English / Integrated Science Project Topics for Final Year Students
Final year projects are academic papers that English / Integrated Science students create; the documents are usually about 10,000 words long in Microsoft Word. It is an excellent scholarly inquiry that frequently uses scientific techniques to reach particular objectives, and the completion of a research project is the main reason for earning a Degree (Diploma).
The main goal of this online resource is to give students a quick and easy approach to find relevant English / Integrated Science materials and project topics. The following list contains the Microsoft Word (PDF) documents for English / Integrated Science project topics that may be chosen for submission as a proposal write-up.
List of English / Integrated Science Project Topics for Final Year Students
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Can this topic “An Assessment on the Impact of Industrialization on Economic Growth in Nigeria” be used for Economics Project?
Yes it can be utilized for research — Industrialization is the process in which a society transforms itself from a primarily agricultural society into one based on the manufacturing of goods and services. The study was carried out to assess the Impact of Industrialization on Economic Growth in Nigeria. In achieving this aim, the specific objectives were set out to analyze the performance of industrialization and its effect to Nigerians in economic growth, analyze the relationship between industrialization and economic growth, determine the contribution of industrialization to Nigerian economic growth, identify the determinants of industrialization in Nigeria, and make policy recommendations. Insufficient capital is one of the reason Nigerian economy is termed underdeveloped or developing. Huge amount of capital is needed for an industrial development because it is …
Can the material for “Collective Bargaining as a Tool for Improving Organisational Peace and Productivity” be used as a guide for Industrial Relations and Personnel Management (IRPM) Project?
Yes it can be used — This research examined Collective Bargaining as a Tool for Improving Organisational Peace and Productivity with special reference to U.B.A and Access Banks. The research adopted survey research design. Data were gathered through primary source with the aid of a well-structured questionnaire. Simple random sampling technique was adopted in the selection of sample, this was used to eliminate biasness in the selection process of the respondents. Data garnered were presented on table using percentage. The result of the analysis shows that Collective bargaining serves as a tool for improved organizational peace and productivity in the organization. Also, collective bargaining has positive effect on the management and worker union, management compensate workers regularly even when collective bargaining is adopted and that collective bargaining …
Can the material for “Assessment of Factors Responsible for Poor Academic Performance in Public Primary Schools in Kwara State” be used as a guide for Education Project?
Yes it can be used — This study is on assessment of factors responsible for poor academic performance. The total population for the study is 200 staff of Aderoju International primary schools in Ilorin Area Council Kwawa. The researcher used questionnaires as the instrument for the data collection. Descriptive Survey research design was adopted for this study. A total of 133 respondents made up headmasters, administration staff, senior staffs and junior staffs were used for the study. The data collected were presented in tables and analyzed using simple percentages and frequencies. …
Can the material for “Effect of Replacing Soyabean Meal with Moringa Seed Meal in Poultry Production” be used as a guide for Animal Science Project?
Yes it can be used — Soybean meal is the most widely used as a protein source in the formulation of poultry diets. The study examines the Effect of Replacing Soyabean Meal with Moringa Seed Meal in Poultry Production. In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were laid out to determine the effect of using moringa seed meal on the performance and poultry productivity and identify the process of replacing Soyabean Meal with Moringa Seed Meal in Poultry Production. Moringa seeds have high essential amino acid contents in sulphr amino acids but very poor in lysine and threonine which are present in lower levels. The seed’s bitter taste is generally attributed to alkaloids, saponins, cyanogenic glucosides and glucosinolates which are removed by heat treatment, suggesting …
Can the material for “Implementation of Banana Slicer for Food Processing Industries” be used as a guide for Electrical / Electronics Engineering (EE) Project?
Yes it can be used — The study was carried out to implement a Banana Slicer for Food Processing Industries. In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were laid out to examine the benefit and the motions of banana slicer and add benefit to the oldest way of slicing banana using manual method. A power rotary banana slicer suitable for small scale processing was designed and developed based on engineering properties of banana varieties, namely Nendran and Dwarf Cavendish. This banana slicer mainly consists of feeders for round slicing, cutter, power transmission mechanism, base support and frame. 111e power operated rotary slicer with three blade cutter that was operating at 36CJ rpm speed was developed to overcome drawbacks of existing hand or power operated rotary …
Can the material for “The Role of Bank in the Development of SME in Nigeria” be used as a guide for Banking and Finance (BF) Project?
Yes it can be used — The economy of any nation is usually boosted (or otherwise down troubled though the influence and impact (positive and negative) of small and medium industries. This is usually the grade industries that are seen every where in our urban and rural areas and which cater for the immediate needs of the populace of any given nation. Small and medium industries are seen to suffer untold hardship owing to the regulatory polices of government. Most government policies and other external environmental variable usually affect the small and medium industries and further hamper the economic growth and development. But sometimes too, there could be some favourable policies which could help to improve the status of the small and medium industries. This research …
Can this topic “A Linguistic Study of the Nigerian-Ness’ of Nigerian Pidgin in Selected Literary Works” be used for English Language Project?
Yes it can be utilized for research — This thesis titled “A Linguistic study of the „Nigerian-ness‟ of Nigerian Pidgin in Selected Literary Works” was embarked upon because of the resistance many Nigerians have to the use of Nigerian Pidgin (NP); they see it as foreign and a corruption of the English Language. Besides, many people, especially non-linguists feel that pidgin Englishes in West Africa are all the same no matter which country the Pidgin exists in. The researcher therefore sets out to investigate the lexical and syntactic features in NP to find out whether they are uniquely Nigerian. Two texts were used for analysis − an earlier text: “Sozaboy” by Ken Saro Wiwa (1985), and a contemporary one:“Abuja na Kpangba an oda Puem-dem” by Eriata Oribhabor (2011).Jowitt„s …
Can the material for “Design and Implementation of an E-Taxation System” be used as a guide for Computer Science (CS) Project?
Yes it can be used — Tariff is a compulsory levy imposed on the income/profits of an individual, partnership and corporate organizations for the financing of government expenditure without recourse to a corresponding benefit from Tariff payer. The aim of the study is to design and implement an e-taxation system. In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were laid out to develop a workable e-taxation system, showcase the concept of e-taxation, and present the need for an e-taxation system. The motivation that led to embarking on the research work is the difficulty in the management of tax payments as there had been no system to effectively monitor the payments of taxes so as to determine who is defaulting tax payments and who is not. Also, …
Can the material for “The Examination of the Role of Central Bank in the Regulation of the Nigeria Economy Through Monetary Policy” be used as a guide for Banking and Finance (BF) Project?
Yes it can be used — This study is to examine the role of Central Bank of Nigeria in the regulation of the Nigeria economy through monetary policy. And the main objectives of this work is to achieve full employment, price stability, favourable balance of payment, exchange rate stability, economic growth and development. To solve the research problems, information was collected thorough primary and secondary data. The research instruments used in collection of data were questionnaire, interviews and others. The respondents on the questionnaire comprises the management and staff of Central Bank of Nigeria. The secondary data were collected from already written research work and are related to the subject matter either directly or indirectly and they are used to supplement the primary data collected. They …
Can the material for “The Influence of the Language of Social Media on the English Language” be used as a guide for English Language Project?
Yes it can be used — The boom in the use of social media in our time has no doubt brought a lot alteration in different language conventions. The early users of social media battled with space and time. Since social media language is in the borderline of speech and writing they created unusual acronyms and some other new words, like ‘u’, ur, ‘unfriend’ etc not only to communicate faster but also to maximize the limited space they have. Some linguists began to protest as these coinages were not only used within the circle of social media and informal writing but began to get into the mainstream of the English language. They see it as a threat to their language. This paper takes a different stand as …