Petroleum Engineering Technology Project Topics for Final Year Students
Final year projects are academic papers that Petroleum Engineering Technology students create; the documents are usually about 10,000 words long in Microsoft Word. It is an excellent scholarly inquiry that frequently uses scientific techniques to reach particular objectives, and the completion of a research project is the main reason for earning a Degree (Diploma).
The main goal of this online resource is to give students a quick and easy approach to find relevant Petroleum Engineering Technology materials and project topics. The following list contains the Microsoft Word (PDF) documents for Petroleum Engineering Technology project topics that may be chosen for submission as a proposal write-up.
List of Petroleum Engineering Technology Project Topics for Final Year Students
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Can the material for “Impact of Industrial Training on Banking Finance Students” be used as a guide for Finance Project?
Yes it can be used — This research was carried out to find out the Impact of Industrial Training on Banking and Finance Students of I.M.T. Enugu. The project was divided into four chapters. Chapter one dealt with Background of the study scope of the study and limitation of the study. Chapter two looked at the methodology used for the research, while chapter three gave a vertical analysis of the Related Literature Review, Historical Background of Industrial Training Fund and Development of SIWES. A summary of findings, recommendation and conclusion were draw in chapter four. …
Can the material for “The Effect of Stabilization Policies on Nigerian Economy” be used as a guide for Economics Project?
Yes it can be used — This research work focus on the appraisal of Macroeconomic Policy on Inflation in Nigerian Economy, also to determine how it enhances the growth of Nigerian Economy. The aim of this research work is to look into challenges and numbers of hypothesis were drawn. Information necessary to address the test of hypothesis was gathered through secondary data, source from Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN). Economic analysis was used to formulate the three (3) models that were stated in this research work. Multiple regressions were also used to test the appraisal of Macroeconomic Policy on Inflation in Nigerian Economy. The findings of this research show that macro-economic policy as a tool for Economic Policy and Growth as a Positive Effect on the Growth in …
Can the material for “Incorporation of Reliability Into Nigerian Empirical Mechanistic Pavement Analysis and Design System (NEMPADS)” be used as a guide for Civil Engineering Project?
Yes it can be used — This work was aimed at providing the most appropriate Nigerian Empirical-Mechanistic Flexible Pavement Analysis and Design method (NEMPAD) by incorporating Reliability, using First order reliability method (FORM), considering all the input variabilities, uncertainties, and seasonal variations, with the aid of Matlab to express the algorithms. A frame work was developed for computation of component reliability index (R.I), system reliability index (R.I), and probability of failure. Inputs parameters considered includes: traffic load, material properties, and environmental conditions. Four seasons were considered in the design namely: Hunturu(1 week Dec-2 week Feb), Bazara(2 week Feb-2 week May), Damina(2 week may-1 week Oct), and Kaka(1 week Oct-1 week Dec) seasons, for the NorthWest geographical zone, and the cumulated damage was computed for each season. …
Can the material for “The Corporate Social Responsibility Activity to Manufacturing Company” be used as a guide for Business Administration and Management (BAM) Project?
Yes it can be used — The known features of the present Nigerian socio-economic situation is that high cost of living, how per capita income and deterioration of social infrastructure and welfare. This trend caused by haphazard and inefficient management of national economy has been in existence since independences. Government efforts in the past have failed to redress this issue. Consequently there is increasing need for business organization in Nigerian environment to help and support government in discharging some of its social obligations. This study therefore evaluated the corporate social responsibility programmes/activities to define an appropriate social response for manufacturing enterprises and other business organization. The fundamental objective of the study is to provide useful guide to the manufacturing enterprises and the government on how to approach …
Can the material for “Prevalence of Gastro-Intestinal and Ecto Parasites of Goats and Sheep” be used as a guide for Biology Project?
Yes it can be used — This research work is limited to Makurdi (Wadata and North bank) in Benue State. All the sheep and goats from different origins, in different age group and sex brought to slaughter house at the time of visit were targeted as study population, a simple random sampling method was employed in selecting 50 goats and 50 sheep, making a total of 100 samples. Standard laboratory parasitological techniques was used in this study including Simple test tube flotation, sedimentation technique, McMaster faecal egg count. Prevalence of endo and ectoparasitic infestation was significantly higher among Makurdi indigenous sheep and goats. The parasite include Amblyomma spp (male hard tick), Dermacenter spp (male hard tick), Dematopinus (biting lice), Hematopinus (sucking lice). Many factors may be responsible …
Can this topic “The Study of Longitudinal and Latitudinal Variation of Equatorial Electrojet Signature” be used for Physics Project?
Yes it can be utilized for research — Solar quiet current () and Equatorial Electrojet (EEJ) are two current systems which are produced by electric current in the ionosphere. The enhancement of the horizontal magnetic field is the EEJ. This research is needed for monitoring equatorial geomagnetic current which causes atmospheric instabilities and affects high frequency and satellite communication. This study presents the longitudinal and latitudinal variation of equatorial electrojet signature at stations within the 96° 210° African and Asian sectors respectively during quiet condition. Data fromeleven observatories were used for this study. The aim of this study is to investigate the equatorial variation of the solar quite () current, as well as determine the longitudinal and latitudinal magnetic signatures on the EEJ at some African and Asian sectors …
Can the material for “Web Based Information System for Personnel Management” be used as a guide for Personnel Management Project?
Yes it can be used — Web based information systems that tend to have clearly defined inputs and outputs that enable and provide necessary facilities for accurately and efficiently managing an organization process. It could be recruitment record keeping of staff. Information system is a collection of people, procedure, software, hardware and data. Connectivity allows computers to connect and share information, thereby greatly expanding the capability and usefulness of an information system. Web based information systems are meant to reduce the stress in managing business or organization procedures. Management information System (MIS) is one of the major types of web- based information systems. It uses the database of an organization in producing well structured forms of reports. …
Can the material for “Impact of E-mapping Strategies on Academic Performance of Students in Biology” be used as a guide for Education Project?
Yes it can be used — The study focuses on the Impact of E-mapping strategies on academic performance of students in biology in senior secondary schools in Education Districts II, Lagos State. The aim of the study is to investigate the Impact of E-mapping strategies on academic performance of students in biology in senior secondary schools in Education Districts II, Lagos State. In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were laid out to determine the differences in the performance of learners introduced to lecture method and those introduced to E-mapping as showed by their pre and post cumulative test scores, determine the effects of mapping teaching method on students’ academic results in biology based on gender as shown by their pre-test and post-test scores, develop …
Can the material for “The Impact of Trade Fair on the Development of the Nigerian Economy” be used as a guide for Business Administration and Management (BAM) Project?
Yes it can be used — The research on “The Impact of Kaduna international trade fair on the development on Nigerian economy” under taken to ascertain the Impact of the Kaduna trade fair on the economy of Nigeria, however, the aims or objectives of the research is to find out: what effect does Kaduna trade fair have on Nigerian economy. Among the research instruments used was questionnaire to collect data or information which was analyzed. Based on the arithmetic means population, it was discovered from the data analyzed that trade fair have effect on Nigerian economy. In conclusion, the researcher recommended that Kaduna international trade fair was seen as an instrument for the development of the Nigerian economy. …
Can the material for “Principal’s Management Behaviour and Examination Malpractice” be used as a guide for Education Project?
Yes it can be used — The topic of the research is principal management behavior and examination malpractice in secondary schools in Lagos. The researcher used survey design in the study. The population of the study was five hundred comprising of ten selected senior secondary. The sample size was two hundred and fifty, twenty five from each of the schools selected for the study. The research used both the primary and secondary sources of data in the course of study. The primary data were collected through the instrument of questionnaire. The secondary data from text books, journals, magazines and internet. The data collected was analyzed using simple percentage and frequency with the help of SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science). The hypotheses were tested using Pearson …