Applied Biology and Genetics Project Topics for Final Year Students
Final year projects are academic papers that Applied Biology and Genetics students create; the documents are usually about 10,000 words long in Microsoft Word. It is an excellent scholarly inquiry that frequently uses scientific techniques to reach particular objectives, and the completion of a research project is the main reason for earning a Degree (Diploma).
The main goal of this online resource is to give students a quick and easy approach to find relevant Applied Biology and Genetics materials and project topics. The following list contains the Microsoft Word (PDF) documents for Applied Biology and Genetics project topics that may be chosen for submission as a proposal write-up.
List of Applied Biology and Genetics Project Topics for Final Year Students
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Is the topic “An Evaluation of Significant Customer Satisfaction Factors in Nigerian Aviation” recommended for Aviation Project?
Yes it is highly recommended — The study was carried out to evaluate the Significant Customer Satisfaction Factors in Nigerian Aviation. In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were laid out to determine whether airline operator in the Nigerian aviation industry areas of service prioritizes their customers and assess the Airlines operators in line with customers’ satisfaction determinants. Investigation revealed that many airports have become complex and commercial businesses that compete at various levels. Customers’ satisfaction with security officers was influential on passenger satisfaction. There has been growth in passenger, aircraft and freight traffic as a result of physical and economic development of cities in different parts of the country. The research design used in this report is descriptive design, utilizing questionnaire method to obtain information …
Can this topic “Challenges of School Library Development” be used for Library and Information Science (LIS) Project?
Yes it can be utilized for research — School libraries are very essential in primary and secondary education. They are established and maintained to serve and support the educational activities of the school. The study was carried out to investigate the Challenges of School Library Development in Akaeze Ebonyi State. In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were laid out to find out the extent quantity of library resources in school libraries meet professional standards, investigate the problems militating against school libraries in meeting professional standards and assess library resources for meeting secondary schools professional standards in the area under study. The research design used in this report is descriptive design, utilizing questionnaire method to obtain information from the respondents for this project. A total of 200 …
Can this topic “Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Malaria Control Measures Among Women of Child Bearing Age” be used for Midwifery Project?
Yes it can be utilized for research — Malaria is a tropical disease transmitted by an infected plasmodium species of mosquito and constitutes an important cause for global burden of morbidity and mortality among Women of Child Bearing Age and under five year old children. The study was carried out to examine the Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Malaria Control Measures among Women of Child Bearing Age in Ilorin Metropolis, Kwara State. In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were laid out to assess the knowledge, attitude and practices of women of reproductive age in preventing malaria during pregnancy and ascertain whether there exist any relationship between knowledge and practice of malaria prevention among Women of Child Bearing Age attending Kwara State Primary Health Care Services (PHC). …
Is the topic “Economic Dependency and Third World Under Development” recommended for Political Science Project?
Yes it is highly recommended — This study examines the relationship between the third world countries and the western capitalist countries. It shows dependency as a phenomenon or problem of relationship that gave rise to the economic growth and development of the western world in expense of the third world societies which are economically underdeveloped, and lack the capacity and ability to control the economic system or productive processes of the societies. In our attempt to analyze and address this problem we used dependency theory for the analytical framework while documentary research method was employed in gathering and analyzing data. Unequal relationship between Nigeria and countries of the western world coupled with negative role of the Nigeria economic elite was discovered as the major problem, it …
Can the material for “Design and Implementation of an Electronic System for Processing Bills of Material” be used as a guide for Computer Science (CS) Project?
Yes it can be used — With the trend of technology growth in the world of today, virtually every facet of human work has been affected; even the remotest of it all, and the production circle cannot be left out. This study was carried out to verify all the manual processes involved in bill-of-material processing system and to seek a way of automating the system for effective operations. Since there is continuous moves towards technological advances that enhanced productivity of labour and free human beings of tasks done more economically by machines. Computer and its applications have become indispensable and vital tools in economic, industrial and social development of the advanced countries of the world. Nigeria as a developing country cannot afford to lag too far behind …
Is the topic “Analyzing the Marxist Doctrine of Alienation and Its Application to Nigerian Society” recommended for Philosophy Project?
Yes it is highly recommended — One of the fundamental issues of most socio-political debate in recent years is ALIENATION, which means “estrangement”. This essay will elucidate the doctrine of alienation in its origin until the era of Karl Marx. Much attention will be focused on the way Marx conceived alienation, its causes, types and effects. Attempt will be made to use this doctrine to explicate the circumstances of the majority of Nigerians, who are predominantly poor. The approach will be a theoretical exposition of K. Marx theory of alienation. An attempt will be made to juxtapose the arguments for and against the Marxist doctrine of alienation, and how it tallies with the Nigerian society. This will aim at correcting the defective systems of the Nigerian society. …
Can the material for “Ethnic Militia and National Integration in Nigeria” be used as a guide for Political Science Project?
Yes it can be used — This research is on the issue of Ethnic Militia and National Integration in Nigeria with the activities of the movement for the actualization of the sovereign state of Biafra as a study case. The issues of ethnic Militancy and National Integration have become subject of recurring decimal since Nigeria returned to democratic rule in 1999. Prior to this period, successful administrations had battled with the implementation of various programmes intended to resolve the associated issues fuelling ethnicity and identity crisis that has been threatening the country’s unity and national integration since independence. Government at the centre on various occasions embarked on programmes as well as formulated different policies towards resolving these contending issues which were to no avail in realization …
Can the material for “Debit Recovery Techniques in the Banking Sectors Issues” be used as a guide for Banking and Finance (BF) Project?
Yes it can be used — When some banks in the system are distressed, it is in the best interest of the non distressed one that an effective resolution of the distressed it carried out . This is because, the distress in one bank which leads to a loss of confidence in the effected bank can also affected confidence in the entire banking system, the corporation requires enormous amount of money which it does not have at the moment given the age and size of the insurance find. Bank customers expect their bankers to provide them with loan and advances to make up the short fall in their required find the ability of the bank to maintain profitability depends largely on the extent to which the credit …
Can the material for “Problems and Prospects of Extending Insurance Services to the Rural Areas” be used as a guide for Insurance Project?
Yes it can be used — The interest to write in this particular topic “Problems and Prospect of Extending Insurance Services to the rural areas” grow out of the present significant roles of insurance industry in extending service to the rural areas. The researcher discovered that the problems facing the extension of the service to the rural area by the industry is poverty, illiteracy and geographical locations. However, the objectives was to examine whether insurance companies extends service to the rural areas or not and if not, to identify the problems and prospects in providing insurance service to the rural areas. The scope of the study was limited to Oba in Anambra state as yardstick to other rural areas in Nigeria and leadway Assistance Co. Ltd to …
Can this topic “Causes and Effects of Indiscipline Among Senior Secondary School Students” be used for Education Project?
Yes it can be utilized for research — Indiscipline is a destructive behaviour which does not promote peace and co-existence in society. The study was carried out to investigate the Causes and Effects of Indiscipline Among Senior Secondary School Students in Enugu North Local Government Area of Enugu State. In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were laid out to find out the causes of indiscipline, effects and solution to indiscipline among secondary school student in the area under study. Investigation revealed that the word indiscipline has eaten the heart of many students in Enugu north local government area of Enugu state. Every child wants to go to school and learn so students come to school early, dress in their correct uniform, obeys the school rules and …