Human / Theatre Arts Project Topics for Final Year Students
Final year projects are academic papers that Human / Theatre Arts students create; the documents are usually about 10,000 words long in Microsoft Word. It is an excellent scholarly inquiry that frequently uses scientific techniques to reach particular objectives, and the completion of a research project is the main reason for earning a Degree (Diploma).
The main goal of this online resource is to give students a quick and easy approach to find relevant Human / Theatre Arts materials and project topics. The following list contains the Microsoft Word (PDF) documents for Human / Theatre Arts project topics that may be chosen for submission as a proposal write-up.
List of Human / Theatre Arts Project Topics for Final Year Students
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Can the material for “The Effect of Quality Service Delivery on Consumers Patronage in the Banking Industry of Nigeria” be used as a guide for Banking and Finance (BF) Project?
Yes it can be used — This research work revealed the effect of quality service delivery on customers’ patronage in First Bank Plc, Kaduna. The bank has failed to take note of the importance of customers satisfaction and cost of banking service is high in the sense that there is high interest rate on loan and time spend in transacting business in the bank is longed. The main objective of the study is to find out the types of service offered by first bank to their customer and evaluating if the service guarantee the satisfaction of the customer. The methodology used in gathering data for the research work was the interview and questionnaire method were used. The finding of this research work was discovered that workers are …
Can this topic “A Study on Human Resources Development” be used for Business Administration and Management (BAM) Project?
Yes it can be utilized for research — The success of any organization largely depends on the effectiveness of its human resources. The need for reappraising the human resources training and development in our organization is apparent. To this extent, this research work tried to identify the problems associated with human resources development with a view to developing means for improving effectiveness and efficiency in human resources management. To deal with this task, there was a background study, statement of problem, purpose of the study and the significant of the study were all stated. A review of related literature was carried out to uncover the trend of event concerning human resources development. As a means of gathering data, a structured and close-ended questionnaire was designed, validated, reproduced and …
Can the material for “Design and Implementation of an Online Government Whistle Blower Management System” be used as a guide for Computer Science (CS) Project?
Yes it can be used — A whistleblower management system is an application software that organizes and manages the perceived mal-administration report of an individuals working within an organization for necessary action to be effected. The aim of the study is to design and implement an Online Government Whistle Blower Management System. In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were laid out as follows to develop an application software that will Create and publicize the Whistle blowing Policy of the Federal Government and provides authentic, qualitative and comprehensive data gotten from the whistle blower to charge reporter persons’ to court. The motivation that led to the implementation of the proposed system is that information provision by insiders plays a critical role in resolving corruption issues …
Is the topic “Determination of Weight Changes in Sheep and Goats Fed Supplemental Yam Peels and Raised Semi-Intensively in Teaching and Research Farm” recommended for Agricultural Engineering (AE) Project?
Yes it is highly recommended — Ten (10) goats were used in 10 weeks field experiment to determine the weight changes in goats and sheep under a semi-intensive system of management. The goats and sheep were grouped into two treatments; five groups each for both goats and sheep respectively and each treatment were replicated five times in a complete randomized design. The goats were allowed to graze for about 4-6 hours daily, while they were fed with 9000g of yam peels as supplement and water was supplied ad-libitum. The weight of the animals were taking weekly for a period of ten weeks . The result shows no significant difference (p>0.05) in the body weight of goats throughout the experimental period. However, shows significant (p<0.05) in sheep …
Is the topic “Design and Implementation of a Web Based System for Police Investigation” recommended for Computer Science (CS) Project?
Yes it is highly recommended — The world over, it is indisputable that the introduction of computer technology in different facets of life, has virtually transformed and entranced information processing, which is very vital in any organization or parastatals of government. Not only as a means of information processing, the technology has also proved to be the fastest means of information retrieval, which forms the nucleus of this study. This work tries to x- ray the rate role of the computer in crime investigation as it affects the Nigerian police. Force it looks at ways of improving the information management of the force. This research work will cover the following areas: record information retrieval relating to MIS (Management information system), retirement Cretan for officers and crime mapping …
Can the material for “Design and Implementation of a Web Based Vehicle Repair and Maintenance Information System” be used as a guide for Computer Science (CS) Project?
Yes it can be used — Vehicle Repair and Maintenance Information System is a guide with an interactive tool which provides drivers with comprehensive and convenient information which are meant not only to help them whenever they meet with an unforeseen incident on the road or at any point in time. The aim of the study is to design and implement a Web based Vehicle Repair and Maintenance Information System. In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were laid out as follows to develop an application software that will develop appropriate representation architecture to the proposed car failure and malfunction diagnosis assistance system and also help vehicle repairers diagnose serious faults and repair vehicles at a faster rate through the pre-diagnosis and advice a web-based …
Can the material for “An Assessment of Self Determination as a Strategy for Resolving the National Question South Sudan” be used as a guide for Political Science Project?
Yes it can be used — This research, “An Assessment of the Right to Self-Determination as a Strategy for Resolving the National Question in South Sudan” was undertaken with the view to finding why and how the people of Southern Sudan came to identify themselves as a nation, irrespective of their religious and ethnic differences. The study adopted a thematic approach to the study by basing the analysis on literary texts. The ideological theory of nationalism was adopted in order to provide a systematic explanation for nationalism in Africa. The theory argues that nationalism in Africa is an ideological construction of disgruntled elites who mobilize the masses to their cause. After winning the sympathy of the masses, the elites and intelligentsia will start by negotiating with …
Can the material for “Economic Analysis of Post Harvest Losses Among Leafy Vegetable Marketers” be used as a guide for Agricultural Economics and Extension Project?
Yes it can be used — Postharvest loss is the degradation in both quantity and quality of a food production from harvest to consumption. The study was carried out to estimate the physical losses and corresponding financial value of post harvest losses in green vegetables in Owerri-west Local Government Area in Imo State. In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were laid out to estimate the physical losses of green vegetable during marketing and identify the causes of the losses during marketing. Investigation revealed that the importance of leafy vegetables in improving the nutritional and economy needs of rural farmers cannot be underestimated. Leafy vegetables are essential part of human diets, but they are perishable by nature. Losses of leafy vegetables and economic opportunities have …
Can this topic “The Determinants and Measurements of Poverty in Nigerian Economy” be used for Economics Project?
Yes it can be utilized for research — This study takes a critical evaluation at the measurement and determinants of poverty in the Nigerian economy. Poverty concerns individual’s inability to cater adequately for the basic needs of food, clothing and shelter. It reflects inability to meet social and economic obligations; lack of gainful employment, skills, assets and self-esteem. It is anchored on limited access to social and economic infrastructures such as education, health, potable water and sanitation, thus limiting the chance of advance welfare to utmost level of capability. Despite sustained rates of economic growth in Nigeria, statistics on incomes and social indicators show poverty to be widespread, severe and almost increasing. Although government poverty alleviation programmes feature in many communities, but their effectiveness in addressing poverty is constrained …
Can the material for “Characters and Journey in Amos Tutuola’s the Palm Wine Drinkard and Gabriel Ajadi’s the Forest of God Annotated Translation of D. O. Fagunwa’s Igbo Olodumare” be used as a guide for Igbo Project?
Yes it can be used — This project work deals with a critical analysis of characters and their journey using the novels of Amos Tutuola’s The Palm- wine Drinkard and Gabriel A. Ajadi’s The Forest of God annotated translation of D. O. Fagunwa’s Igbo Olodumare. This study tends to explore man and his adventurous life as a result of his quest. Sociological approach was adopted in this study to show that man in indispensable in the society and Journey (adventure) is essential to man. Journey varies depending on the quest of an individual coupled with determination and encouragement from people around. Characters and Journey applies to everybody in life; you and I, our quests and journeys through life void of fear. …