Project Management Technology Project Topics for Final Year Students
Final year projects are academic papers that Project Management Technology students create; the documents are usually about 10,000 words long in Microsoft Word. It is an excellent scholarly inquiry that frequently uses scientific techniques to reach particular objectives, and the completion of a research project is the main reason for earning a Degree (Diploma).
The main goal of this online resource is to give students a quick and easy approach to find relevant Project Management Technology materials and project topics. The following list contains the Microsoft Word (PDF) documents for Project Management Technology project topics that may be chosen for submission as a proposal write-up.
List of Project Management Technology Project Topics for Final Year Students
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Can the material for “Political Instability as a Threat to Investors in the Banking Industry” be used as a guide for Political Science Project?
Yes it can be used — The study provides insight into the dynamics of the relationship between political instability and the banking sector in the context of emerging markets. The importance of assessing the political instability of companies investing in emerging markets has increased significantly with the increasing rate of investors. It is used to manage political instability and decision-making processes during the internationalization of businesses and has been identified as one of the determining factors in the profitability of the banking sector. However, only a few empirical studies on PIAs have been conducted in emerging markets. Previous studies have shown that political instability has evolved and has had a series of consequences that have influenced the type of strategies adopted by banks. Aware of this, …
Can the material for “Relative Impact of Financial Sector Reforms on Agricultural and Manufacturing Sector Growth in Nigeria” be used as a guide for Economics Project?
Yes it can be used — The study investigates relative impact of financial sector reforms on agricultural and manufacturing sector growth in Nigeria. To guide the study, Ordinary Least Square technique was adopted and Eviews 8.0 econometric software was utilized for the analysis. A time series quarterly data sourced from Central Bank of Nigeria Statistical Bulletin 2009 and 2013and it covered the period 1970-2013 was used for the analysis. After carrying out necessary pre- and post diagnostic test, the result shows that gross fixed capital formation and credit to private sector ratio to GDP has positive but insignificant relationship with agricultural and manufacturing sector output. While real interest rate, manufacturing capacity utilization and financial sector reform dummy were positive and significant, interest rate spread, real exchange, average …
Can the material for “The Role of Accounting Information in Production Decision - Making” be used as a guide for Accountancy / Accounting Project?
Yes it can be used — Managers make decision in order to choose from alternative course of action at a dynamic rate. This is done in order to achieve the set objectives of the firms in which they manage. To make these decisions, accounting information are used as a necessary guide. Manufacturing firms make use of accounting information which have been complied from source documents, records and statement in accordance with systems. These information gathered are used to make effective production decisions which would achieve the objectives of profit maximization cost minimization, Production efficiency, proper resources allocation etc. This study is aimed at discovering the quantitative attributes to accounting information which makes it an effective tool in the production decision-making and if the information generated is utilized in …
Can this topic “Bacterial Contaminants Associated with Commercial Poultry Feed From Three Different Companies” be used for Public Health Project?
Yes it can be utilized for research — The bacterial contaminants associated with commercial poultry feeds from three companies in Nigeria (vital, Guinea and Top) were studied using streak plate techniques. The culture media used were Nutrient agar and Mac Cokey agar. The aim/ objective of the study is: To ascertain the microbial safety of commercial poultry feeds produced by companies. To isolate microorgaisms that are contaminants of poultry feeds, to identify the bacterial types and to determine the microbial load of poultry feed. The microbial mean count was highest in vital feed as 166 per ml with pH 7.80, followed by Guinea feed having mean count of 153 per ml with pH 6-46 and the least microbial mean count was got in Top feed, having 105 per …
Can this topic “The Importance of Fish Production and Its Marketing Value” be used for Agricultural Engineering (AE) Project?
Yes it can be utilized for research — The importance of fish production and marketing value of fish production in Ughilli North East Local Government Area of Delta State. Fishery industry in Ughelli North East Local Government were randomly selected to find out the importance of fishing. Questionnaires methods and oral interview were used in collection of data. Questionnaires were send out to people in fisheries industry to answer. The study review the importance of fish production industries, in the area of study include financial problem, inadequate pond for housing these fishes, and the marketing value. …
Can the material for “Landlord and Tenant Relationship, It’s Effects on Property Values” be used as a guide for Estate Management (EM) Project?
Yes it can be used — In long-term business relationships the customer experience is affected by how the customer perceives the quality of customer relationship. The purpose of this paper is to understand the customer relationship quality construct in tenant relationships in a business-to-business environment. Methodology / Approach: The theoretical framework is adapted from relationship marketing literature and this is then applied in case study settings to five customer companies in a landlord and tenant relationship. The paper framework of 13 relationship quality attributes and applies these to the case companies. Findings: The results suggest that some of the suggested relationship quality attributes have an importance in a landlord relationship while some suggested attributes have less value. Research Limitations / Implications:- The case studies were conducted in companies that occupy …
Can this topic “The Impact of Reforms on the Performance of Nigeria Civil Service” be used for Public Administration (PA) Project?
Yes it can be utilized for research — The reforms were means of responding to the problems confronting the civil service at specific times and as ways of making it responsive to the demand of the modern society. It could be observed from the analysis that virtually every regime in Nigeria had one thing or the other to do with the civil service. Colonial reforms were basically general toward indigenization the nation’s civil service. The immediate administrations at all levels after attaining independence continue with the Nigerianization process of the civil service at different speeds. The most fundamental in the history of the civil service reforms were the 1988 reforms. It made the minister the chief executive and accounting officer and the permanent secretary become politicized. The Abacha …
Can this topic “Private Ownership and Educational Management; Issues and Challenges” be used for Management and Education Project?
Yes it can be utilized for research — Lagos is documented as a centre of spontaneous development of private schooling targeting families from the ultra-rich, to the relatively poor. There is much debate in the literature on the potential of private secondary education as part of a solution for achieving Education for All, in terms of equity in access to these schools, and also their quality and other aspects. This research work examined Private ownership and educational management: issues and challenges with special reference to Alimosho Local Government Area of Lagos State. In doing this, the research discussed the structure of ownership of schools (Public and Private) in Nigeria and examined the reasons that could have brought private practitioners on board of the educational ladder of the country. …
Can the material for “Fracture Mechanics Approach for the Maintenance of Offshore Oil and Gas Pipeline” be used as a guide for Science and Engineering Project?
Yes it can be used — Failure of offshore oil and gas pipelines occurs under certain conditions due to some applied mechanical forces. These conditions constitute a potential threat to the integrity of in-service life span of the pipelines which can lead to loss of resources and environmental pollution. Several studies have shown that pipelines fail as a result of Welding, Fatigue Crack Growth, Corrosion Fatigue, Stress Corrosion Cracking, and Erosion due to fluid flow. This paper presents a model by using fracture mechanics to analyze the allowable applied stresses an in service pipeline needs to withstand in minimizing crack growth. Furthermore, the crack size, crack shape and hole radius with pipe thickness will be modeled. The modeling results will be validated using experimental data. The implications …
Can this topic “The Effect of Parents Motivation on the Academic Performance of Secondary School Students” be used for Education Project?
Yes it can be utilized for research — This study was aimed at investigating the effects of parents’ motivation and the academic performance of senior secondary school student. . To guide the study, four objectives of the study,four research questions and four research hypotheses were formulated. In conducting this research, survey research setting was adopted to enable the researcher to collect data from primary source using a quantitative method from a pool of respondents in the stipulated sample size, as data will be coded and inputted for computation and used to analyse the hypothesis for testing and validation. The population of the study consists five senior Secondary students in yaba local government areas in Yaba Education Zone. The five secondary schools in the zone have a population of two …