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Computer Science with Mathematics Project Topics for Final Year Students

Computer Science with Mathematics Project Topics for Final Year Students

Final year projects are academic papers that Computer Science with Mathematics students create; the documents are usually about 10,000 words long in Microsoft Word. It is an excellent scholarly inquiry that frequently uses scientific techniques to reach particular objectives, and the completion of a research project is the main reason for earning a Degree (Diploma).

Procedure for Initiating Final Year Project
  • Firstly, scroll down and make a selection of your preferred Biology project topics from this platform.

  • Secondly, write a Biology research proposal for the project topics selected and present it to your Supervisor for scrutiny.

  • Lastly, inform Us with the phone number - 0803-051-1988 after your preferred topic has been approved to get the complete material (Chapter 1-5 and References).

The main goal of this online resource is to give students a quick and easy approach to find relevant Computer Science with Mathematics materials and project topics. The following list contains the Microsoft Word (PDF) documents for Computer Science with Mathematics project topics that may be chosen for submission as a proposal write-up.

List of Computer Science with Mathematics Project Topics for Final Year Students

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Can the material for “Impact of Climate Change and Political Conflict in Africa on Migration and Refugees in Continent” be used as a guide for International Relations Project?

Yes it can be used — The study was carried out to examine the Impact of Climate Change and Political Conflict in Africa on Migration and Refugees in Continent. In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were laid out to analyze the response of the United Nations and other African States in formulating climate change policies to ensure future security and prevent conflict and examine the link between climate change, migration, governance and security threats in respect to political conflicts in Africa. Investigation revealed that climate change, due to natural gas emissions into the atmosphere, will particularly affect the variability of environment and water resources globally. Considering the expectation of more frequent droughts and floods, the forecast of river flows and its interaction with extreme …

Can the material for “Design and Implementation of an Online Prison Management System” be used as a guide for Computer Science (CS) Project?

Yes it can be used — Prisoners’ management in Nigeria has long been a neglected area and has only recently been included in the 20-20 vision document under the e-governance. Currently, prisoner’s records are maintained in a very rudimentary way in the form of manual files and registers. This method of data management often results in human error, delay to retrieve information etc. Thus, An Online Prison Management System was designed and implemented to manage prisoner’s records for the Nigerian prison service Enugu command. This project was done using basic html for visible web contents, php for server scripting and MySQL database was used to store and manage the prisoner’s records. Tools used to achieve this Project includes Dreamweaver CS5 html editor,CSS3 for styling, JavaScript, php …

Can this topic “The Effect of Recruitment, Selection Placement on Organizational Effectiveness” be used for Insurance Project?

Yes it can be utilized for research — The effect of recruitment, selection and placement of an employee in the right position in organization cannot be over emphasized. One of the test of an efficient personnel department is its ability to fill job position promptly and adequately. This means that the department must know the source of different type of applicants for the job position that it has to fill. Recruitment and selection alone are not the only vital elements commonly used in the process of employment. After recruitment and selection have taken place, the job holders may either be sent on training or not depending on the training needed and of course the feasibility of training before being placed under recruitment, the internal source which is one …

Can the material for “Design and Implementation of an Online Library Catalog System” be used as a guide for Computer Science (CS) Project?

Yes it can be used — A Library Catalog System software package is designed especially to handle book-keeping tasks and students entry and exits period. The aim of this study is to design software that will Design and implement an Online Library Catalog System. In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were laid out to Control the inflow and outflow of stock/materials in the library, store books using IDs assigned to each book, assist in the management and record library stocks and give account of borrowed and un borrowed books. The motivation that led to the implementation of the proposed system is as a result of poor determination books due and overdue, lack of comprehensive database for book stocked in the library and verifiable borrowed …

Can the material for “Design and Fabrication of a Foldable Camp Bed” be used as a guide for Electrical / Electronics Engineering (EE) Project?

Yes it can be used — Camp bed is used universally for relaxation, emergency eases such as war and in other several ways, and it is the acknowledgement of these resources that led to the design of the foldable camp bed. In this project, three alternative design solutions were considered for the foldable camp bed. The authors utilize the local materials (with cost consideration) for the components. The main aim of the study is to design and fabricate a foldable bed that not only as a bed but more than that. One foldable camp bed will be develop as multifunctional bed complete with the variety of purpose which is light, comfort, more safe and foldable. In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were set out …

Is the topic “The Political Economy of Cross Border Crimes and Socio-Economic Development of ECOWAS Member States” recommended for Political Science Project?

Yes it is highly recommended — The study was carried out to examine the Political Economy of Cross Border Crimes and Socio-Economic Development of ECOWAS Member States. In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were laid out to identify various cross border crimes perpetuated in ECOWAS member states and appraise the effectiveness of various machineries put in ground by the government to curb cross border crimes. Investigation revealed that cross border criminal activities in West Africa straddle weak borders into specific geographical location in affected countries where state capacity to respond to the threat and challenges posed by these illegal activities is equally weak. The research design used in this report is descriptive design, utilizing questionnaire method to obtain information from the respondents for this …

Can the material for “Effect of Instructional Material in Teaching and Learning of Networking on Students Academic Performance in Computer Science” be used as a guide for Education Project?

Yes it can be used — The twenty first century is the threshold that leads educationists to divert from the traditional classroom initiatives to new initiatives that make the classroom learning situations more dynamic. One of these initiatives is the use of instructional materials. Teachers committed to instructional materials help their students develop personal learning plans, assist in diagnosing their cognitive strengths and weaknesses and other style characteristics, help adapt the learning environment and instruction to learners’ needs and interests, and mentor authentic and reflective learning experiences for their students. But the use of instructional materials in schools is not encouraging. As a result, it makes the morale and interest of the students in networking in computer science low. The question now is, to what extent does …

Can the material for “Audit Quality and Performance of Banks Listed on the Nigerian Stock Exchange (2005-2016)” be used as a guide for Accountancy / Accounting Project?

Yes it can be used — Audit quality is capable of influencing corporate performance, through mitigation of risks and significant misstatements. The study was carried out to examine the Audit Quality and Performance of Banks Listed on the Nigerian stock exchange (2005-2016). In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were laid out to determine the effect of audit quality on Return on Assets and determine the effect of audit quality on return n asset of commercial banks in Nigeria. The research design used in this report is descriptive design, utilizing questionnaire method to obtain information from the respondents for this project. For null hypotheses were formulated and tested using the one-way ANOVA and the t-test statistical tools at zero point zero five (0.05) level of …

Can the material for “The Impact of Agricultural Marketing Co-operatives on Sales Promotion” be used as a guide for Cooperative Economics and Management (CEM) Project?

Yes it can be used — The study examines the Impact of Agricultural Marketing Co-operatives on sales promotion using the National Archives Multipurpose Co-operative Society as a case study. In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were laid out to examine the impact of agricultural marketing cooperatives on sales promotion, determine the role of agricultural cooperative in improving the intensive at farming activities and find out how capital hinder agricultural cooperative development in the society. The research design used in this report is descriptive design, utilizing questionnaire method to obtain information from the respondents for this project. A total of 150 (one hundred and fifty) respondents were selected for this study to represent the entire population of the study. Primary data were collected from the …

Is the topic “Problem of Unwanted Pregnancy on Adolescent Education” recommended for Teacher Education Project?

Yes it is highly recommended — The study was carried out to identify the Problem of Unwanted Pregnancy on Adolescent Education. Investigation revealed that despite greater attempts have been made to manage teenage pregnancy over the years, with little immediate solution in sight, concern over adolescent pregnancy has grown. The government and other stakeholders have created youth-friendly clinics, conducted campaigns, and made interventions, yet the prevalence rates still increase. The research design used in this report is descriptive design, utilizing questionnaire method to obtain information from the respondents for this project. Primary data were collected from the primary source which questionnaire was used as an instrument of data collection while secondary data were sources from textbooks, journals, newspapers and the internet were employed. The data were …

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