 3.13 preparation of single and double strength media
- 3.14 dilution technique in most problem number '
- 3.15 Inoculation of media with water samoltes
- Gram Stain Technique
- Results
- 4.1 Colony counts
- 4.2 Most problem number (mpn) and pH result.
- 5.0 CHAPTER FIVE. Discussion an
- 5.1 Discussion
- 5.2 Recommendation
- 5.3 Conclusion
Disclaimer for Complete Material Utilization
The displayed research work titled "Comparative Analysis of Pipeborne Water and Other Sources of Water Within Enugu Metropolis" is stated as a research guideline towards accomplishing your assigned project / seminar research work. All the research materials on this website are ONLY for research purposes and should be used as a guideline in developing your research work. For no reason should you copy word for word as projectlist.com.ng will not be liable for any who copied the material. By ordering the complete research guideline, it signifies that you've accepted our terms of service.
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Can the material for “Bio Enzymes Production by Microorganisms isolated from Abattoir Effluents using Guava Leaves as Substrate” be used as a guide for Biochemistry Project?
Yes it can be used — Abattoir is a facility approved and registered by the controlling authority for hygienic slaughtering and inspection of animals, processing and effective preservation and storage of meat products for human consumption. The aim of the study is to examine the Bio Enzymes Production by Microorganisms isolated from Abattoir Effluents using Guava Leaves as Substrate. In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were laid out to examine the level of contamination of the abattoir effluent using Guava Leaves as Substrate, evaluate the antimicrobial effects of guava tree leaf extracts on diarrhea-causing bacteria, find out the Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella spp. and Escherichia coli strains isolated from seabob shrimp as well as on laboratory culture strains, and evaluate whether differences between laboratory and …
Can the material for “An expert system for medical diagnosis system” be used as a guide for Computer Science (CS) Project?
Yes it can be used — Expert system play an indomitable role in various disciplines and the assistance it renders to man cannot be overemphasized. A computer is digital electronic machine capable of accepting input data, processing and producing an output (information). The computer is an important tool that plays a good role in the analysis of any subject that is to be programmed. The uses of expert system on medical diagnosis of malaria include the interest of the research because of some spectacular activities it accomplished and to bring the awareness of the software to the doorstep of the readers and other medical and paramedical personnel’s. The software helps the junior doctors accompanied by a nurse in answering the calls of some patients with tedious …
Can the material for “The Attitude of Men Towards Family Planning” be used as a guide for Sociology Project?
Yes it can be used — This research work focused on the attitude of men towards family planning in Sokoto North Local Government, 50 questionnaire where designed and distributed among the target population in the study area multi-stage cluster sampling techniques was use to select 4 wards out of the entire ward of the study area which consist upon ended question various information gathered was presented in the table using frequency and percentage. The ended findings of this research shows that despite the high level of awareness and accessibility in family planning the inhabitant does not take up the enhance of using it due to influences of religion culture and tradition, lastly suggestion were made on how to convinces the inhabitants of the study area in …
Can this topic “The Recapitalization Options, Available to Bank for Meeting the New Minimum Share Capital Policy of CBN” be used for Banking and Finance (BF) Project?
Yes it can be utilized for research — The evolution and development of banking business is a function of the ever increasing need to move fund from one area of surplus to the area of deficit (financial intermediation) and safe keeping of funds and valuables. For banks to properly assume these responsibilities, it must be built on solid financial foundation such that is capable of withstanding the test of time. It therefore stands to reason that, the ongoing recapitalization exercise in the financial institutions is sin quo non for a healthy banking practices. Recapitalization is a process of its reengineering a bank through enhancement of its financial resources, to redress its inadequacies of the past and fortify it for challenges of the future. This project work centered on the various options …
Can this topic “The Effect of Poor Motivation of Teachers on the Academic Performance of Students” be used for Education Project?
Yes it can be utilized for research — The quest for improving the academic performance in Public Senior Secondary School Students is what prompted this work with particular reference to motivation of teachers. It is the intention of this project to indentify the effect of poor motivation of teachers on student academic performance. The study which was a descriptive survey employed the use of structured questionnaire with close ended questions and was administered to Public and Private Senior Secondary School teachers and Public and Private Senior Secondary School Students respectively in five (5) randomly selected Public and Private Secondary Schools in Kaduna South Local Government Area of Kaduna State. The results showed that when teachers are not motivated, their productivity are hampered this in turn reduces the academic performance …
Can the material for “Studies on the Occurrence of Beta-Lactamases in Members of the Genera Salmonella and Shigella Isolated From Various Hospitals” be used as a guide for Microbiology Project?
Yes it can be used — Salmonella and Shigella species isolated from human faecal samples were examined forBeta-lactamase production and resistance to some antibiotic agents. Age distribution of sources of resistant isolates showed thatShigella isolates from Youths (18 − 30 years) were more resistant to Ampicillin (66.67%) and Augmentin (33.33%) than isolates from Infants (6 months − 4 years) which showed percentage resistance of 3% to Ampicillin and 0% to Augmentin. Salmonella species isolated from Adults (31 − above) were more resistant to Augmentin (45%) and Ampicillin (40%), than isolates from Youths (18- 31 years) which showed percentage resistance of 40% to Ampicillin and 36.67% to Augmentin. Salmonella isolated from Infants (6 months − 4 years) showed p ercentage resistance of 28.57% to Ampicillin and 14.29% …
Can the material for “Solid Waste Management” be used as a guide for Estate Management (EM) Project?
Yes it can be used — It is always known that cleanliness is next to godliness and health is wealth Good health is achieved if there is good management of the environment. The need for a good management of the environment cannot be over emphasized since there is a continuing environmental decay as a result of increased urbanization. Pollution is a major problem of urbanization of which most of the causes have been identified as industrial combustion, solid waste generation, oil spillage disposal etc. since these causes are inevitable; there is need for a good control of them. In this project there will be a critical look at solid waste management situation with special focus on Ogbete main market Enugu. The project, which is required for the attainment of …
Can the material for “An Examination of Mortality Rate Increase as an Outcome of Abortion among Women of Reproductive Age” be used as a guide for Public Health Project?
Yes it can be used — Abortion refers to the induced removal of human pregnancy. It could mean a plan or arrangement which takes place in the foetus before it can develop properly. The study was carried out to examine the reasons responsible for increase in abortion and mortality rates among young women in Benin Metropolis. In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were laid out to determine whether the legalization of abortion will reduce maternal mortality rates and assess the level of mortality rates in abortion related cases among young girls in Benin Metropolis. Investigation revealed that the Despite the fact that a large number of women die every day all over the world as a result of abortion, the practice is still increasing. …
Is the topic “Bio-Metric Authentication of Voters and Voting Process” recommended for Computer Science (CS) Project?
Yes it is highly recommended — The elections that are made by using traditional methods are no longer preferred because of the long period of preparation, fake voting, faulty voting, mistakes made in counting the votes, long period of counting and high cost of voting process. In order to avoid these disadvantages affecting directly the economy and policy of the country, it is obligatory to carry the available voting system to an electronic system. Reacting to allegations of widespread voter impersonation (or “election rigging”, as commonly referred to in Nigeria) the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) attempted to conduct audits in several constituencies to determine the extent of multiple voting and voter impersonation. This should have been possible by comparing the fingerprints in the voters’ rolls …
Can the material for “The Role of Non-Governmental Agencies in Poverty Alleviation and the Development of Community” be used as a guide for Public Administration (PA) Project?
Yes it can be used — Non-Governmental Agencies (NGA) referred to that autonomous, non-membership, relatively permanent or institutionalized intermediary organizations, which work with grass-roots organizations in a supportive capacity. The study was carried out to examine the Role of Non-Governmental Agencies in Poverty Alleviation and the Development of Community using UNICEF’s Activities in the Northern Part of Nigeria as a case study. In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were laid out to find out what kind of problems that confront these Non-Governmental Agencies in it’s quest to improve the life of the Citizens and analyze the contributions of Non-Governmental Agencies towards the encouragement of UNICEF’s Activities in the Northern Part of Nigeria. Investigation revealed that the common task facing developing and under developed nations …