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Mathematics With Statistics Project Topics for Final Year Students

Mathematics With Statistics Project Topics for Final Year Students

Final year projects are academic papers that Mathematics With Statistics students create; the documents are usually about 10,000 words long in Microsoft Word. It is an excellent scholarly inquiry that frequently uses scientific techniques to reach particular objectives, and the completion of a research project is the main reason for earning a Degree (Diploma).

Procedure for Initiating Final Year Project
  • Firstly, scroll down and make a selection of your preferred Biology project topics from this platform.

  • Secondly, write a Biology research proposal for the project topics selected and present it to your Supervisor for scrutiny.

  • Lastly, inform Us with the phone number - 0803-051-1988 after your preferred topic has been approved to get the complete material (Chapter 1-5 and References).

The main goal of this online resource is to give students a quick and easy approach to find relevant Mathematics With Statistics materials and project topics. The following list contains the Microsoft Word (PDF) documents for Mathematics With Statistics project topics that may be chosen for submission as a proposal write-up.

List of Mathematics With Statistics Project Topics for Final Year Students

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Can the material for “The Effect of Value Added Tax on Revenue Generation in Nigeria (2011-2016)” be used as a guide for Accountancy / Accounting Project?

Yes it can be used — The study examined the effect of risk management on business performance in Staco Insurance Plc in Lagos State. The survey research design was used in the study. The study made use of primary data to draw out information from the respondent which was sourced using questionnaire. The questionnaires were distributed directly to the targeted respondents within the population. The Taro Yamane formula for calculating sample size for population was adopted and was used to select 177 respondents and 30% was added to which equals 230. The research reveals that risk identification has a direct effect on productivity of Staco Insurance Plc and that the null hypothesis which states that risk identification has no significant effect on productivity is rejected because the p …

Is the topic “The Study Is to Investigate the Effects of Body Type of Athletes Has on Sports Performance and Ultimately Success in a Specific Sport” recommended for Environmental Science Project?

Yes it is highly recommended — This study examines the application of Information Communications Technology tools to improving the study habits in Public Secondary Schools in Edo State. A case study of Egor Local Government Area of Edo State. The selected schools for the case study are Eweka Grammar School, Uselu Senior Secondary School, Uselu Junior Secondary School Uwelu Secondary School, Adolor College,and IyobaGirls Grammar School. The sources of data for this study where primary and secondary in nature while the primary data was the field survey which involved the administration of questionnaire of which two hundred was retrieved out of the two hundred and twenty distributed among the selected schools, the secondary data was gotten from journals and books. Furthermore the chi square statistical technique …

Can this topic “Effects of Bank Distress on the Saving Habits of the Rural Dwellers” be used for Banking and Finance (BF) Project?

Yes it can be utilized for research — This research work examined the “Effect of Bank distress on the saving habit of the rural dwellers” it investigated the causes and characteristic of bank distress in the Nigerian economy. Many related literature were reviewed as the researchers collected data for this work. In remote communities where banking habit was poorly developed the exercise of changing bank notes in 1984 forced people to travel scores of mills to change their money and also made them realize that they need banks around incessant call for extension of bank branches to their areas. The effect of bank distress on the economy on the other hand included the erosion of public confidence mostly to the rural dwellers in putting their money in the banks. …

Can the material for “Language of Gender Discrimination in African Literary Works (In Purple Hibiscus and Yellow-Yellow)” be used as a guide for English Language Project?

Yes it can be used — This project basically examine the language of gender discrimination in African literary works with special reference to PURPLE HIBISCUS and YELLOW-YELLOW. In the past few years, women folk have been rendered invisible or stereotyped by their male counterparts. As a result, women voices are not heard, they are relegated to the background. Gender is a central organizing principle of societies and often governs the processes of production and reproduction, consumption, and distribution. Gender roles are the ‘social definition’ of women and men, and vary among different societies and cultures, classes and ages, and during different periods in history. They vary greatly across the Nile Basin and sub-Saharan Africa at large. Gender-specific roles and responsibilities are often conditioned by household structure, access …

Can this topic “Influence of Peer Group on the Academic Performance of Students in Some Selected Secondary Schools” be used for Integrated Science Education Project?

Yes it can be utilized for research — Peer group are people of the same age and ability that is people who are knitted together by a feeling derived by a common concern as seekers of what was desirable for the group. The study was carried out to investigate the Influence of Peer Group on the Academic Performance of Students. In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were laid out to determine the relationship between peer group and academic performance of students and find out the effect of peer group among students' academic performance in the area under study. Investigation revealed that the low academic performance in schools is brought the need to investigate the factors influencing learning. The peer group influence is one of the factors …

Can this topic “Motivational Strategies and Their Impact on Productivity” be used for Business Administration and Management (BAM) Project?

Yes it can be utilized for research — The study sought to find out the motivational strategies and its impact on productivity The purpose of the study is to provide effective motivational strategies for organizations to use to motivate employees, to improve and increase productivity in organizations.The Literature review enables us to understand the various theories on motivation and the effect have on productivity The researcher developed a questionnaire to collect primary data regarding what will make employees perform and increase productivity. The study was conducted by collecting data from sample of 80 respondents selected from the target population using questionnaire The data was analyzed using frequencies and percentage distribution. It was established that staff of Ghana Airports Company are being motivated but management need to deploy the …

Can the material for “The Implications of Treasury Single Account (TSA) on the Nigerian Banking Sector and Economy” be used as a guide for Banking and Finance (BF) Project?

Yes it can be used — This study was embarked upon by the researcher to ascertain the implication of the Treasury Single Account (TSA) on the Nigerian Banking Sector and the Nigerian economy as a whole. To achieve the set objective, data was sort both from primary and secondary sources. Questionnaire items were designed from the research questions to assist the researcher to draw meaningful conclusions. This study adopted the chi-squared as its instrument for data analysis. From the data gathered, both from the respondents and computations (simple percentage and chi-square), it was discovered that the Treasury Single Account (TSA) has no significant adverse effect on the Nigerian banking sector. In terms of its effect on economic development, Treasury Single Account (TSA) also has a significant …

Can the material for “The Impact of Management Style on the Efficiency of Selected Government Owned Companies” be used as a guide for Business Administration and Management (BAM) Project?

Yes it can be used — The research titled “The Impact of Management Style on the Efficiency of Selected Government Owned Companies In Enugu State” started with the introduction, where the researcher discussed the background of the study including finding out the impact of management style on the efficiency of some government owned companies. To find out the management style adopted by the companies under study, to find out why there is poor attitude to work in those companies, to find out where there is poor performance and improper accountability in these companies and to ascertain the causes of the manager’s inefficiency and instability. The significance of the study include that the study will be immense help to the managers to understand the impact of management …

Can this topic “Design and Implementation of Web Test Tool Application Design and Measure Performance” be used for Computer Science (CS) Project?

Yes it can be utilized for research — In software engineering, performance testing is testing that is performed, to determine how fast some aspect of a system performs under a particular workload. It can also serve to validate and verify other quality attributes of the system, such as scalability, reliability and resource usage. Performance testing is a subset of Performance engineering, an emerging computer science practice which strives to build performance into the design and architecture of a system, prior to the onset of actual coding effort In recent years, Web applications have grown so quickly that they have already become crucial to the success of businesses. However, since they are built on Internet and open standard technologies, Web applications bring new challenges to researchers, such as dynamic behaviors, …

Can the material for “Computerized E-Post Management System” be used as a guide for Software Engineering Project?

Yes it can be used — Electronic posting (E-post) is the use of a web site or other form of electronic communication used to display information gathered in connection with a fraud alert network. The aim of the study is to Design and Implement of a Web based E-post Management System. In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were laid out to design and develop a software that will: analyze the global trends in e-commerce and why it is important for economic developments, identify the benefits of the adoption of e-post management system by courier Service Company, and an e-post platform that can be used by customers to order for post office items and make payment online. The motivation for embarking in this research work …

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