Military Science Project Topics for Final Year Students
Final year projects are academic papers that Military Science students create; the documents are usually about 10,000 words long in Microsoft Word. It is an excellent scholarly inquiry that frequently uses scientific techniques to reach particular objectives, and the completion of a research project is the main reason for earning a Degree (Diploma).
The main goal of this online resource is to give students a quick and easy approach to find relevant Military Science materials and project topics. The following list contains the Microsoft Word (PDF) documents for Military Science project topics that may be chosen for submission as a proposal write-up.
List of Military Science Project Topics for Final Year Students
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Is the topic “The Impact of Human Resource Planning on Productivity” recommended for Human Resource Management (HRM) Project?
Yes it is highly recommended — This research is designed to cover Human Resources Planning in relation to Productivity in Private Sector. As a Human Resource Manager, Human Resources Planning are relevant function of management in an organization for the purpose of actualizing set goals and objectives. Human Resources Planning is a process of analyzing an organization Human Resources needs under changing condition and developing the activities necessary to satisfy this needs. Human Resources Planning to aid to find out actual problem affecting management of Nigerian Sonal System Social Business Management Limited using primary and secondary data as a source of information. Good human resources planning is responsible for higher productivity in the private section. There should be regular and adequate personnel planning in organization to …
Can this topic “Design and Implementation of Orientation Camp Information System” be used for Computer Science (CS) Project?
Yes it can be utilized for research — This Project Design and Implementation of Orientation Camp Information System (A Case Study of NYSC Orientation Camp Akwa Ibom) was designed to eliminate the problems associated with manual handling of information at the Orientation Camp such as: data redundancy, time wastage etc. Enrolling students into the orientation camp is a very difficult, critical, and important process. Managing all formalities is a very complex and sophisticated process. In the old, conventional method, i.e. The manual registration system, communication between different parties working within the camp is very difficult. Lack of technologies used in orientation activities obstructs dealing with it in a modern and simplified way. The main outcome is to computerize everything related to the orientation camp exercise. To do so, …
Is the topic “The Effect of Uncontrollable Importation of Indigenous Industries” recommended for Business Administration and Management (BAM) Project?
Yes it is highly recommended — The purpose of this study is to the effect of uncontrollable importation of indigenous industries with particular reference to Nigeria Breweries Enugu. Due to the unprecedented growth in manufacturing and Merchandising industries over the fears, inventory has been accorded the save cost of those industries. It therefore follows that in trying to hold the industries in those manufacturing organization, the level of these should be adequately and properly controlled with the view to minimizing costs. Hence, in conducting research, the researcher made use of oral interview and questionnaire she also reviewed other related literatures necessary to provide the required date for study. The data collected for the study were analysed in tables using chi-squares. The findings were that through the management lives as …
Can the material for “Utilization of Digital Media for Information Seeking on Prostrate Health Condition Among Men” be used as a guide for Public Health Project?
Yes it can be used — The study was carried out to examine the Utilization of Digital Media for Information Seeking on Prostrate Health Condition among Men in Minna Metropolis. In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were laid out to determine the benefits of early screening and detection of prostate cancer among men using digital media for information seeking and investigate the causes and risk factor of prostate cancer among men in the area under study. Investigation revealed that the research problem is the increased rate of prostate cancer due to poor knowledge and negative attitudes of men towards prostate screening in Nigeria. The research design used in this report is descriptive design, utilizing questionnaire method to obtain information from the respondents for this …
Can the material for “Relationship Between Personal Growth and Self-Efficacy in Young Adults” be used as a guide for Sociology Project?
Yes it can be used — The present study investigated the relationship between personal growth and self efficacy in young adults, although a lot of research has been carried out on personal growth, levels of personal growth are associated with higher levels of well being, a lower levels of distress, including depression and anxiety. Bandura theory of self efficacy explains that, beginning in infancy, parents and caregivers provide experience that differently influences children self efficacy. The study was a descriptive approach design. A total of 201 participants took parts in the study which were made of 95(45.2%) males and 106(54. 8%) females; a structure questionnaire was employed for data collection. Three hypotheses were stated and subjected to analysis using correlation one way ANOVA and t- test …
Can this topic “The Role of Financial Institutions in Agricultural Development (1990-2010)” be used for Economics Project?
Yes it can be utilized for research — This study examined the role of financial institutions in agricultural development. A case study of Nigeria Agricultural Cooperative and Rural Development Bank, with a view to make useful suggestions and recommendations as way of enhancing the development of agricultural sector. The population for the study includes large and small scale farmers and the sampling method adopted for the study is the stratified random sampling in order to ensure adequate representation of the population. In order to achieve the objective of making useful suggestions that would improve the agricultural sector, a number of hypotheses were made and tested. Samples of one hundred and eighty responses were collected and analyzed using the chi-square (ײ) and tested method. It was discovered that bank credit …
Can the material for “The Impact of Development Banking in Nigeria” be used as a guide for Banking and Finance (BF) Project?
Yes it can be used — This project is aimed at showing vividly the impact of development banking in Nigeria using federal mortgage bank (FMBN) as a case study. It is the purpose of this research to found out if there is any problem facing theses banks in Nigeria that leads to show development in Nigeria also the view of other researcher on this topic of study. Finally to know how these developments banking has contributed in economic development and growth of the economic funds. …
Is the topic “Design and Implementation of a Computerized Staff Record Management System” recommended for Computer Science (CS) Project?
Yes it is highly recommended — The present any activities requires better method of achieving goals and objectives. This is unlike the case of manual system used in staff record keeping which include student record, academic record and staff record. In other to improve in keeping staff record in Federal Polytechnic Nekede, this can be done by analyzing the manual method of staff record and nothing the disadvantages. For that reason project based on the essence of using computer in staff record keeping. From the research, it was gathered that with computer and software which develop using visual basic it eliminated waste of time in computation, redundancy of record and improved efficiency, reliability and timely processing of staff record. The above result ware achieve using structured …
Can the material for “The Political Economy of Cross Border Crimes and Socio-Economic Development of ECOWAS Member States” be used as a guide for Political Science Project?
Yes it can be used — The study was carried out to examine the Political Economy of Cross Border Crimes and Socio-Economic Development of ECOWAS Member States. In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were laid out to identify various cross border crimes perpetuated in ECOWAS member states and appraise the effectiveness of various machineries put in ground by the government to curb cross border crimes. Investigation revealed that cross border criminal activities in West Africa straddle weak borders into specific geographical location in affected countries where state capacity to respond to the threat and challenges posed by these illegal activities is equally weak. The research design used in this report is descriptive design, utilizing questionnaire method to obtain information from the respondents for this …
Can the material for “The Impact of Computer Virus Attacks and It’s Preventive Mechanisms Among Personal Computer (PC) Users” be used as a guide for Computer Science Education Project?
Yes it can be used — A computer virus is a piece of software which attaches itself to another program causing undesirable effect on the program. It is attached similar to the way in which biological virus affect other organisms. The purpose of the research is to explore the impact of computer virus attack and provide guidelines on how individuals can protect their personal computer (PC) against virus attacks. Investigation revealed that the threat of attack by computer viruses is in reality a very big problem specifically attacks aimed at subverting computer security. It is important to address the virus attacks and its preventive mechanisms among the personal computer users in this electronic global world. After identification of typical factors which leads to computer virus attacks …