Meteorology Project Topics for Final Year Students
Final year projects are academic papers that Meteorology students create; the documents are usually about 10,000 words long in Microsoft Word. It is an excellent scholarly inquiry that frequently uses scientific techniques to reach particular objectives, and the completion of a research project is the main reason for earning a Degree (Diploma).
The main goal of this online resource is to give students a quick and easy approach to find relevant Meteorology materials and project topics. The following list contains the Microsoft Word (PDF) documents for Meteorology project topics that may be chosen for submission as a proposal write-up.
List of Meteorology Project Topics for Final Year Students
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Is the topic “Developmental Implications of Early Marriage in Nigeria” recommended for Education Project?
Yes it is highly recommended — This research work explored the issue of early marriage in Nigeria. It shed light specifically on reasons behind its perpetuation, its harmful consequences, shows how it constitutes a barrier to education and enjoyment of human rights by girls and how it further threatens the development of the country. The findings from respondents and extensive reading of materials related to early marriage suggest that early marriage is due to various factors including among others, the search for economic survival, protection of young girls, peer group and family pressure, controlling female behavior and sexuality, wars and civil conflicts, socio-cultural and religious values. It is a violation of girls’ human rights as it deprives her from freedom, opportunity for personal development, and other …
Can the material for “Web Based Road Information System” be used as a guide for Information System Project?
Yes it can be used — Road Information System for Transportation Booking permits a customer to observe the information about seat reservation, bus schedule and ticket sales as well as bus time of dispatch. The aim of this study is to automate the manual procedures of reserving a bus ticket for any journey made ABC Transport, Anambra State. The web-based system is designed in a way where customers can book seats by themselves irrespective of location. In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were laid out to design and develop an application software that will: provide a web-based bus ticket reservation function where a customer can buy bus ticket through the online system without a need to queue up at the counter to purchase a …
Can the material for “Role of E-Commerce in Improving Customers Satisfaction” be used as a guide for Business Administration and Management (BAM) Project?
Yes it can be used — The research provides a conceptual and theoretical study on the role of E-commerce in improving customer s satisfaction . it elucidate on the nature, forms and significance of e-commerce Business. And depicts the impact of E- commerce on customer satisfaction. The research also provides a case analysis of Jumia. …
Can the material for “Design and Implementation of an Electronic System for Automated Banking” be used as a guide for Computer Science (CS) Project?
Yes it can be used — All commercial application developed (irrespective of the programming environment used) are to business models. Applications help to computerize business models. It is the computerization process that empowers a business model to capture, validate, store and manipulate business data at the highest speed possible. A microfinance Banking business model has business processes that manipulate data associated with savings accounts, current account, deposits and withdrawals for each type of account, fixed deposits, and loans and so on. There business processes are in some way associated with money transaction since money is the core product of this business model. The project which looks into the development of Banking Model was deigned to process the customer registration, generate new account number give report in …
Can the material for “Effect of Talent Management on Employees Productivity” be used as a guide for Business Administration and Management (BAM) Project?
Yes it can be used — The study takes an empirical inquiry to ascertain the Effect of Talent Management on Employee’s Productivity. The purpose of the study is to determine whether talent management has the potency to increase employee’s productivity in the Nigerian public sector especially in Delta State. The survey design method was used in the course of the study. The population of the study was 4,730 which comprises of the senior, middle and junior staff from five selected public sector in Delta State. The sample size was determined at 364, using Taro Yamane’s Statistical technique. Out of 364 questionnaires administered, 273 questionnaires were returned in good faith. The paper employed both primary and secondary sources in generating its data and utilizes tables and simple …
Can this topic “Determinants of Entrepreneurial Intentions Among Fresh Graduates in Nigeria” be used for Entrepreneurship Project?
Yes it can be utilized for research — The importance of fresh graduates in a developing country like Nigeria cannot be overemphasized, therefore, priority should be given to the study of the factors that spur entrepreneurial intentions among graduates in Nigeria with a view to promoting better policies and programs aimed at redirecting emphasis on entrepreneurship as a tool for economic growth and development. This study seeks to investigate empirically the factors influencing the entrepreneurial intentions of fresh graduates. The area of this study covers attitude, subjective norms, perceived behavioural control and self-efficacy and how these influence the intentions of graduates to become entrepreneurs. Primary data were collected through structured questionnaire and related literatures were reviewed. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and hypotheses was tested using one-way …
Can the material for “Entrepreneurship as a Viable Long-time Solution to Unemployment” be used as a guide for Entrepreneurship Project?
Yes it can be used — The study was carried out to examine the Entrepreneurship as a Viable Long-time Solution to Unemployment using University of Abuja as a case study. In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were laid out to investigate the reasons for the encouragement of entrepreneurship by the government among youths in the area under study and examine the effect of skills acquisition training among youths on unemployment reduction in Nigeria. The research design used in this report is descriptive design, utilizing questionnaire method to obtain information from the respondents for this project. A total of 133 (one hundred and thirty three) respondents were selected for this study to represent the entire population of the study. For null hypotheses were formulated and …
Can the material for “Effect of Cashless Policy on the Nigerian Economy” be used as a guide for Economics Project?
Yes it can be used — Cashless policy is the process of designating of financial transactions handled by means of credit cards, bank transfers and cheques, with no money handed from person to person. The study was carried out to investigate the Effect of Cashless Policy on the Nigerian Economy. In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were laid out to determine the degree of the relationship between cashless policy and Nigerian economy and ascertain empirically the impact of cashless policy on Nigeria economic growth. The research design used in this report is descriptive design, utilizing questionnaire method to obtain information from the respondents for this project. A total of 300 (three hundred) respondents were selected for this study to represent the entire population of …
Can this topic “The Microbiological Quality Control of Soymilk Beverage” be used for Microbiology Project?
Yes it can be utilized for research — The study is aimed at evaluating the microbiological quality control of soymilk beverage sold in I.M.T campus 3 Enugu. The soymilk samples were collected randomly from all the soymilk hawkers in campus 3 I.M.T Enugu. 30 soymilk samples were collected and used for the study. All the sample were freshly prepared, serial dilution of the soymilk samples was carried out. The sample were cultured using the streaking method on nutrient and Macconkey agar media Gram staining and microscopic examination was carried out to identify the organism. Biochemical test were finally carried out to confirm the implicated organism. The bacteria implicated in this study were staphylococcus sp and escherichia coli. …
Can the material for “Job Satisfaction and Employee Commitment to Work: Comparative Study of Education and Banking Institutions” be used as a guide for Business Administration and Management (BAM) Project?
Yes it can be used — Organizations effectiveness is enhanced due to their willingness to promote a sense of commitment and satisfaction among its employees. Employees commitment leads to desirable outcomes for organization in terms of increased productivity, reduction in absenteeism and turnover. Committed employees will work harder and be more likely to go the extra mile to achieve organizational objectives. Motivated employees are more productive. The motivational factors include: job security, regular promotion and opportunities for development, interesting work, environment and satisfaction towards salary. The population of this study was drawn from members of staff of educational and banking institutions within Akoka, Yaba, and Surulere Local Government Areas of Lagos State. The population consist of 95 employees who are under the employment of the mentioned …