English and Literary Studies Project Topics for Final Year Students
Final year projects are academic papers that English and Literary Studies students create; the documents are usually about 10,000 words long in Microsoft Word. It is an excellent scholarly inquiry that frequently uses scientific techniques to reach particular objectives, and the completion of a research project is the main reason for earning a Degree (Diploma).
The main goal of this online resource is to give students a quick and easy approach to find relevant English and Literary Studies materials and project topics. The following list contains the Microsoft Word (PDF) documents for English and Literary Studies project topics that may be chosen for submission as a proposal write-up.
List of English and Literary Studies Project Topics for Final Year Students
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Can the material for “A Socio-linguistic Analysis of Code Switching and Code Mixing in Selected Jenifer’s Diary Episodes” be used as a guide for Linguistics and Communication Project?
Yes it can be used — Code-switching is the use of more than one language, variety, or style by a speaker within an utterance or discourse, or between different interlocutors or situations. Code-mixing and code-switching are important aspects of sociolinguistics because of their use and status in the society. The continued exploration of various facets of code change is therefore not a surprise, as it has more than just (socio) linguistic, anthropological and psychological implications. A few studies have been carried out on bilingual speakers of English. Some of the studies focus on the way speakers of English code switch and mix between different language codes in their daily dialogues or conversations. All these studies drew their data from real life contexts. None of them investigated …
Can this topic “Leadership and Problems of National Development: An Assessment of Unemployment Problem and Movement of Nigerian Youths to Developed Countries of the World” be used for Sociology Project?
Yes it can be utilized for research — Leadership is the key to social upliftment, social stagnation and even social decay, but there is no such agreement as to which kind of leadership is most capable of meeting and enhancing national development. The ability of a leader to coordinate member’s behaviour in the pursuit of goals is referred to as leadership. George and et al (1990) defined leadership as a relationship in which one person accepts the responsibility for the fate of self and others in relation to achieving a task. The problem of our country is that of leadership. Successive government have already missed and lost, considering the unrelenting progression of corruption, bad governance and bad economic management. The consequence of bad governance and frustration impeded on …
Can the material for “Fuel Subsidy Removal and the Nigerian Economy” be used as a guide for Public Administration (PA) Project?
Yes it can be used — When the researcher chose this topic “fuel subsidy removal and Nigerian economy”-she was inspired on how Nigerians reacted towards the fuel subsidy removal, the strikes, violent demonstrations, high cost of fuel and transportation etc, it was these problems that made the researcher carryout this work. To do this, researcher developed three major questions and other sub/minor questions aimed at prying into fuel subsidy removal and the Nigerian economy. These questions were administered in the form of a questionnaire to 399 respondents who were selected as a sample of the population. Apart from the primary data collected through questionnaire, secondary data were also collected. In organizing and presenting data collected, tables and percentages were used. Data analysis and interpretation revealed the …
Can the material for “Apprenticeship System and Increase in Personnel Services of Technical Teachers” be used as a guide for Education Project?
Yes it can be used — The study examined the influence of apprenticeship on the productivity of technical teachers in selected secondary schools in Lagos State. Specifically, the study sets out to investigate the influence of staff training programmes on learning achievement of students and apprenticeship impact on technical teachers’ productivity. Four research questions and three hypotheses were formulated to guide the investigation. Relevant literatures were reviewed among which are concept of apprenticeship and development and identifying training needs. A descriptive research design was adopted for the study and the population were technical teachers in secondary schools in Mainland Local Education District III area of Lagos State. Stratified random technique was used to get 120 technical teachers from six schools in the district. Questionnaire was used for …
Can the material for “A Comparative Study of the Role of Small and Medium Scale Enterprises in the Economic Growth of an Economy” be used as a guide for Secretarial Administration Project?
Yes it can be used — This study was aimed at examining the role being played by the small and medium scale enterprises towards economic growth of an economy with Enugu state as our case study. From the study, it was observed that indeed, small and medium scale enterprises contribute to the economic development of Enugu State. Lack of adequate finance was identified as one of the mayor problems hampering the development of small and medium scale enterprise in Enugu state. In order to provide a sound theoretical framework and sound judgement for the work, the work of other researchers in the same issue were reviewed. The use of Taro-Yamani Statistical formular was used in selecting an adequate sample size for the study from the population. Hypotheses were …
Can the material for “The Impact of Leadership Style on Organizational Effectiveness” be used as a guide for Public Administration (PA) Project?
Yes it can be used — The continued success enjoyed by many organizations is derived from a balanced that are achieved in terms of goals of both the employees and the management of the organization through effective leadership. The major purpose of this study is to determine the impact of leadership qualities on growth and development of an organizations. Specially the private sector. In order to accomplish this objectives, research questions were formulated and data collected through the use of questionnaires that were distributed to staff of Grimard Hospital, Anyigba. The data analyzed using statistical techniques such as percentage and chi-square that were interpreted. In work organizations. The quality of management i.e top management often determine the quality of work output and margin of profit. When …
Can the material for “Staff Management in Local Government of Nigeria” be used as a guide for Public Administration (PA) Project?
Yes it can be used — Thinking wrong, believing wrong, acting or working wrong always lead to inefficiency in the life of any organisation. This project is aimed at ascertaining the extent to which staff management functions are applied in Ngor-Okpala local government council. In chapter one, an over view of staffing as a function in the management of an establishment was explained. A short history of Ngor-Okpala local government was expressed. The chapter also contain the statements of problems, purpose and significance of the study, scope and limitation of the study, definition of terms and research questions. Chapter two summary reviews literature on staff management activities, who performs personnel functions, personnel policy, principle on which personnel policies are based and challenges of personnel management. While …
Can the material for “The Impact of Monetary Policies on Nigeria Commercial Bank” be used as a guide for Banking and Finance (BF) Project?
Yes it can be used — The economic policies or interpretation of such policies has always left a key question unanswered, how much authorities do such policies allow the banks to use their powers to lend, to made remarkable impact in the overall economic situation in the country. Like in banks in most developing economic (Nigeria inclusive) the role of providing advice and issuing financial directives lies in the ministry of finance, the Nigeria deposit insurance corporation and the central bank of Nigeria. The federal government relies on these institution for the proper functioning of banks through their monetary policies, which could be concretionary or expansionary. This invariably affects the commercial banks etc. hence the need for this study. The Zenith Bank Plc has been chosen in this …
Can the material for “Influence of Family Background on Primary School Pupils Performance in English Language” be used as a guide for Education Project?
Yes it can be used — The research work is aimed at investigating the Influence of Family Background on Primary School Pupils Performance in English Language using Sharon Int'l primary school in Port Harcourt city LGA of Rivers state as a case study. In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives laid out to identify the influence of parental socio-economic status on pupils’ academic achievement in Primary schools in Sharon Int'l primary school, ascertain whether broken homes have any influence on pupil’s academic achievement in Primary schools, determine the influence of family size and type on pupil’s academic achievement in primary schools, and find out whether educational background of parents has any influence on pupil’s academic achievement in primary schools Sharon Int'l primary school in Port …
Is the topic “The Adequacy of Manpower and Instructional Resources for the Implementation of Vocational Education” recommended for Education Project?
Yes it is highly recommended — This study investigated the adequacy of Manpower and instructional resources for the implementation of Vocational Education in Abia State Secondary Schools. The stratified proportional sampling technique was used to select the 206 vocational Education teachers and 76 Head teachers that participated in the study from 76 schools out of 190 schools that ran Vocational Education programme. Two types of instrument were used for gathering the data required for meeting the demands of the four research questions and two null hypotheses of the study. The first among these differentiated with the title Resource Indices for Document Analysis (RIDA). The second instrument was a 2-part (A&B) questionnaire titled Vocational Education Resources Availability Assessment Questionnaire (VERAAQ). The response pattern for the VERAAQ was a 4 …