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Petroleum and Gas Engineering Project Topics for Final Year Students

Petroleum and Gas Engineering Project Topics for Final Year Students

Final year projects are academic papers that Petroleum and Gas Engineering students create; the documents are usually about 10,000 words long in Microsoft Word. It is an excellent scholarly inquiry that frequently uses scientific techniques to reach particular objectives, and the completion of a research project is the main reason for earning a Degree (Diploma).

Procedure for Initiating Final Year Project
  • Firstly, scroll down and make a selection of your preferred Biology project topics from this platform.

  • Secondly, write a Biology research proposal for the project topics selected and present it to your Supervisor for scrutiny.

  • Lastly, inform Us with the phone number - 0803-051-1988 after your preferred topic has been approved to get the complete material (Chapter 1-5 and References).

The main goal of this online resource is to give students a quick and easy approach to find relevant Petroleum and Gas Engineering materials and project topics. The following list contains the Microsoft Word (PDF) documents for Petroleum and Gas Engineering project topics that may be chosen for submission as a proposal write-up.

List of Petroleum and Gas Engineering Project Topics for Final Year Students

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Can this topic “Global Financial Meltdown and Its Effects on Nigeria Banking Sector” be used for Public Administration (PA) Project?

Yes it can be utilized for research — Both developed and developing countries around the world have been worried over the effect of the global financial crisis on their local economics. One would have noticed that nigeria is not exempted from the crisis. This is the major reason why this project was embarked upon to ascertain the effects of this global financial crisis on our economy but with the banking sector as our case study. The problem caused by this global financial crisis on our economy and especially the banking sector cannot be overemphasized. The problems typically include increase unemployment, decreased consumer and business spending, declining stock prices, depreciation of naira against foreign currencies, sharp fall in the prices of shares and many more. The purpose of this research …

Can this topic “Analysis of the Economic Impact of Stock Market on Nigerian Economy” be used for Economics Project?

Yes it can be utilized for research — A major engine of economic growth and development of any nation is the stock market. It impacts positively on the economy by providing financial resources through its intermediation process for financing long term projects. These projects could be promoted by governments or private institutions. The analysis scope covered a period of twenty-five years spanning from 1986-2010. The econometric methodology adopted is the Ordinary Least square method (OLS). Using the independent variables of market capitalization, value of trade, inflation rate and exchange rate and the dependent variable of gross domestic product, this study analyzes the impact of the stock market on the Nigerian economy. In conclusion, the result shows that the stock market has a highly significant impact on the Nigerian …

Can the material for “Human Resources Development and Manufacturing Projects” be used as a guide for Human Resource Management (HRM) Project?

Yes it can be used — Human Resources Development is the process of combining Human Resource Management (HRM) functions to prepare staff and organization based on organizational activities. The study scrutinizes the Human Resources Development and Manufacturing Projects using National Water Resources Institute Kaduna as a case study. In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were laid out to identify the methods and stages of Human Resources Development and Planning being adopted by the institute, determine the impact of Human Resources Development and Planning on the organizational productivity and ascertain if there exists any relationship between Human Resources Development and Manufacturing Projects in National Water Resources Institute Kaduna State. The research design used in this report is descriptive design, utilizing questionnaire method to obtain information …

Can the material for “Financial Management and Accountability” be used as a guide for Accounting and Finance Project?

Yes it can be used — The local Government is an indivisible agent of federal State government in carrying out this Administrative work in rural places in selected local government. The theme of this research is “financial management and Accountability in selected local government Area of Imo State personally considered this inevitable because of the numerous roles played in the urban areas in the country. There is no existence of any local government without rural development Nigeria is a rich nation blessed with many natural resources is through which they generate a lot of money half of this money is embezzled by the government in Nigeria there was then the sharing of allocation from the federal government to the local government. The local government therefore contributes …

Can the material for “Fraudulent Act in the Banking Industry Causes Effects and Possible” be used as a guide for Banking and Finance (BF) Project?

Yes it can be used — There were so many difficulties which this research work was confronted with bank officials were so reluctant to give out helpful information of this problem and there was also the cost of research and limited time for acquisition analysis and prop or interpretation of data effort was mode bys the researcher to personally visit places where the above secondary data were located. In the absence for the need for primary data question pairs administration was deeined unqualified there fore every material used in the research writing were completely work done by other people personal effort was only employed in tracing out relevant information needed for the project. After due analysis of the available secondary data the researcher discovered the statistical data …

Is the topic “A Study of Wind Powered Turbine Generation” recommended for Electrical / Electronics Engineering (EE) Project?

Yes it is highly recommended — The research paper assesses the wind powered turbine generation. Wind power is the conversion of wind energy into more useful forms, usually electricity using wind turbines. The (PHCH) Power Holding Company of Nigeria Plc, effort to provide us with a regular power supply has not yet been achieved. And it is because of the search for another means of power generation that necessitated the development of wind turbine. The wind energy is abundant in several parts. Among the numerous natural energy resources that Nigeria was blessed with, wind is among the once in great quantity. Wind can be used in conjunction with turbines to produce electricity in isolation to supply numerous consumers. The PHCN can as well use it to …

Can the material for “Online bus ticket reservation system with QR Code” be used as a guide for Computer Science Education Project?

Yes it can be used — A Bus ticket is a piece of paper or card giving the holder the right to travel on public transport. The aim of this study is to design and implement an Online Bus Ticket Reservation System with QR Code. In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were laid out as follows to design and implement an application software that will enable passenger to check the availability of the bus ticket, check the time of departure and arrival for every Transnational’s bus online through the system and Update ticket retrieval and minimize the number of staff at the ticket box and the counter. The motivation that led to the implementation of the proposed system is that the existing system is …

Can the material for “The Relevance of Auditing in the Enchantment of Accountability in the Public Organisations” be used as a guide for Accountancy / Accounting Project?

Yes it can be used — This research work is designed to show the importance of auditing in the enhancement of accountability in the public organization. It is worthy to say that audit is necessary and indispensable for the enhancement of accountability in the public organization. This discussion in this project is done in three chapters, reading in summary conclusion and recommendations. In order to achieve success on the study, face to face interview which were basically for the role of audit in enhancing accountability in public service. …

Can the material for “Bookkeeping Practices and its Importance to SMEs” be used as a guide for Accountancy / Accounting Project?

Yes it can be used — Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (SMEs) are the backbone of the Nigerian economy in terms of contribution to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and job creations. SMEs play a major role in economic development through employment creation and income generation. The study assesses the Bookkeeping Practices and its Relevance to SMEs using Some Selected SMEs in Nigeria as a case study. In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were laid out to assess whether SMEs in the Local Government Area were practicing bookkeeping, examine methods of recordkeeping by SMEs, determine how recordkeeping enhances the development of SMEs and examine the challenges to proper record keeping. The research design used in this report is descriptive design, utilizing questionnaire method to obtain …

Can the material for “Human Resource Management and Productivity in the Nigeria Public Sector” be used as a guide for Public Administration (PA) Project?

Yes it can be used — This project is a review “Human Resource Management and Productivity in Nigeria Public Sector”. The problem identified wasWork motivation and compensation, Ethics and Values, Work Attitude and Recruitment and Selection Process. This write up showed the relevant literature concerning the project topic. It goes further to explain HRM and Productivity in Nigeria Public Sector, Using a study of Power Holding Company of Nigeria (PHCN) Enugu Branch, Enugu State.The descriptive survey method was used and the research tool was questionnaire. 250 staffs answered the questionnaire. Frequency percentages and criterion mean score of 2.5 were used in data analysis using Chi-square formula and presentation was done by the use of tables. The findings from the study showed that the factors of HRM …

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