Biological Sciences and Engineering Project Topics for Final Year Students
Final year projects are academic papers that Biological Sciences and Engineering students create; the documents are usually about 10,000 words long in Microsoft Word. It is an excellent scholarly inquiry that frequently uses scientific techniques to reach particular objectives, and the completion of a research project is the main reason for earning a Degree (Diploma).
The main goal of this online resource is to give students a quick and easy approach to find relevant Biological Sciences and Engineering materials and project topics. The following list contains the Microsoft Word (PDF) documents for Biological Sciences and Engineering project topics that may be chosen for submission as a proposal write-up.
List of Biological Sciences and Engineering Project Topics for Final Year Students
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Can the material for “Design and Implementation of a Web Based Hostel Allocation System” be used as a guide for Computer Science (CS) Project?
Yes it can be used — Hostel Allocation software is a system which can be used to assist in student’s allocation, setup hostel information, and hostel application. The aim of the study is to develop a Computerized Hostel Allocation software that will manage the hostel activities of Imo State University as a case study. In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were laid out to generate reports on hostel occupancy and financial reports and upgrade from manual means of student’s hostel allocation. The motivation that led to the implementation of the proposed system is that in the existing system, the statistics of the number of rooms required to match the growing number of students are far-fetched and student’s information retrieval is difficult and records are …
Can the material for “Impact of Port Concession in Nigeria” be used as a guide for Maritime and Transport Project?
Yes it can be used — Port concession is a practice that permits Apapa Seaport franchisee the right to finance, build, own, improve, upgrade, maintain or operate a public infrastructure, and charge users for the cost of services, for a limited period of time. The study assesses the impact of port concession in Nigeria as regards Apapa Seaport. Specifically the following are the objectives of the study to: determine the role of the management style in the administration of the Apapa Seaport after concession, assess the impact of port concession on port congestion, review the effectiveness of the concession on freight compensation, determine the role of the concession on freight handling efficiency, and propose possible solutions to make more efficient concession. The research design used in …
Can this topic “Analysis of Women’s Participation and Incorporation in Waste Picking and Solid Waste Management” be used for Urban and Regional Planning (URP) Project?
Yes it can be utilized for research — Analysis of women's participation in waste picking and solid waste management as a whole has immense socioeconomic and environmental benefits and also can serve as a basis for identifying problems and making relevant recommendations in Sokoto Metropolis, Nigeria. The objectives of this research are to: review gender participation in solid waste management; review the solid waste management policies and programmes in Sokoto metropolis; assess the nature of women's participation in municipal solid waste management in Sokoto metropolis and the outcomes; identify problems and make recommendations. A total of 328 women participants in waste picking among other solid waste management were studied in the six districts covered in Sokoto metropolis using cluster and purposive sampling techniques. Tables, percentages, and charts were used …
Can this topic “Comparative Analysis of Pipe Borne Water and Other Sources of Water” be used for Public Health Project?
Yes it can be utilized for research — Comparative examination of three main sources of water supply in Independence layout Enugu was carried out with a view to determine their levels of contamination of bacteria. The sources of water examined are tap water, well water and stream water. The pour plate method was used to examine the water samples. Bacteria isolated from the water samples include coliforms especially Escherichia coli. Stream water and well water were found to contain bacterial isolates unlike the tap water that has none. …
Can the material for “Misuse of Power in Chinua Achebe’s Anthill of the Savannah and Chimammanda Adichie’s Purple Hibiscus” be used as a guide for Linguistics and Communication Project?
Yes it can be used — Over the ages, some persons or group of persons are known to misuse power to bully their subjects or subordinates. This unwholesome act gives rise to many literary works condemning the act. This work considers the misuse of power as portrayed by the novels Anthills of the Savannah and purple Hibiscus by Chinua Achebe and Chimmamanda Adichie respectively. Achebe in his novel shows the danger of pursuing power for power’s sake and also the impact of a dictator on a populace − the people of Kangan only suffer from Sam’s leadership. He represents the archetypal corrupted Nigerian leaders. Eugene Achike in purple Hibiscus is another character who abuses his patriarchal power over his family. Eugene is both a religious zealot and …
Is the topic “Teachers and Students Perceptions of Problems Affecting Effective Teaching and Learning” recommended for Education Project?
Yes it is highly recommended — Social studies is the integrated study of multiple fields of social science and the humanities, including history, geography, and political science. The purpose of the study is to find out the reasons why there are problems of effective teaching learning of Social Studies in primary schools in Enugu Educational zone. The sample was drawn from the population. The sample comprises all the teachers teaching Social Studies in Primary Schools in Enugu Educational zone. The instruments used were questionnaire and data were collected analysis by use of percentage. The major findings of the study are as follows it was found that they lack: concentration in English language because of mother tongue interference, qualified teachers, teaching aids like books, fund and equipment …
Can this topic “Nigerian Home Movies and influences on Igbo Culture” be used for Igbo Project?
Yes it can be utilized for research — The study scrutinizes the Influence of Igbo Culture on Nigeria Home Movies. In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were laid out to ascertain the extent to which Nigerian home movies portray negatively the culture of Igbo’s, determine if what is watched by the audience is believed by them to be the ideal cultural practice of the Igbo, know if the contents of such movies are imbibed by both young and adult viewers, and determine how to improve such situations. The research design used in this report is descriptive design, utilizing questionnaire method to obtain information from the respondents for this project. A total of 133 (one hundred and thirty three) respondents were selected for this study to represent …
Can this topic “Male Absence and Single Parenthood in Black Writing: A Study of Richard Wright’s Black Boy, Toni Morrison’s Beloved, and Lauretta Ngcobo’s Cross of Gold” be used for English Language Project?
Yes it can be utilized for research — This study employs Realism as an analytical tool to assess the various dimensions of male absence and single parenthood in Richard Wright‟s Black Boy (1945), Toni Morrison‟s Beloved (1987) and Lauretta Ngcobo‟s Cross of Gold (1981). This research is thus a comparative study of male absence and single parenthood in Black writing in the United States and South Africa. The study posits that the spread of male absence and single parenthood (female-headed homes) among African Americans and Black South Africans are not unconnected with the socio-historical events experienced in the United States and South Africa respectively. Whereas African American men are generally considered and presented as deliberate deserters due to their inability to handle their sole provider responsibility, male absence …
Can this topic “A Socio-linguistic Analysis of Code Switching and Code Mixing in Selected Jenifa’s Diary Episodes” be used for Linguistics and Communication Project?
Yes it can be utilized for research — Code-switching is the use of more than one language, variety, or style by a speaker within an utterance or discourse, or between different interlocutors or situations. Code-mixing and code-switching are important aspects of sociolinguistics because of their use and status in the society. The continued exploration of various facets of code change is therefore not a surprise, as it has more than just (socio) linguistic, anthropological and psychological implications. A few studies have been carried out on bilingual speakers of English. Some of the studies focus on the way speakers of English code switch and mix between different language codes in their daily dialogues or conversations. All these studies drew their data from real life contexts. None of them investigated …
Can the material for “Automated Vehicle Identification System of Official Car in Federal Polytechnic Nekede” be used as a guide for Computer Science (CS) Project?
Yes it can be used — A vehicle is a mobile machine that transports passengers or cargo. Automated vehicle identification system, is software that will assist the security men in recognizing an official car in Federal Polytechnic Nekede. This software is an expert system will be program with the knowledge of someone that is charge of assigning official car to staff in the institution. The security men, especially the new posted one, cannot identify an official car in the institution due to ignorant and lack of proper training of security personnel, this lead to the development of an automated vehicle identifying system for easy recognizing and identifying of an official car in the institution. The methodology adopted this research work is structured system analysis and design …